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Postby KC8t80 » Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:36 pm

Are there any new ones out any one could recommend?
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Postby rirumo » Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:13 am

What anime never seen before but you want watch??? maybe i can help to decided, what kind of genere of anime liked???
RIruMo :D :wink: :P
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Postby KC8t80 » Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:39 pm

basically all genres

ummmmm.....where to start.....is the new Tenchi Muyo any good. I mean the new season of the OVA and the spin off they came out with earlier in the year.
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Postby rirumo » Thu Nov 17, 2005 8:05 pm

i never seen tenchi muyo;but... i recomended Hellsing, if you want some about vampires generes, if you want laught :lol: i recomended jigoku sensei nube, its cool!!! and have comedy an mistery; and Ranma 1/2 :D . And some people say me what Naruto its good, but i never seen :( and i dont know if this anime its like tenchi muyo or something like that :?. guide me please :cry: :oops: :wink:

RIRUMO :D :P :wink:
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Postby KC8t80 » Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:46 pm

I loved Hellsing and can't wait for the new epsiodes to come out. I've seen Ranma 1/2 (well only two tapes of it and read a few of the mangas) and it is a little bit like Tenchi. There are a lot of funny akward moments in both. But the main difference between the two is that in Tenchi, the main character named Tenchi is living with a bunch of space girls and all of them are wanting to be his girlfriend. it's like a 180 to Love Hina if u seen it. But all of them are hillarious.

and to clarify.....Love Hina has the same setting as tenchi execept the girls are not from outer space and they are not wanting the main character because they think he is a pervert.

Does Gost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex live up to the hype. I would watch on Cartoon Network at midnight but i can't stay up that late anymore....i need my sleep.
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Postby rirumo » Sat Nov 19, 2005 3:25 am

hahhahaha :lol: !! i have reading manga of love Hina; its hilarous :lol: :lol:; I have the ranma series ( the complete colection); and i loved . Tenchi Muyo must be cool , by what you say me , hahaha :lol: ; and hellsing i have the complete serie. I recomended ( if you can see :wink: ) ; jigoku sensei nube hahhahaa ( simply is cool).

(I cant sleep too for watch cartoon network tonami, :lol: :lol: ) :wink:

I recomend too Inuyasha, you have hear about this anime before??? :D :wink: :P
RIRUMO :wink: :D
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Postby KC8t80 » Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:38 am

ya i watched it a bit on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim until they switched the schedualing around and now i'm out of sink with the show.
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Postby KC8t80 » Sat Apr 08, 2006 4:16 am

has anyone take any notice to how much of an influence Anime is on Amercian pop culture? Since Anime hit the states......tv and movies are using the art style for their own products, comics/manga have increased more and more in popularity and cmpanies like Marvel and DC comics are adopting the art style of manga to produce their own.

But that is nothing compared to its impact in Japan......vertually every piece of literature is in Manga form....including ones that are informational. almost half the Box office revenue is from animated movies. Plus the fans of Anime are some the most-outgoing fans around....more outgoing than the Star Wars/ Star Trek fans
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