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You are here: Home > Recent > News > JC to appear on "Larry King" & other updates
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JC to appear on "Larry King" & other updates
22 Nov 1999    

Matt sent us another very interesting scoop, this time regarding a promotional appearance by Jim Carrey on CNN's "Larry King Live" sometime in December.

On a not-so-good note, it seems as JC's hosting of the December 11 "Saturday Night Live" show isn't 100% sure yet. According to a scoop from SNL's website it looks as the show might be hosted by Jim Carrey or Danny DeVito.

Another piece of updated news comes from SonicNet. According to an article dated November 17, the music news service adds a few more details to its previously released info on the "Man on the Moon" soundtrack - apparently the tracks "Rose Marie" and "One More Song for You" are indeed archival tapes performed not by Jim Carrey but by the "real" Andy Kaufman.

The netmag also states that Jim Carrey, "portraying Kaufman's alter ego, tone-deaf lounge singer Tony Clifton," will croon "a cringe-worthy version of the Gloria Gaynor disco nugget 'I Will Survive'" and that "Carrey performs as both Kaufman and Clifton on 'This Friendly World,' a playful sing-along R.E.M. originally recorded only for the soundtrack. In the song, the boorish Clifton character interrupts a Carrey/Stipe duet."

-- With a big Spank You to Matt for the "Larry King Live" scoop. Also partially based on a news article by Gil Kaufman for SonicNet.

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