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Postby JT Carrey » Fri Apr 22, 2005 8:01 pm

hmm Jim's held my hands before and I whispered in his ear and hmmm other things, does that count? *touch me*
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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Postby quirky » Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:44 pm

JT - while it may bring forth a certain amount of previously suppressed jealousy...I don't know if I'd admit that if I were you.

The two posts before yours approach cannabalistic in tone.
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Postby mav » Fri Apr 22, 2005 11:19 pm

Forgive me! I thought since we were at it with bits of his shirt and spit and blood vials, I'd add my 2 cents worth imagination :) BTW grazing on hair in *not* cannibalistic.... its just peaceful mastication of gel flavored keratin...

*touching JT now* Thank you for lending me your ear! Can I keep it?
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Postby quirky » Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:19 am

No...you can't keep it...she's got it on ebay and the current bid's up to 12.50$! I waiting to snipe.
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Postby JT Carrey » Sat Apr 23, 2005 11:25 am

hehehe ahhhhh yes, don't worry, I'm just playing around, no need to be jealous as he is here for all of us ;) *lying, he's mine!!!!*
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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Postby -->Blunt<-- » Sat Apr 23, 2005 11:29 am

JT Carrey wrote:hmm Jim's held my hands before and I whispered in his ear and hmmm other things, does that count? *touch me*

Wow, I must take a flight, come around and touch you because then I have touched Jim indirectly :roll: :D .
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Postby JT Carrey » Sat Apr 23, 2005 11:31 am

his hands are so awesome, yes everyone touch my hands!! hurry!! before the sweat melts away!! AHH!! it's melting!!!
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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Postby quirky » Sat Apr 23, 2005 5:20 pm

I can not be a party to this.

Anyone own any of his socks?
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Postby mav » Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:47 pm

I dont have any of his socks. I dont think he has any left after rabid fans attacked his wardrobe last month. That may be the reason he's now seen wearing those Dr. Scholl's cushion slippers.

I have a sock, though. It's a 'one size fits all'. Why do you ask?
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Postby nicesock! » Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:54 pm

If he held my hand, i don't think I could of let go. DEATH GRIP! I would squeeze the crap out of his hand. Not meaning to of course.
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Postby -->Blunt<-- » Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:05 pm

But there is one thing you all seem to forget: Most of you are 10 - 25 years old, Jim is over 40. If you married him now he would be 60 when you are 30 - 45.
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Postby quirky » Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:32 pm

Jim is over 40. If you married him now he would be 60 when you are 30 - 45.

But this is America. There is a great tradition of marrying older men. In Hollywood it's de rigeur. Personally, I'm thirty five, which makes me a crone in Jimworld...but look at Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas or Calista Flockhart and Harrison Ford.

I think Jim has an eye for the younger ladies. (Which is why I'm willing to step aside for JT). :wink:
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Postby mav » Sun Apr 24, 2005 6:59 pm

quirky wrote:...but look at Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas or Calista Flockhart and Harrison Ford.

I think Jim has an eye for the younger ladies. (Which is why I'm willing to step aside for JT). :wink:

You forgot to mention Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher (...erm...assuming they are the genders they look like).
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Postby -->Blunt<-- » Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:36 pm

Hollyowoodmariages usually don't last very long.
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Postby JT Carrey » Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:22 pm

I don't think age matters, marriage should be based on love and maturity, if you can help each other grow and can handle each others faults and love each other for who you are, then everything should run smoothly, if someone is immature in the relationship then it won't last, that's one reason older people do not go out with younger people because alot of them are immature but there are a few who are mature and can handle being with someone older than themselves, like alot of us here ;)
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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