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Postby mav » Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:38 pm

cotton wrote:I know. I was just joking around.

Dang! That's my 3rd 'duh' till now.... :lol:
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Postby fluffy » Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:09 pm

God, i know about the age thing.................it's so blooming awkward..
i'm 35, look like 25 feel like 15.........

anyway......let's face it it's down to the individuals......everone has something different to offer.........

my day will come when i'm a pensioner....i'll be the belle of the day care centre....lol :lol:

fluffs :P
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Postby quirky » Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:46 pm

He's got to be smart to spar with me......to keep each other on our toes....he doesn't have to be rich....my ex fiance was LOADED....serious money.....but he had no sense of humour and i couldn't stand it any longer......(in the game of humour v money, humour wins every time)
and younger men feel threatened by a bird who can outwit them.... and older blokes just want fun ...................
So it's bloody awful being single in your 30's.............................

I had a BF who was always wanting to play the mental sparring game. I don't like that. I appreciate the sense of humor, but I won't want anyone to keep my on my toes. It just makes my toes hurt.

Sure, I like an intelligent conversation, but sometimes I just want to sit in the chair with a nice iced tea and some pretzels and enjoy an episode of "ER" without incessant chatter. I never understood the running commentary on the TV shows. Before long, you're likely to chuck a pretzel at him and say..."I KNOW this is intense...I'm watching the same show!!!!"
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Postby -->Blunt<-- » Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:06 pm

i'm 35, look like 25 feel like 15.........

That's good, isn't it? You look and feel younger than you are. Many people want this.
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Postby fluffy » Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:59 pm

yeah but it will catch up one day and i'll look in the mirror and have aged 20 years in a week........... :wink:
But i'm supposed to feel older............god it's so confusing.....!!!....
i've not had the teenage rebelion phase yet either..........

lol...............i reckon it will be in the DC centre.....i'll rebel amongst the scones and tea......lol :wink: :lol:

fluffy :P
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Postby nicesock! » Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:18 am

Hey fluffy, maybe you just have a settled soul. You know, you seek what you already have. Thank God you didn't go through that rebellious faze, it is nothing but trouble, trust me. At least you are not a willing member of the communist party, I am. When I registered to vote I registered under the communist party. I really should change that. Good luck on your self dicovery.
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Postby lammy » Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:43 pm

I would like to ask the man, how he prepares for some of his face movements that he has to do in his movies.
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Postby quirky » Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:26 am

But i'm supposed to feel older............god it's so confusing.....!!!....

I think we're hoodwinked into thinking we're supposed to feel older.
I have come to this conclusion based on real, factual in depth research...in otherwards, lengthy discussions with my 97 year old grandma.

She said 5 years ago. "I still feel exactly like I did when I was 16, except ... I have a lot more aches and pains and my knees don't work like they used to."

I think lots of people age and completely lose the joy in living, too. It's like...at around 40-ish someone flips a switch in them that prevents them from ever putting whipped cream on the end of their nose just for the heck of it.
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Postby lammy » Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:58 am

quirky wrote:
But i'm supposed to feel older............god it's so confusing.....!!!....

I think we're hoodwinked into thinking we're supposed to feel older.
I have come to this conclusion based on real, factual in depth research...in otherwards, lengthy discussions with my 97 year old grandma.

She said 5 years ago. "I still feel exactly like I did when I was 16, except ... I have a lot more aches and pains and my knees don't work like they used to."

I think lots of people age and completely lose the joy in living, too. It's like...at around 40-ish someone flips a switch in them that prevents them from ever putting whipped cream on the end of their nose just for the heck of it.

Some people at the age of 40 they loose faith in the way they have fun...They think just because they are aging, they should act like a fart(expression). Gosh, I hope when I am 30, I don't get down and depress from my "AGING'' :cry:
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Postby fluffy » Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:06 pm

lol.......perhaps we should start up a therapy thread..... :wink:

And yep, i'm on a serious road of discovery, except i don't actually know what it is i'm looking for..........

fluffy :P
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Postby mav » Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:54 pm

I've always felt like 50, even when I was 20 ...guess I'll begin to blush when I'm 60 :D

yumm ...group huggle ...Love is lovely :)
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Postby quirky » Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:55 pm

I'm the cliche of the funny kid who is there for everyone else who actually is lonely inside............

I used to be. Then I looked around me and realized the friends and family I had.

I was sort of taking them for granted because I hadn't met "the one"....not TREATING them badly, just not appreciating that I wasn't lonely with them there because I was focused on the fact that I was single.

Then some of them got profoundly permanently ill and some of them died.

Now...I've cut my lonely feeling by 3/4 because I realize that there actually ARE a lot of people around.
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Postby lammy » Sat May 07, 2005 5:10 am

I would like to ask him if he has ever felt like he didn't belong on earth?
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Postby holly » Mon May 09, 2005 8:25 pm

i'd ask him who his dentist is..........and can he reccomened a good toothpaste/oral hygenie routine............ :D
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Postby Clemmy » Mon May 09, 2005 11:23 pm

lammy wrote:I would like to ask him if he has ever felt like he didn't belong on earth?

He might feel like a rocket man :kaufman: ... there!!!... I would ask him to sing rocket man :- \:D/
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