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I need a shot of morphine

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I need a shot of morphine

Postby Michele Hernandez » Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:02 am

Just kidding!

But I know I shouldn't really drink coffee. Or actually, I have to make sure I get the right amount of caffeine, because if I go over a certain limit, which isn't even that much, it really messes me up.

I only wish I could erase some stuff from my mind, because I am too wound up from caffeine.

I did take ibuproben though, because of feeling nervous. It actually makes my nerves hurt ( the caffeine and what it does to my mind)
And my hand hurts too, because of hurting myself when I was 13, but that doesn't happen very often.
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Postby wonderbunny » Sat Jan 14, 2006 7:10 pm

Hi Michele, I have a thing for mini-mart Lattes and diet pepsi. (Actually its the bubbles in soda, its kind of an addiction) And then its Java Java Java and the jitters. ButIf you add Ibuprofen (blood thinner) it expedites the caffeine and thats when you can get really nauseous. :shock: Drink lots of water you'll feel better! You might want to try aromatherapy and scented bubble baths for the pain. :oops: I have a mood disorder, so I have to real careful with caffeine (decaf just doesn't taste the same but you get point) Actually that's not uncommon for people with a mood disorder to reach for caffeine, they enjoy feeling happy so much that when there not, caffeine is an obvious choice, a stablizer, but the there is a simulated 'high' and the trip down is abupt and you feel icky. I thinks its just a habit... Funny the food/drink/meds can affect you moods. Water can be so boring, but its so much better for you. (I wish it had bubbles :D )
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Postby fluffy » Sat Jan 14, 2006 7:51 pm

i don't really get that caffine high at all..............and i drink pints of the stuff ......but i try to drink decaf too......so i have a mix of decaf and caffinated............but i just love the taste.......lol.....but perhaps thats the caffine high bit..........lol......i don't know??............it does feel comforting drinking coffee though..........lol

fluffy :lol:
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Postby Michele Hernandez » Sat Jan 14, 2006 8:14 pm

Thank you wonderbunny
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Postby wonderbunny » Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:09 am

You mentioned morphine, I had that once in surgery. I began to shake so uncontrollably I looked like a fish flopping out of water. They had to strap me down to the surgery table. I had the same reaction to valium, when I had eye laser surgery. I was never so terrified. But I finally was able to see. I had really bad eyesight 300/300 vision, and could only wear bottlethick glasses. (the lenses had to be thick, so my choice in glasses was pretty limited) Best thing I ever did. But the side effects of eye surgery scared me to death. But when you vision is that bad, I thought what the heck? Go for it!
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Postby Niobe » Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:18 am

I was given morphine for a while in hospital too. Man that stuff gave me the strangest, most way out and yet disturbing dreams I've ever had in my life. Wouldn't touch it again unless I had to. =;

As for caffeine, well that's different! :D I have to drink de-caf after 6pm otherwise I'd never sleep (and I'm a gal who stays up way too late to start with!). Through the day I love my coffee strong and dark. I have to limit my intake for fear of completely overdoing the stuff...... 8-[
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Postby fluffy » Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:20 am

lol.........well i drink between 4-6 pints of coffee and 2 litres of diet coke a day...............lol.............i guess i'm a coke addict..............lol......

fluffy :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Niobe » Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:25 am

Holy moly, are you serious????? :shock: That is quite an intake? I guess it's not caffeine-free Coke either? :?

I may have five mugs of coffee a day. True I put two teaspoonfuls of the stuff in, which makes it too strong for anyone I live/work with (but they don't nick it); however, I couldn't drink the volumes you have.
How do you have time to do other stuff in between boiling the kettle? :lol:
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Postby fluffy » Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:28 am

lol......i have a mug with a lid thingy and wander about the school with my coffee..........the 2 things i'm never without are my coffee and my shades on my head............the kids even did a sketch for a show with me and my coffee and shades............lol.......
but in my defence only 3/5 are caffinated.........the other 2 tend to be decaf........but i find decaf pepsi gives me heartburn.......too many chemicals i guess........

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Postby Niobe » Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:39 am

The only cola I can drink is Pepsi-Max. All the other give me a headache.
And I only drink that once in a blue moon.
Despite all my other sins :twisted: , I have some kind of aversion to consuming fizzy drinks. I'm such a hypocrit. :P

PS: love the idea of the kids' doing that sketch of you. :lol:
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Postby fluffy » Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:40 am

lol........yeah.......it was funny......until one of the older teachers who lacks a sense of humour got the show axed because she thought her portrayal was unfair.........

fluffy :lol:
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Postby wonderbunny » Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:59 am

I went on a train trip to Seattle and wandering the streets on a very cold damp evening. I was trying to find an ATM for cab faire back to the hotel. We must have walks 10-15 blocks, every street corner seemed to have a coffee shop but I could not for the life of me find an ATM (bank machine for cash) I kept laughing, they must love coffee there! :shock:
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Postby Michele Hernandez » Sat Jan 21, 2006 1:04 am

Yeah, those Starbucks people are really taking over. Sometimes I wonder if they are selling us what we want, or what they want us to want...
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Postby Michele Hernandez » Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:29 pm

I saw this awhile back, about Jim Carrey talking about caffeine:

http://www.contactmusic.com/new/xmlfeed ... 20caffeine
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Postby quirky » Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:34 pm

"It ended with me talking to a friend who is a minister and he handing me a book from his pocket that turned out to be the 23rd Psalm, The Lord Is My Shepherd and I shall not want.

That's WAY better than having the minister QUIT after you talk with him.
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