Jim Carrey Online

ok.........Parody part 2............

Jim Carrey discussion on non-movie related topics or topics which doesn't fit anywhere else...

Postby fluffy » Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:42 pm

lol..........yeah i wish............lol................no Jim WAS NOT with me...........it was, believe it or not, hot in Aberdeen yesterday...........lol...............

Jens with Mathew Vaughn isn't she???
She's in This months UK Vanity Fair.........she looks gorgeous (ok...it's airbrushed within and inch of it's life but she's still looking good!!) despite losing so much weight...........Brad really hurt her........Mathew is supposed to be really helping her............according to Vanity Fair...........but you just don't know what to believe in the press do you??..............
As for Jim and jen........well they looked good together in Bruce.....anythings possible......... :wink:

But they say Brad wants her back...............watch this space........she was so happy and in love with him.......the split was a complete shock to her.................

fluffy :lol:
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Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:46 pm

Jim, Jim, Jim you're fine.
You swim just like a fish.
Hope you're doing well today.
I'm sending you a kiss wish.

Hey, Cotton we need one of those smilies that send a blowing kiss, like a puff.
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Postby nina » Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:52 pm

Jim, Jim, Jim you're fine.
You swim just like a fish.
Hope you're doing well today.
I'm sending you a kiss wish.

HI, that was a good one :D KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! :wink:
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and finds in your presence that life is worth while.
So when you are lonely, remember it's true
Somebody somewhere is thinking of you."
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