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"Sonic the Hedgehog" Back In Theaters
21 Aug 2020    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

You read correctly! "Sonic the Hedgehog", hit the teathers before the pandemic started in the USA and in some countries, it didn't even premiered, due to it.

Even though the movie had a bad start with the first trailer and the complains about Sonic's design, after the design was changed and the movie premiered, Sonic became a huge box office success! But had to be taken of the screens much earlier than they hoped, just after 5 weeks. Dumb and Dumber To had 91 weeks.

It's already available to buy in both DVD and Blu-ray. But the official twitter account for the movie has announced today, that the movie will be available in selected theaters, in both U.S.A and Canada!

If you haven't got a change to see it, now you can. Please check your local theater to make sure they have the movie.

Jim Carrey

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