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Harry Potter

Postby Jimenem » Mon Oct 31, 2005 2:08 am

Since this board has many Harry Potter fans. I thought it would be apropriate to start a Harry Potter discussion thread. We'll see how long it lasts!

Discuss away!

The new movie looks awesome! I wonder how close they're gonna stick to the books. . . :D
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Postby KC8t80 » Mon Oct 31, 2005 2:57 am

i think they'll stay true to the book but change a few things so it won't get too boring.

Whats ur fav so far Jimenem? from movie or book.
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Postby lammy » Mon Oct 31, 2005 3:17 am

Don't know about him but that lady can write some killer stories...wish I would too- :D
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Postby dina » Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:10 pm

yip yip harry potter is coming on theatre soon cant wait . jimenem tell me how it is there @ cinema .everybody is just wearing like them &^ the fans start making signs & stuff tell me coz here everybody is a harry potter fan old or young i mean its crazy i luv that 8) :D :wink:
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Postby Jimenem » Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:52 pm

My fave movie so far is Chamber of Secrets. My favorite Book so far, is Goblet of Fire. It's definately the most intense!
I can't wait till the movie comes out on the 18th! Who else here is planning on seeing it opening day?
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Postby Realdini » Mon Oct 31, 2005 9:03 pm

I think that the first movie not was so good... beacus it came after the big succes The Lord Of The Ring (love that movie :D ) so it felt a litte bit wannabee but when the later movies came i really started to enjoy the funny scenes and the "battles" :D
I almost died in the first movie when they say " my name is malfoy... draco malfoy" ... a litte bit james bond huh ? :D
But i think JCRowling have done a very good job with theese book and i really think theese last movies are really good and me and my sister really enjoyed it :D

A qouestion for the person bellow: ( just wanna know)

What makes you like Harry Potter ?
( i dont say i dont like harry.. i just wonder)
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Postby Jimenem » Mon Oct 31, 2005 9:09 pm

I l;ike Harry Potter because his stories are intersting to read. Mystery suspence, and magic. What a combination J.K. Rowling definately writes a rip-roaring tale.!
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Postby KC8t80 » Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:43 pm

I loved the second movie but haven't seen the third. i don't think i'll see it on opening day but sometime during opening week, maybe. :wink:

I think after the fourth one they are going to have a real perdicament on their hands. 'cause i think that after the 4th movie is out, they'll probably need to find new actors to finish the series. Well just mainly the main wizards in training. but i could be wrong.
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Postby Jimenem » Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:47 pm

Actually, everyone is signed up for the fifth movie, At least the three main characters are. Check out http://www.Veritaserum.com they have loads of news, and video clips from the fourth movie! I Love the video clips.
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Postby KC8t80 » Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:49 pm

thanks Jimenem! 8)
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Postby rirumo » Tue Nov 01, 2005 12:18 am

My little sister is a huge harry potter fan, she is very excited for the new movie. She told me : "the best book of harry potter is the third, for me" :lol:. Sincerility i like harry potter; but i dont have time for reading the books :cry: ( i have much homework of the university), maybe read the books when have a little time :wink: :D

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Postby Eskarpin » Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:53 am

They I love the books and movies of Harry Potter :D I am desiring that they premiere the new movie (of course I went al premiere as I do always) but I will have to expect to November 25. :( The premiere in London is this Sunday. ......me would charm to go. ... I was to a premiere and was very curious. :D
I believe that this is going to be the best movie, therefore when I saw the trailer, remain me totally touched. Besides the 4 book is the one that more i like. :P
Jajaja, I want that they do the version extended of the movies, injures that the movies cannot last 4 hours, but really reflect well enough the books although have to leave was many details. I would desire that they did not change the actors that know, is noted that little by little they go growing in their profession, i they like a lot and would be a stupidity to change them because they were done too greater. :?
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Postby kasper » Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:02 am

I am planning on going to see it in theaters, but I don't know if I will for sure... its not a movie I've been dying to see, but I am thinking about it.
As far as the movies that are already out, I like the third movie :D I have no reason as to why... I guess because they are older. I don't know. It seemed more dark to me, and I liked that.
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Postby jims_lost_daughter » Tue Nov 01, 2005 4:38 pm

YAY, i like harry Potter... lol. I likeDraco Malfoy (actor) Rawr lol. But i really like the books i have to read the fifth now. I cant wait till the fourth movie!!! it looks awsome.. joy. that was the best book.
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Postby Eskarpin » Tue Nov 01, 2005 4:48 pm

I am desiring to read the 6 book. ..... but will not leave for sale in Spain to February. ..... please they do not count anything of the 6 book. :(
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