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Jim Carrey Honors Trailblazer Emma Stone
04 Jun 2012    

By Lucas Allen (Web correspondent)

Last Sunday night, actress Emma Stone was honored with the first-ever Trailblazer Award at the 2012 MTV Movie Awards. She receives the award for her contribution to the many performances she made in such notable films as Easy A, The Help, and the upcoming summer blockbuster The Amazing Spider-Man.

MTV Movie Awards 2012

Instead of a clip show (Johnny Depp had a clip show when he received the MTV Generation Award), we’re treated to a montage of celebrities who worked with Stone over the years to pay homage and throw silly jabs at her. Those include Steve Carell, Bryce Dallas Howard, Mila Kunis, Octavia Spencer, and Jason Sudekis.

Jim Carrey was also on hand as part of the montage. You may remember Jim's infamous viral video of him proclaiming his love for the young actress. In a nice spin on it, Jim wore a t-shirt that has Emma’s picture with a veto sign over it. He also holds up a baby doll with pictures of Jim and Emma’s faces cut and taped all over the doll’s head. He jokingly proclaims that he doesn’t love her and doesn’t care about her acting.

Catch that moment and other great moments from the award show when it makes various repeats on MTV or watch it here:

-- Source: MTV. Click to comment this article.

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