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Where's your happy place??

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Postby fluffy » Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:14 pm

theres a wee nature reserve/pond not far from here full of ducks and geese which is really pretty..........i take bread andfeed them all........i've got the scary geese eating from my hand now......believe me that's no mean feat.........lol......they are mean old geese...........lol.....

fluffy :lol:
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Postby searching_for_sunshine » Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:37 pm

sitting on the rocks by the ocean late afternoon or early morning, feeling the spray on my face and knowing i don't have to be anywhere or even move until i want to...ahhhh

thinking of several memories growing up...sitting in the grass on a hill near my house, watching deer run around in the creek below and feeling the wind in my hair....and there's always my christmas happy place - under the tree with the sear's wishbook (this was the 70's) with nothing but the christmas lights to read by...so peaceful....

(more sighs) :)
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