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Good Morning America
28 Sep 2013    

By Priya Baboota (Web correspondent)

Jim Carrey made an appearance on 'Good Morning America' Thurday this week to promote his self-written children's book, "How Roland Rolls". He was wearing a black jacket and was looking really smart with a neat hairstyle. He gave a short interview, but it was a very interesting one! He was interviewed by ABC News' Bianna Golodryga about his book. The story about a wave and he has a fear of losing himself when he hits the ocean.

Dumb and Dumber To

He said that every child has a fear of losing their parents. But, this book tells that nobody is anywhere. They are right here. He shared some experiences about his childhood on which this book is based on. He said his parents smoked a lot and he remembered one day that he locked himself in the bathroom for hours with their carton of cigarettes because he was afraid they were going to die. "Kids have real fears about life and what's going to happen to mom and dad," he said. "I wanted to give them something that reassures them that no one is going anywhere."

He also mentioned that he felt happy to read this book for his grandson Jackson who loved it a lot. His daughter Jane helped him to compose the music for the e-book. She and Jim Carrey sing songs together.

Watch the full interview here:

-- Source: ABC, Good Morning America. Click to comment this article.

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