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flu shot

Postby Cheryl Anna » Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:14 am

I had my flu shot, today.
I didn't have it last year-and I got really sick. I coughed, and couldn't breathe afterwards. When I could breathe again-after 35 seconds of the most scared I've been-I gargled with warm salt water.
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Postby JACK » Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:29 pm

take care of yrself now...I hope the flu shot works for u for as I hear it depends on the person's body and varies from one to an other

most of my friends got sick this winter the weather changes so fast !!
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Postby gothichyppie » Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:21 pm

I caught the flu twice in two months, the first time I caught the biggest sore throat I've ever had, my voice sounded quite threatening. Today I'm just getting over my second battle, not as bad though. I didn't get any shots, colds and sore throat suck but they're a part of life, I'm not into medecine too much!
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Postby Mia » Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:55 am

:( Hope you feel better soon gothichyppie.
Threph throat sucks...I had it so much that I was scheduled to get my
tonsils removed but thankfully I recovered a month before the surgery,
so they postponed it unless I got it again, but I didn't. Weird, huh?
Anyways, I got my flu shot earlier this month. Shots have never
bothered me any, but every friggin' time I get my blood drawn I puke
all over the hospital floors. I always tell them to give me the shot in my
left arm (cuz I'm right handed) so my right arm won't be sore. For some
reason the pain goes from my arm down into my hand and I can hardly
hold a pencil. It's seems stupid, but it's true. I was scheduled to have an
ultrasound before my trip because I was having severe pains in my
kidneys and stomach, but I didn't go to the hospital. I'm kinda getting
better now so maybe I won't have to take any tests.
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Postby sprousefan23 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:09 am

Yeah, not really into the whole medicine thing, execpt when it comes to root canals, they hurt sooooo friggin bad! I had to settle for the cherry flavored stuff (which I usually hate) because of the pain! I ran out of it too! I just had one not too long ago and the dentist wants to do one on the other side too! I was out for two days and had soooo much work to make up when I got back! I'm still eating with one side of my mouth! I can't wait until I get my crown though, I just don't want to mess with his work until it's completed! Hope you feel even better soon Mia and gothichyppie! :wink:
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Re: flu shot

Postby JT Carrey » Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:19 am

Cheryl Anna wrote:I had my flu shot, today.
I didn't have it last year-and I got really sick. I coughed, and couldn't breathe afterwards. When I could breathe again-after 35 seconds of the most scared I've been-I gargled with warm salt water.

why couldn't you breathe? do you think it was an allergic reaction? they say some people are allergic to the shot if they have an egg allergy.
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Postby Cheryl Anna » Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:42 am

No-I didn't have the flu shot last year and I got really sick. I coughed and couldn't breathe afterwards-I think it was too much phlegm. I gargled with salt water and I was fine.
So-this year I had the flu shot to avoid getting sick.
But-3 days after I had the flu shot, I got the flu. I was sick for 5 days. Then, my brother, who had the flu shot at the same time I did, got the flu. He still has it.
As for me, I had plenty of rest and gargled with salt water ( and took Theraflu). I guess that's all anyone can do.
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Postby Mia » Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:44 pm

:( Hope you feel better soon Cheryl Anna.
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