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Just what makes Jim so special to you?

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Just what makes Jim so special to you?

Postby fluffy » Sun May 15, 2005 10:44 pm

What makes Jim so special to you!!..........Some of you i know, have inspirational stories you might like to share.............
What is it about this man which has caught your attention.......(and for once i'm not talking about his cute touche.....lol :wink: )
Why Jim and not Ben Stiller for example................do you sympathise with his struggle to get to the top?............
Your stories may inspire the rest of us too................ :wink:
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Postby lammy » Mon May 16, 2005 4:58 am

I'm a person who really just doesn't admire someone for the way they look-because that would be ridiculous(even though Jim is HOT) that is not why I admire him.

I admire how TALENTED he is.

And the fact that he is talented really makes me attracted to him.

Plus he is: SMART AND TALL!!


And I am attracted to his physicalself...

But I will not go into details- :D
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Postby carreyd away » Mon May 16, 2005 5:20 am

I first saw Jim on the Young Comedians Special hosted by Rodney Dangerfield on HBO in the late 70's/early 80s. He did tons of impressions, but he didn't just take a prop and a wig and do a voice, he actually morphed into the person. It was simply riviting to watch. I go to see stand up comics like people go to rock shows. I've seen Steve Martin, Bill Cosby, the Blues Brothers, Gallagher, Cheech & Chong, George Carlin and many others live in concert. After Jim was on the HBO show, he stopped doing impressions and started doing only stand up comedy in his acts. I saw Jim perform with Gary Shandling and Paul Provenza at the Comedy & Magic Club in Hermosa Beach in the early 80's. He was simply amazing. I watched him on the "Duck Factory" and all seasons of "In Living Color" and have followed his career ever since. I love how he is constantly changing, never sticking to one routine and becoming a stereotype. I never knew about his struggles until a couple of years ago. Honestly I don't think he was a fluke phoenix rising from the ashes. If he didn't have his multi-faceted talents, he would have never made it this far. Too many actor/comedians burn brightly then burn out within a 5 year period (Andy Dick/Jamie Kennedy) They are funny but they don't have anything else to fall back on but the one routine they've been portraying over and over. Jim constantly recreates himself and improves with each role.

And he's really hot.
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Postby quirky » Mon May 16, 2005 5:48 am

Jim constantly recreates himself and improves with each role.

And he's really hot.

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Postby fluffy » Mon May 16, 2005 11:31 am

Y'know i have no idea what has drawn me to Jim and this site.........i've only been here about a month...fate i guess :wink: .......i'd not seen any of Jim's movies prior to ESOSM..............and i guess it moved me..........

But then out of boredom one day i typed in Jim Carrey on the internet, got reading and realised Jim is an exceptionally clever, charming and talented man........yet he has the vulnerability of a lost child.......
and he constantly reminds us of his own humanity......his strengths and weaknessess..........
Jim is you :wink: .....he is me....he is all of us.....he appeals to the 'common man'.........he is fallable too......he'll have good days and sensitive grumpy days.........he'll have the sames buttons as the rest of us.........
(Whereas for some reason the likes of George Clooney seems almost untouchable.........)
Yes Jim's hot............( but everyone in Hollywood is these days.....it's almost becoming passe.......... :wink: )but not over-done.......he's natural....
basically ....to his public he is a complex talented individual with a hot bod :wink: and amazing voice and a generous heart.........but because we don't know that much about his personal life he has an air of mystery.....lol which is always an attractive quality.............lol :wink:

fluffy :P
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Postby samurai_cable » Tue May 17, 2005 3:03 pm

Ever since I saw the Mask, I've been a fan. He made me laugh when I was at my worst. I laughed from the bottom of my heart; he got me to feel again. I used to have a crush on Jim, but now I look up to him like a father. He's a wonderful person, as people have said in previous entries: talented, clever, and hot :D I'm also the same age as Jane, his daughter. My dad was never there for me; Jane is very lucky.

In conclusion, he's a very caring and lovable person. He brings joy to those who need cheering up through his work, maybe he doesn't even know this, but he puts his whole heart into his acting, and that's what matters to him. Jim will always have a very special place in my heart.
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Postby mav » Sat Jun 18, 2005 7:50 pm

Many reasons. The main one for me is that he makes me laugh when little else can, because..... he's beyond just being a professional comedian.... he drenches everything in lightness and play....its a nice place to be.
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Postby quirky » Sat Jun 18, 2005 11:52 pm

I echo many sentiments here. But not feeling particularly verbose I'll say it's mainly because my mom pointed him out to me.

And I think he's hot.

Especially in Jimaverick's avatar.
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Postby wonderbunny » Sun Jun 19, 2005 2:02 am

This one's easy. He saved my life, its that simple. I was in an unbearable situation with no way out. My faith in God was tattered as I was going through a nightmare alone and terrified. I watched Bruce Almighty and for the first time, it dawned on me. God could be an entity who would love me no matter what other people said. I began to read the Bible starting with Psalm 51, and I became shiny and new. I found the inner comedian who was lost behind an ocean of fallen tears. He taught me how to laugh. It was the most precious gift I could ever recieve. For that I will always hold him in deep in my heart. He's the nearest thing to Heaven I've seen on this planet.
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Postby quirky » Sun Jun 19, 2005 2:32 am

Psalm 51 is deep. Bruce Almighty did that for ya? I rented it again this weekend.
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Postby idle kid city » Sun Jun 19, 2005 2:55 am

My reasons are a lot like samurai_cable's. I was pretty much alone growin' up and it's like Jim was my second father. He took away my fear of being alone and turned it into a yearning to be independent. It's really amazing to see how one person can do some many different things for a ton of people. I truly admire his stlye and most of all, his desire to be original. He also helped me cope with the death of my mother about 3 years ago. When I didn't want to be around anyone at all, Jim was always the exception.

He's a beautiful person inside and out.
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Postby samurai_cable » Sun Jun 19, 2005 1:00 pm

:) I completely agree.
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Postby Nicole Fiction » Sun Jun 19, 2005 1:20 pm

I've always been a fan. I've grown up quoting films like Dumb and Dumber and Ace Ventura. However, I didn't become a major fan until a few years ago. I saw one of his movies at the theater and just fell in love with the guy on screen. He was so charasmatic. Of course, the looks help. He just has something special about him..that "divine spark." Also, he's intelligent and articulate in interviews. He has ideas and opinions. He isn't like the average celebrity. Also, it's nice to see someone sucessful who deserves that success. He's always had to work hard and has never had anything handed to him. He's a genuinely nice guy who hasn't changed simply because he suddenly has money and fame. He appreciates his fans and fails to be condescending. I've yet to see him in the tabloids for partying, drugs, or any other scandal, and that's kinda nice.
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Postby jimliker » Sun Jun 19, 2005 5:16 pm

Jim is special to me coz he always puts smile on my face. :)

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Postby Trish » Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:41 pm

He's original and nobody can copy him. Even if you stole one of his acts (comics do it all the time and it's a shame) you would know it was a Jim signature joke or act and that's greatness.

I love the story about his father and how he put that million dollar check in his fathers coffin. That was very touching and it moved me. That story helps me believe that one day it could be me. He made it feel not so out of reach and so that is why I like Jim so much.

But even if I don't make it that big...I'm still going to love comedy, open mics, big shows and small shows. I'm going to keep pluggin away. Everybody thinks of Jim big now. Well what nobody knows is he did a lot of hell gigs, smokey hole in the walls, 10 trips to do 5 minutes of work for free and paid to do what he loves just to bring the laughs. That's the stuff nobody tells you about in this buiz. That's the stuff that made him and he stuck it out. I plan to do the same. Thanks Jim if you read this. You inspire us to keep working hard.

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