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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Happy Easter!
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Happy Easter!
11 Apr 2020    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

We're living through a unique time in our lives. No one was expecting to spend their Easter locked at home, without the possibility to spend time with family they may have far away. But as you know, it's a necessary measure for the well-being of everyone.

This is an opportunity to take time to do all the things, we always believed, we never had the time to do. It's a time to plays games with the kids, do crafts or simple talk and watch movies or TV shows.

The world has stopped but the truth is we as people are so much stronger than any virus, if we stick together and respect each other.

For many Easter is a religious date fill with meaning but at the end, no matter what you believe in, remember this: It's sucks now but it will pass. Our lives will go back to normal.

And please, #stayhome and #staysafe

We at JCO wanna wish you all, to Jim Carrey and his family and to all Jim's fans:


Jim Carrey

We will keep you updated as more news come.

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