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Panic Attacks... Advice please?

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Panic Attacks... Advice please?

Postby thecablegal » Mon Oct 17, 2005 12:23 am

Does anyone here suffer from quite horrific panic attacks?

I suffer from them. Especially when I fight with someone, have something mean said to me, or when I'm worried about something.
My best friend also suffers from them, but his are a lot worse than mine, though he has them less often.
On average, i don't get through a day without panicking at least once.

Does anyone have any ideas for remedies (not cures). Do you have a technique for calming yourself down?

Just wanted some advice really, since myself and my friend have been quite unwell with them over the last few days!
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Postby carreypunkrawker » Mon Oct 17, 2005 12:33 am

what the people below me said. good luck!
Last edited by carreypunkrawker on Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby fluffy » Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:46 am

I've dealt with kids who have these and two techniques i've used successfully are.....

1. When you feel it happenning B4 it takes hold, concentrate on doing the alphabet backwards...........believe me it's not easy to do and the distraction it creates breaks the panic chain..............hopefully by the time you reach A it should have subsided.........

2. When doing that breathe through your nose...........and from your diaphraghm.........this should slow down your breathing and heartbeat and prevent hyperventillation which is basically what panic attacks are about.........

Give those two techniques a go.........but do them together........see how you get on........ :wink:

fluffy :wink:
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Postby Laura Laing » Mon Oct 17, 2005 1:47 pm

I used hypnoisis to help me through panic attacks, if I felt one coming on I put my hand on my stomach, known as my power centre (I practice Rieki - hands on healing), and then did the breathing like fluffy described, all the while acknowledging in my mind that it was only a "feeling" and that it would pass and no harm would come to me. So far this has worked for me. Good wishes for you.
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Postby jimliker » Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:35 pm

i would also advice to get Reiki. It heals a lot. I wish u gud health Jenna :cry:

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Postby Jimenem » Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:11 pm

Hey Jenna, Panic is a state of mind. to avoid the attacks you just gotta remind yourself. . .whats going to happen will happen, so why not just make the best out of it. . . Thats how I avoid panic attacks. But when that doesn't work, Fluffy's advice is great when you actually start to feel one coming on.

How often do you ask yourself "Whats the worst that could happen?" Because oftentimes. The thing your worried about isn't really worth having a panic attack over.

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Postby mav » Sun Oct 23, 2005 8:12 am

Yes, "What's the worst that could happen?" worked for me.... lose a job? oh fire me merry! It breaks the power that the person or situation has on you. You also need to lose respect for whoever is mean to you....I look bored and don't talk at all if possible.

Along with this, sniff in instead of breathing in. I know this will look like you have a cold or something but it worked for me.
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