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Whole Lotta Somethin' Goin' On
13 Dec 2002    

By BCDavis (JCO Editor-In-Chief)

Sorry for the dry spell in news in the Carreyverse, but I think this batch will make up for it.

First off, an update on Jim Carrey's upcoming film, "Bruce Almighty." The film's official Website is up and can be found at brucealmighty.com. Check it out!

Next up, Jim's next project, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," starts principal photography in mid-January, 2003 in New York City. There may be yet another addition to the cast, so hopefully we'll see the face of Mark Ruffalo in this film on the silver screen.

Yet more, but probably one of the most interesting bits concerns a long ago tossed around possible Jim Carrey future film based on the life of eccentric industrialist Howard Hughes. There are actually TWO Howard Hughes films on the table. One starring Leonardo DiCaprio and the other starring Jim Carrey. The DiCaprio film will be helmed by Scorcese, while Carrey's film will be directed by Chris Nolan for Castle-Rock.

Aaaaand finally, a bit of trouble in production land from the "Lemony Snicket" film. Producer Scott Rudin has left the film production due to Paramount's budget constraints. It was originally supposed to be filmed in New York City, but had to be moved to Wilmington, N.C. The production start date is now somewhere out there, and there is even a danger of the film to be shut down entirely. Let's hope this doesn't happen, people. I'd love to see Jim Carrey play a funky haired, weird, yet funny yet scary villain. Wouldn't you?

There. That should be enough to chew on for a tad...

-- Source: Yahoo! News. With thanks to Correspondent Tommy Pihl @ Jim Carrey Nettet for the news about the Website to take a looksie at. Click to comment this article.

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