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Saving Millie?

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Saving Millie?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue Mar 15, 2005 8:47 pm

Did anyone else watch Saving Millie, this week.
I was good but sad.
I did not realize that Parkinson's research involved stem cell research.
When I was a guard at the pool, we had a woman who would go into
the pool who had it, when she went into the pool her tremors stopped.
It was amazing to see.
I often wonder if Water Therapy could help people with some of these types of diseases.
Anyone else out there watch it?
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Canadian Jayne
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Postby Cheryl Anna » Wed Mar 16, 2005 6:40 am

I have read in GENERATIONS, the magazine from THE NATIONAL ATAXIA FOUNDATION, where they have water therapy classes at their annual meetings (this year it was in February).
Personally, I have found that exercise does help those with one of the many neurological handicaps. Water therapy sounds so good because many different muscles are getting exercised. I've heard it is the best thing.
In fact, when I was 14 1/2 we had a pool built into the back yard, and it was a medical write-off on my Dad's income taxes because I had scoliosis (curvature of the spine) at the time and had to wear a back brace for 3 years. It was considered therapy.
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Cheryl Anna
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Thanks Cheryl!

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Mar 16, 2005 8:38 pm

I hear they are doing some progress at the University in Toronto on
stem cell research and also more progress in California, can you
update us on any of this?
How are things going for you, we haven't talked on this for awile.
Hope all is well.
I would teach Aquafit for people with Arthritis and even those prone to
it and it is great for them.
I did Aquafit last week, only thing is the instructors have to ensure
all the muscles are used and not some.
What ever you do to the front you do to the back.
But it was fun and my friend BB and I enjoyed it.
Do you get to the pool much now Cheryl?
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Canadian Jayne
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