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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Jim Carrey wants to work with Marvel
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Jim Carrey wants to work with Marvel
17 Sep 2017    

By Anikó Kovács (Web correspondent)

Yes, you read it well. First we knew it we were as surpised and excited as you are now. It is not confirmed yet that he'll work for this company but it was mentioned in many of his interviews at TIFF.

Mr. Unique consciousness has done a few films based on comic books, for instance "The Mask", "Batman Forever" as the Riddler and his latest one, "Kick-Ass 2" as Colonel Stars and Stripes in 2013. "Kick-Ass 2" was a Marvel Comics, but not made by Marvel Studios.

If Marvel Studios is looking for a new superhero story to tell then they may want to give Jim a call. Jim had this answer at the interviews: "If Marvel wants me to... Neurotic Man! Man That Doesn't Exist!"

He had some specific ideas about what he'd like to do in the near future, even if the characters don't actually exist.

Stan Lee

Jim Carrey and former president and chairman of Marvel Comics, Stan Lee from 2011.

We are so thrilled and we're looking forward to see him in new movies, but to tell the truth we're happy to see this phenomenal creature in every way. It doesn't matter if it is an interview, a tv show or even a photo..the PERFECTION is perfect all the time.

We at JCO keep you updated as more news come.

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