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Get Ready Folks...
29 Dec 2002    

By BCDavis (JCO Editor-In-Chief)

Welp. We all here in the Carreyverse hope that Mr. Carrey and family and friends had a wonderful holiday. And we hope their New Year is even better.

I have chatted with some folks and got the official skinny. Jim Carrey will begin filming "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" in mid-January, 2003. This will keep him awfully busy. But, as dutiful as we are, we'll keep an eye on it.

We will also keep track of what's happening with the promo stuff for "Bruce Almighty." (Remember, this has a U.S. release in May, 2003.) We can't quite figure out yet how Jim's gonna juggle all of this, but we leave this holy task in the hands of his very capable people. Just remember, Jim, pace yourself. Just pretend you're running that half-marathon again. (Just thinking about all this makes me tired!)

Let's see, what else... Oh yes. Another rumor. According to the rumor, Jim was supposed to be a guest star sometime during this ninth season of NBC's top rated show, "Friends." If you remember correctly, TWO of the shows main cast (Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston) have now co-starred with Mr. Carrey in films (Cox in "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" and Aniston in the upcoming "Bruce Almighty"). I am sorry to report, however, that Jim will not be appearing on "Friends." *insert groans here* "Those Who Know" told me so. Why? Again, it's that little film production and promotion thing. Sorry. BUT, if anything changes, we'll let you know far enough in advance so you can set your VCRs.

Lastly, but certainly VERY important. A certain "god" is going to be having a birthday coming up in January! It'll be number 41! (Need the date again? JANUARY 17, 1962.) Don't set off the fire alarm with all the candles, Jim. hehe. And don't bogart the cake!

-- Source: "Those Who Know". With thanks to Anne Onimous. Click to comment this article.

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