Convoy Rush on Ottawa?
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Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?Maybe the truckers
Should get The MOT to check The records of those who Are still mulling around in Ottawa
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?Why can’t they get
Aerial shots of vehicles causing Trouble Parked and in line up Since this is affecting the auto Industry The automakers must have extra or Skeleton keys that can open pretty well Any truck I would think Hire truckers not involved in demonstration and give em a body guard And go in and move those trucks out
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?I know.......,,,
Easier said Than Done But this whole. Thing Reminds me of something I read In B of M Alma 51:2- ? Just change name Pahoran to Trudeau History always seems to repeat itself Only different people Same subject Defiance - War everywhere Starts in one place. Ends up in another
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?Amalakiah
Seems like a few people Who like to Stir the pot Of disruption, corruption and contention
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?Back then it
Was more violent Instead of death Now a “state of emergency” Has been declared In Ontario And They could have: licence for vehicle taken away Be Thrown in jail Charged lotsa $ Loose Property Etc
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?That was
Around 67 BC In North America Then again in Heleman 7:20 Abt 20 BC Almost 50 yrs later History repeats again Just like WW 1 Then WW2 You’d think we’d learn from The first one Wars don’t build. They only destroy.
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?B of M
Is Book of Mormon
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?In my opinion
All of this seems like A military exercise Too much outside Canada $ Supporting this If it was just a “rally” People would be gone by now These are Events, licences and permission is required for them If a town puts on a parade usually it goes Thru Event organizing Thru town or city council There shd be emergency roads built for easy Access across borders for military and emergencies such as this India holds the fastest record for building roads I wonder how fast Canadians can do it? It would put some people back to work, I wonder India built a fair length road in 24 hours
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?Do some people think
Canadians are dumb enough Not to be prepared During winter months We always have the supplies we need Some may not, but the majority Who have been Thru long Cold winters Are generally prepared Feb is lowest month for car sales We can live on what we need And not on what we want If all else fails we May have to start using the outhouses And decorned cobs for toilet paper Again
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?I do notice that some shelves
Are getting pretty low Eg Tylenol for children I personally know more little Children are sick at this time And if anti-Vaxers / anti maskers lhave ever stayed up All night with a little child who has a high fever Will know what I mean If getting a shot will help or prevent a Small child from being sick it is worth it
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?Also remember
If a family is not vaccinated And they get Omicron All have to wait 3 months before getting Vaccinated It becomes a waiting game And my opinion is No vaccine possibly Omicron more often More expense for medications And possibly hospitalizations Is it worth the risk and stress?
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?The police could use
Some water sprayers (note: water only) Have water proof clothing on And spray as they walk If it’s cold out No body wants go get Sprayed with water That’s for sure I call it the Paparazzi Solution
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?Sound affects wud be kinda
Cool A big drum beat May be too dramatic tho
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?Winterlude was suppose to be
Happening in Ottawa Last week But I guess Someone else Decided to crash the party At Winterlude they have amazing Ice sculptures, skating on the Rideau Canal A celebration of winter But it was Sqashed
Re: Convoy Rush on Ottawa?The current news
In Ottawa reminds me of The child’s game Red Rover Red Rover we call “Anyone in defiance over” The line moves slowly Anyone defying or causing trouble Gets sucked in to line Held and arrested By back up And they keep on moving forward Quite effective
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