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Postby Clemmy » Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:43 pm

...so that was you ... :wink:
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Postby quirky » Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:45 pm

Hey! They usually STARTED it by flicking water at me.

I was merely retaliating.
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Postby quirky » Fri Nov 25, 2005 5:43 pm

Have you ever seen an object that just transports you like....shhoooooop....right back to your childhood. Remembering things you haven't thought about for ages?

Yesterday on a Friends rerun the shot was in Joey and Chandler's apartment and they showed this footlong, hollow, rubber shark pinned to the kitchen cabinet.

I got that toy at Universal Studios, I think...after having the tar scared out of me by the "Jaws" ride.

So it was one of my bathtub toys. And I had those little (Playschool I think) people that were round and made of plastic.

My knees would be the island and Ted, Tina and Henry would be trapped on the deserted island (sitting on one of my knees).

Then the shark would swim up and circle the island. (And to complete the picture of me as a gigantic GEEK....) I'd go "Bruce Almighty dump.......Bruce Almighty dump....Bruce Almighty Dump...badumpbadumpbadump-do do dooo----badumpbadumpbdump" And the shark would jump up on the island and swallow Ted. Then Tina and Henry would say, "Oh no! Jaws has Ted! What are we going to do?"
"Ok...both of us have to swim out there and give that shark the Heimlich maneuver...!"

OK...I'll stop there. I'm such a geek.
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Postby quirky » Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:22 pm

I just watched a movie called "Secondhand Lions".

I think that tearjerkers should come with a tearjerker warning.
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Postby Janel » Sat Dec 03, 2005 5:09 pm

I LOVED that movie!! I actually saw it when it was in theatres....yup, I cried too!!!!
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Postby quirky » Sat Dec 03, 2005 6:29 pm

There's nothing like a good old cry for the holidays.
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Postby carreyd away » Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:26 am

My sister and I went shopping today, she has a new cell phone which she can activate the phone to call people if she says their name. While we were in the car, she was going on and on about how she wishes she could ravish Vince Vaughan but somehow Jennifer Aniston gets all the hot guys. She went on a 10 minute monologue about how hot she thinks Vince is and how he'd be perfect for her. When we got home, her husband says, "So, I packed up all your stuff, you can go live with Vince." Confused, my sister asked him what he was talking about. He acted like he was pissed off, how she was having an affair and he was kicking her out. She was completely dumbfounded, then he started laughing and told her that the cell phone had called him when she said "...don't tell Ron but..." and he heard the whole conversation!
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Postby quirky » Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:09 pm

I have the same thing on my phone. That's a good cautionary tale.
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Postby quirky » Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:02 pm

You know what's annoying?

When you type out a lengthy response and then accidentally you hit the wrong button and delete the whole thing.

And you had adjectives and adverbs and everything.

And you don't know if you have the stamina to type the whole thing out again.
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Postby mav » Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:42 pm

lol.I used to do that. Now I 'copy' every few sentences.

I'm glad ur bro-in-law laughed, carreyd. Phew!
The video in 'songs to laugh' was hilarious! :lol:
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Postby quirky » Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:14 pm

I guess I'm just not used to the laptop. You wouldn't believe how much wanton scrolling I have done this morning.
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Postby quirky » Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:30 pm

The League of Extrordinary Gentlemen.

I think this is the weirdest movie premise I've ever seen.

The Phantom of the Opera has invented bombs?

And Dorian Grey, Jekyl and Hyde, Mina Harker, Captain Nemo and Alain Quartermaine have to stop him?

And....it's not a cartoon.
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Postby quirky » Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:48 pm

When I was wee :wink: playing in the snow was terrific fun because when the parking lot of the hardware store got plowed, there would be giant snow pile at one end.

It was kind of in a ditch in front of the neighbors yard and there was a chain link fence.

Anyway, the imagination of youth can shovel and shape and form a lovely snow cave in the pile.

The ambition of youth can form slopes for tobogganing on top of the pile.

My friend Cissy captured the fearlessness of youth when she decided to go down the slopiest slipperyest one on the toboggan.

Whoosh....down she went with terrific speed. So much so that she propelled herself right under the chain length fence, her legs on one side of the fence and her torso on the other....trapped there with the fence poking into her midsection.

I, of course, immediately ran for help....who am I kidding. I laughed so hard I fell down. She's saying, "It's poking me! Help! It's poking me!!" And I am rolling on the ground laughing so hard.

She got really ticked at me. Finally I went to get my dad and he lifted the bottom of the fence and she got out and stomped off home. I think she didn't acknowledge my existence for at least a week.
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Postby fluffy » Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:54 pm

lol...........we used to sledge on the hill which runs beside a burn..........

and one girl had just been given a brand new super fast sledge and she was bragging about it..............
well, as you can imagine we were all cheesed off with her..that is until she lost control of it and went flying into the burn...............

how we laughed............lol

fluffy :wink:
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Postby thecablegal » Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:59 pm

carreyd away wrote:My sister and I went shopping today, she has a new cell phone which she can activate the phone to call people if she says their name. While we were in the car, she was going on and on about how she wishes she could ravish Vince Vaughan but somehow Jennifer Aniston gets all the hot guys. She went on a 10 minute monologue about how hot she thinks Vince is and how he'd be perfect for her. When we got home, her husband says, "So, I packed up all your stuff, you can go live with Vince." Confused, my sister asked him what he was talking about. He acted like he was pissed off, how she was having an affair and he was kicking her out. She was completely dumbfounded, then he started laughing and told her that the cell phone had called him when she said "...don't tell Ron but..." and he heard the whole conversation!

I accidentally called a friend one day, and they heard me singing in the car, I could have died the next time I saw them!
Another time, I was slagging my sister off, and realised that she heard the whole thing over the phone, cos my Mum hadn't hung it up. I was mortified.
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