i'm much smarter, funnier, better looking and more (ahem) experienced in life
Ditto. But I'm still lonely.
My life is funny. Is everyone's life funny?I *do* blush 'till my head looks like a cherry tomato when I'm embarrassed.
I've had too much fun here today....I need to go buy a GOOD razor because disposable ones should just be disposed of because they do nothing but nick your legs....so I'll see you folks tomorrow. "When in doubt, tell the truth."
Mark Twain
The other day I went to an antique and curiosity shop with Eve. (My cousin's girlfriend). For me, the antiquing experience is only wholly satisfying when my brother Matt is along. See, if it says "retro, 60's, 70's, space age" I love it. And I get to say to Matt, "Oooooh, ooooooh, LOOK!"
And he says, "@%^ #$%#^ $%^@@ are you sure you're our father's daughter?" Anyway, I didn't need anything, but it was fun to look around. They have two stuffed peacocks, a stuffed fox and two stuffed armadillos. But the piece de resistance was this stuffed squirrell. It was standing upright and smiling. It had on a little straw hat and it had a corn cob pipe in its little squirrell mouth. It was a real squirrell. And it had a fishing pole in its little squirrell hand. The pole had a real stuffed sunfish on the end of it standing in front of the squirrell. It's not often something smacks that special combination of gruesome and hilarious. "When in doubt, tell the truth."
Mark Twain
We have a lot of ludicrous products in this country.
When I wash dishes, I really like to use Dawn. It's what I'm used to, it works great....but here in the kitchen we have Palmolive aromatherapy dishwashing liquid. It's "lavendar and ylang ylang" <---which is something I'm really glad that I can type instead of trying to pronounce. Aromatherapy? Like you're going to stand there with suds up to your elbows thinking "you know, normally...having to do dishes really pisses me off, but this new dishwashing liquid with the aromatherapy has me feeling really soothed." "When in doubt, tell the truth."
Mark Twain
yep.............but they have the lemon grass one to pep you up.......aloe vera for soft skin.............and my personal favourite........they do a festive spice one at Xmas so even washing the dishes is an xmassy experience...........lol
fluffy Fluffy
Here is funny story. Fluffy you are going to like this one.
There is a supermarket not far from my house and in the parking lot there are three fast food restaurants right next to each other. Taco Bell, Burger King and McDonalds. I asked my daughter which one she would like for supper and she said McDonalds. I wanted Taco Bell and since Taco Bell usaully has a long line I went there first so her food wouldn't get cold while we waited. I drove up to the drive thru speaker and order all my food. When I was done it got real quiet and then the worker said "Ma'am did you know you are at Burger King?" I was so embarrssed and I could not get out of the drive thru cause there was cars in front and in back of us. My daughter was nice enough to let me get her Burger King instead so all I had to explain was why I ordered the wrong food and NOT why I was at the wrong place all together.lol
lol..............i'm with you there babe .......i have been known to spend ages wandering around one of our multi storey car-parks.......
verging on hysteria, convinced my car had been pinched B4 realising i was in the wrong car park....lol.. fluffy Fluffy
Cotton. Great story.
Today I went to the Hilander to get supper groceries and a few things we need. I decided to do London broil for supper, Eve requested vegetables so I got acorn squash (yuk, but they like it) and broccoli and then it was time to think about the kind of potatoes we would have. I thought, "y'know...I'm kind of in the mood for macaroni and cheese." It used to be a staple when I was a kid (usually with hot dogs). So, I wandered the whole store looking for it and when I finally found it....well.....what I want to know is, WHEN did we discover we needed all different kinds of mac and cheese? There is "Easy mac" "Triple cheesy mac" "Spirals and cheese". It took me quite awhile to locate the good old fashioned plain old macaroni and cheese and even then it has a gigantic Scooby Doo on the box....so I'm hoping the pasta's not dog bone shaped or something. On the way out they had a "Dancing Vampire Hamster." I did this . I couldn't help myself. "When in doubt, tell the truth."
Mark Twain
When companies discovered that adding a little more cheese or changing the shape of the pasta would get them more money.lol We make our cheese and macaroni homemade cause the box ones are yucky We tried that Scooby one and my daughter would not eat it Tell me what you thought of it, Quirky. You may need to Dr it up a little.
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