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"True Crimes" Music Score
03 May 2016    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

Next time you see a movie, no matter if in theaters or TV make sure you pay attention to the final credits. In there you will find the long but essential list of people who have made it.

One of the most important things is the score. A movie without music is like the sky without stars.

It's a key element to help the audience be moved and be carried through the emotions that a character is presenting us.

"Filter" is the name of an American industrial rock group formed in 1993 in Cleveland by singer Richard Patrick and guitarist/programmer Brian Liesegang.

Jim Carrey

Recently Richard was interview by the website 'The Gracie Note' and he shared that he's composing the score for the upcoming Jim Carrey movie "True Crimes".

"When you're doing a score, it's [figuring out] what the actors are trying to do, what the motive is behind the scene [and] you're putting music to their thoughts," the composer explained. "When they react, you have to have just the right sound come in and it's really fun.

When I met with the producers of this movie they were like, 'Why are you here?' I said, 'I'm here because I can do 'Take a Picture,' this luscious, gorgeous song and [also] have this really dark side to me and I understand emotions," he said. Later adding his appreciation for Carrey, saying, "I think that he's an amazing actor all the way around. He can do anything. Comedy is actually extremely hard."

You can check the full video interview here:

We are very excited to see this thriller.

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

-- Source: The Gracie Note. Click to comment this article.

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