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My life is funny. Is everyone's life funny?

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Postby quirky » Wed May 18, 2005 1:53 pm

Herky was actually given a little operation to deal with that. He couldn't find his nuts in the dark.

Typing that now...it sounds so wrong. A wild squirrel was "fixed". I had an interesting childhood even BEFORE my childhood.

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Postby fluffy » Wed May 18, 2005 2:09 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

fluffs :P
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Mouse traps

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed May 18, 2005 4:28 pm

Because of the old school house, my mom brought a trap from Florida
home, she was a Snowbird.
The trap actually flipped the mice into the cage and then you could
set them free or whatever.
It worked really well, in the fall when they like to get in, we caught
quite a few.
I'm not at the Old school house anymore, don't miss the mice, but I
do miss going to the story tree down the road where I would tell
stories about a wee Irish Leprechaun who immigrated to Canada.
We had alot of funny things happen at the schoolhouse.
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Postby quirky » Wed May 18, 2005 4:36 pm

What is it with old schoolhouses and mice?

My aunt and uncle lived in an old one-room schoolhouse before they built the house on the ground they live on today.

The mice were everywhere. One day my aunt found a big snake and she killed it. When my uncle came home, he said, "You just killed your best friend, because those snakes don't eat anything but mice."
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Postby fluffy » Wed May 18, 2005 6:32 pm

In Glagow the port authority knocked down the most amazing building to build flats..............this upset a huge number of people who appreciated the architecture.....but they had the last laugh because there were literally millions of rats in the place and when they built the new flats they all trooped back like homing pigeons.................so they can't even give them away now........they are like very comfy rat cages.........and no amount of poison etc is working!!!..........HA HA !!!......... :lol:

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Postby Janel » Fri May 20, 2005 9:56 pm

I had forgotten about this thread.....that squirrel page was just priceless....somebody has WAYYYYYYYYY too much time on her hands.... :-k :lol: :lol:

Fluffy---you could write a play---Rat's Revenge.....lol Or "Rat's laugh Last..." :!:

Funnygirl---I have laughed like you did with your mom, the other day my daughter and I went to the library. I was kind of in a hurry and was being short with her and bossy, "Come on, honey, what do you need, where is it?" It was a fiction book with the authors name beginning with "O". I pointed over at the wall, "Look, there's authors names that begin with 's', and 't'----so where is 'O'?.......I started getting irritated.....LOOK, 's', and't' and 'p' is right here....say, where the heck did they put the "o's".....s,t,o,p.....WHERE ARE THE O's??????
My daughter was looking at me like I had feelers growing from the top of my head and goes,
Mom....I believe it's "L, M, N.....o.....p......"

When I realized that I had just been spelling the word STOP over and over in place of the "alphabet song", we both just started BUSTING up---in the library ----all the way out to the car----all the way down the street---I just couldn't quit laughing----could I BE any more BLONDE?!!!! I'm sure I looked like I had absolutely lost my mind.... at the stoplights I literally was wiping tears, fanning my face, busting up again, and my daughter just kept saying, "...and that lady behind you kept giving you the weirdest looks......."

HOW EMBARRASSING!!!!! :oops: :roll: :lol:
Have I mentioned that I am a mother of teens?.....will that get me out of being assigned to my very own padded room...???? :?
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Postby nicesock! » Sat May 21, 2005 12:21 am

Ha ha ha!! Now I am having fits of laughter. S.T.O.P. That is so funny.
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Postby FunnyGirl » Sat May 21, 2005 12:34 am

Haha!!! Janel! I have some blonde moments myself (although I'm not blonde...) A while ago I had left a few girls in the front of Walmart to go inside and buy a Lunchables or whatever, and when I came out the door to say hello, I had this big grin on my face and said "HiiiIIIIIII!!!" and fell FLAT ON MY FACE!!!!!.. almost. Don't worry, I wasn't hurt. I got up and started laughing and laughing.... :lol: I felt like such a blonde. :)
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Postby fluffy » Wed May 25, 2005 4:20 pm

hey i'm blonde!!!...........wanna make something of it??......lol :lol: :wink:

here's a funny story..........although it is politically incorrect........

well a few years back my auntie took in lodgers who were vulnerable souls. They had been in the local psychiatric hospital for a while and this was part of their rehabilitation......supported living in the community....
Well, one of the blokes.....we'll call him scott was very quiet and didn't mix much....he spent his days in his room reading...but he seemed content enough....
One morning he left the house at 8am...............this was unusual and when he returned at 7pm my auntie asked where he'd been......no answer......and the next day he left at the same time.....
However he didn't return at night.......not until a police car pulled up around 10pm......Then the truth unfolded....... :wink:

He'd left at 8am and taken the bus down to the Royal Aberdeen Maternity Hospital and sneaked in...................
He'd then 'borrowed' a white coat and stethoscope and spent the day walking up and down the wards asking after people and checking their charts................fortunately he didn't ask to see their stitches :wink:
He was rumbled the next day when a nurse spotted that he didn't look anything like his badge.....................so the police were called and he was hauled back to the Royal Cornhill psychiatric hospital....... :lol:

i know it's not politically correct but i still find it funny........ :wink:
(ps.....no-one was hurt or violated in anyway...but they spent about 1million updating the security system shortly after!!!)

fluffs :P
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Postby quirky » Sat Jun 04, 2005 3:35 am

This is funny. Today I took my grandma back to her hometown. She likes to show me the homes of my family (way pre me) and I saw her high school. We ate a nice restaurant across from the building where she first met my grandfather at a dance. I had to park up the street a little ways and as we were walking back to the car she pointed to a building on the corner. It used to be "The Majestic". Now it's a "holy rollerish" Christian church.
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Postby quirky » Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:22 pm

Today at the supermarket...we did our shopping and then the nice man helped me put the groceries in the trunk. Then I got in the car and looked in the rear-view mirror and I had a booger in my nose. Completely visible. And I wondered to myself...."Wherefore did not my grandmother tell me of the booger which was so pitifully on display while I shopped?"

I'm gonna blame her eyesight. Because I always tell people if they have visible boogers.
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Postby lammy » Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:09 am

I feel for you- :D
Bah hum bug!!!!
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Postby Janel » Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:13 pm

Me too--I am definitely for alerting one of the offensive thing that everyone can see but yourself!! It isn't a big deal....just tell me I need a kleenex or something!! I would have told you, Quirky!!! :P

I was standing in line a couple of years ago and the young lady in front of me had a bug crawling on her backside. Not wanting to weird her out by brushing it off (I thought she would prefer to do it herself or have one of her girlfriends do the honors), I tapped her on the shoulder and said,
"You've got an insect on your butt..."

She starts screaming, slightly bends forward with her behind directly facing me and shouts,"GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!!!" I used to CATCH bugs for my kids when they were little so I had no hesitiation about brushing the rascal from the terrified tush. We all laughed and laughed when I expressed my initial hesitation--I had been worried that this complete stranger would not want me touching her butt ....instead, in front of half the civilized world she bends over in front of me with her butt directed towards me and sticking out as far away from her head as she can physically manage!!!:lol: :lol: She laughed, all relieved like, and said, "I don't care what you've got to do with my butt, just don't ever let bugs walk on me, ok?", looking imploringly at her friends....
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Postby mav » Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:42 pm

THAT is verrry funny, Janel :D

The incident I have is not funny, because it cost me $$. I was cited for running a red light. The letter showed 3 photographs of my car taking a left turn when the light has been red for 0.42 seconds! Very close in front of me is a huge black van; and I am just following its tail. I probably didn't notice the light because I practice sign language in my car frequently. I was probably fingering 'I'm late for work again'. If I'd known the camera at the intersection I'd probably have used another *ahem* finger.
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Postby quirky » Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:44 am

Hm...dilemma I was having at the moment...isn't it hard to follow the laws of man? I mean, the Bible says you are supposed to, but sometimes my foot is just a leetle heavier than the speed limit.

Also, there are a bunch of wacky laws like, "it's forbidden to spit to the left when walking on the right side of the street in Cincinatti."

So, we're destined to always fall short. I'm ok with falling short.

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