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You are here: Home > Recent > News > McGregor joins "I Love You Phillip Morris"
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McGregor joins "I Love You Phillip Morris"
18 Dec 2007    

By Ryan Al-Hakim (Web correspondent)

There have been some great developments recently on one of Jim’s future movies "I Love You Phillip Morris". Until recently there was uncertainty between fans as to whether or not the film was definitely going into production. However with the addition of a new cast member to the film there is now little doubt that this project will move further along the conveyor belt.

From what we already know, Jim will play Steven Russell, a married father whose exploits land him in a Texas jail where he falls madly in love with his cellmate, who eventually is set free leading Russell to escape from Texas prisons four times.

The new information as noted on Variety.com reveals that the famous Scottish actor Ewan McGregor will play the role of Phillip Morris Jim’s cellmate. In the film, based on a book by the Houston Chronicle’s crime reporter Steve McVicker Jim falls in love with Phillip and later becomes obsessed with him leading to his many escapes from prison. His escapades eventually land him with a 144-year prison sentence whilst the object of his affection Phillip Morris is released into the community.

I Love You Phillip Morris

"I Love You Phillip Morris" is being made by the people who brought us “Bad Santa” and follows the same formulaic plan of dark comedy and subtle horror that makes such a devastatingly funny combination if done properly.

McGregor is famous for his roles in films such as “Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith” and has just finished working on his latest venture, “The List”.

"I Love You Phillip Morris" is set to begin filming after Jim has finished work on "A Christmas Carol" which would place filming in or around Spring 2008.

-- Source: Variety. With thanks to Nicola West. Click to comment this article.

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