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It occurs to me...

Here is where you discuss everything under the sun, just keep it clean.

Postby cotton » Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:54 am

Psssttt You are 35 not 34.lol
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Postby quirky » Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:56 am

cotton wrote:Psssttt You are 35 not 34.lol

That was my "dumb blonde" act. Pretty good, no?
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Postby cotton » Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:58 am

I thought that maybe you lied so much about your age that you forgot how old you really were.lol
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Postby quirky » Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:05 am

Oh, tonight is a fortuitous night.

I was really craving ice cream....but didn't feel like going back out to the store.

I completely forgot about the 1/2 gallon of raspberry and chocolate chunk ice cream in the freezer!!!!

The soup has gone straight to my eyelids. I now have to clean the kitchen....but at least I know ice cream awaits me.
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Postby cotton » Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:13 am

Ahhh heaven!

Ben and Jerrys??
Turkey Hill???
Last edited by cotton on Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby quirky » Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:16 am

Nope. Store brand.

I wish I had Haagen Dasz caramel cone. It is so wonderful that there is not a single adjective that can realistically convey its deliciousness.
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Postby cotton » Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:19 am

Turkey Hill is the best I think. Yum!
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Postby cotton » Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:55 am

Man Falls Asleep At Church...

One day Mrs. Jones went to have a talk with the minister at the
local church. "Reverend," she said, "I have a problem, my
husband keeps falling asleep during your sermons. It's very
embarrassing. What should I do?"

"I have an idea," said the minister. "Take this hatpin with you.
I will be able to tell when Mr. Jones is sleeping, and I will
motion to you at specific times. When I motion, you give him a
good poke in the leg."

In church the following Sunday, Mr. Jones dozed off. Noticing
this, the preacher put his plan to work. "And who made the
ultimate sacrifice for you?" he said, nodding to Mrs. Jones.

"Jesus!", Jones cried as his wife jabbed him the leg with the

"Yes, you are right, Mr. Jones," said the minister. Soon, Mr.
Jones nodded off again. Again, the minister noticed. "Who is
your redeemer?" he asked the congregation, motioning towards
Mrs. Jones.

"God!" Mr. Jones cried out as he was stuck again with the hatpin.

"Right again," said the minister, smiling. Before long, Mr.
Jones again winked off. However, this time the minister did not
notice. As he picked up the tempo of his sermon, he made a few
motions that Mrs. Jones mistook as signals to bayonet her
husband with the hatpin again.

The minister asked, "And what did Eve say to Adam after she bore
him his 99th son?"

Mrs. Jones poked her husband, who yelled, "You stick that
goddamned thing in me one more time and I'll break it in half
and shove it up your ass!"

"Amen," replied the congregation.

Man Who Loved Baked Beans

Once upon a time, there lived a man who had a terrible passion
for baked beans. He loved them, but they always had an
embarrassing and somewhat lively reaction on him. One day he met
a girl and fell in love. When it became apparent that they would
marry, he thought to himself, she'll never go through with the
marriage with me carrying on like this, so he made the supreme
sacrifice and gave up beans.

Shortly after that they were married. A few months later, on his
birthday and on the way home from work, his car broke down.
Since they lived in the country, he called his wife and told her
that he would be late because he had to walk home. On his way
home, he passed a small cafe and the wonderful aroma of baked
beans overwhelmed him. Since he still had several miles to walk
he figured he could walk off any ill affects before he got home.
It was, after all, his birthday. So he went in and ordered, and
before leaving had 3 extra large helpings of baked beans.

All the way home he putt-putted. By the time he arrived home he
felt reasonably safe. His wife met him at the door and seemed
somewhat excited. She exclaimed, "Darling, I have the most
wonderful surprise for you for dinner tonight!" She put a
blindfold on him, and led him to his chair at the head of the
table and made him promise not to peak. At this point he was
beginning to feel another one coming on. Just as his wife was
about to remove the blindfold, the telephone rang. She again
made him promise not to peek until she returned, and away she
went to answer the phone. While she was gone, he seized the
opportunity. He shifted his weight to one leg and let go. It was
not only loud, but ripe as a rotten egg. He had a hard time
breathing, so he felt for his napkin and fanned the air about
him. He had just started to feel better, when another urge came
on. He raised his leg and RRIIPPP !!! It sounded like a diesel
engine revving, and smelled worse. To keep from gagging, he
tried fanning his arms a while, hoping the smell would
dissipate. He got another urge. This was a real blue ribbon
winner, the windows shook, the dishes on the table rattled and a
minute later the flowers on the table were dead.

With his blindfold still on, when he heard the phone farewells
he neatly laid his napkin on his lap and folded his hands on top
of it. Smiling contentedly, he was the picture of innocence when
his wife walked in. Apologizing for taking so long, she asked if
he had peeked at the dinner table. After assuring her he had not
peeked, she removed the blindfold and yelled, "SURPRISE!!!"

To his shock and horror, there were twelve dinner guests seated
around the table for his surprise birthday party.

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Postby xmassmurdere » Tue Jan 03, 2006 5:44 am

lol. love the sermon joke...although i already heard it...good nonetheless.
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Postby fluffy » Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:39 am

OMG....................lol..........those are hilarious Cotton...........lol.....
i love the jokes..............

fluffy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby quirky » Tue Jan 03, 2006 4:41 pm

fluffy wrote:OMG....................lol..........those are hilarious Cotton...........lol.....
i love the jokes..............

fluffy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Where were you last night? Hm?

Out pretending to have a life?
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Postby cotton » Tue Jan 03, 2006 6:10 pm

Who Died the Worst Death?

Three men stand before St. Peter awaiting admission into Heaven.
However, St. Peter has been informed that Heaven will only admit
33% of applicants today. The admissions standard: Who died the
worst death? So, St. Peter takes each of the three men aside in
turn and asks them about how they died.

First man: "I'd been suspecting for a long time that my wife was
cheating on me. I decided to come home early from work one
afternoon and check to see if I could catch her in the act. When
I got back to my apartment, I heard the water running. My wife
was in the shower. I looked everywhere for the guy, but couldn't
find anyone or any trace that he had been there. The last place
I looked was out on the balcony.

I found the bastard hanging from the edge, trying to get back
in! So I started jumping up and down on his hands, and he
yelled, but he didn't fall. So I ran inside and got a hammer,
and crushed his fingers with it until he fell twenty-five floors
screaming in agony. But the fall didn't kill the asshole. He
landed in some bushes! So I dragged the refirgerator from the
kitchen (it weighed about a ton), pulled it to the balcony, and
hurled it over the edge. It landed right on the guy and killed
him. But then I felt so horrible about what I had done, I went
back into the bedroom and shot myself."

St. Peter nodded slowly as the man recounted the story. Then,
telling the first man to wait, he took the second aside.

Second man: "I lived on the twenty-seventh floor of this
apartment building. I had just purchased this book on morning
exercises and was practicing them on my balcony, enjoying the
sunshine, when I lost my balance and fell off the edge. Luckily,
I only fell about two floors before grabbing another balcony and
holding on for dear life. I was trying to pull myself up when
this guy came running onto what must have been his balcony and
started jumping up and down on my hands. I screamed in pain, but
he seemed really irate. When he finally stopped, I tried to pull
myself up again, but he came out with a hammer and smashed my
fingers to a pulp! I fell, and I thought I was dead, but I
landed in some bushes. I couldn't believe my second stroke of
luck, but it didn't last. The last thing I saw was this enormous
refrigerator falling from the building down on top of me and
crushing me."

St. Peter comforted the man, who seemed to have several broken
bones. Then he told him to wait, and turned to the third man.

Third man: "Picture this. You're hiding, naked, in a
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Postby quirky » Tue Jan 03, 2006 6:12 pm

Teehee! :lol:
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Postby fluffy » Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:49 pm

Where were you last night? Hm?

Out pretending to have a life?

HUH???........what on earth are you talking about??............it was 3.31pm GMT!!!!!!! :x

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Postby quirky » Tue Jan 03, 2006 8:11 pm

Well....you were missed. :(
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