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Postby carreypunkrawker » Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:34 am

Twigggy wrote:
war in Iraq was not started by Bush; it was started by the idiots who flew plans into the twin towers.

yes, I know that Osama Bin Laden started all this. don't insult me. I didn't insult you.

You dont even know what the hell you are saying. This is what I was saying about Christians. Every damn person I know that goes to Church voted for the idiot. I always hear pastors/preists sticking up for George Bush, they are so damn dumb they tell their congergation and they believe it, so people like Peggy go out and vote like a good Christian. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 your ignorant Christian president even said that. He lied to America about WMD so we could get into Iraq take their oil, So Bush and his whole crew of assholes can get Rich. Lots of Americans will die with the poor people in iraq. So then when it turns out there are no WMDS, and people gave their lives for nothing (except shit loads of money in that asshole Christians bank account) Peggy goes out just like a stupid Christian being lied to and votes the asshole in for another 4 years so he can steal more oil, invade more countrys and make the world a worse place. But now she believes his load of shit about spreading a Democracy in iraq, where alot of Relegious nuts in there still dont want it so they will now kill loads of Innocent people there Americans those beautiful Iraq women, children, Babies people with lives just like peggy and me. And when we first came into iraq that asshole in the whitehouse was braging about the shock and awe, those of you who dont know thats when America comes in blowing up hundreds of innocent people. Of course she goes out voting not knowing what the hell she's doing not even reading PNAC or caring about the bloodshed of over a million people. And when I complain about people dying because of the idiot president, she tells me I should just keep my mouth shut because nobody should talk wrong about her God George Dubya! And I dont have the right to have an opionion on this whole mess. Anyway one person I knew who came back from Iraq, was crying when his dad asked him why he was crying he said: Dad, I had to kill familes over there mothers fathers babies. How sad, how sad that these idiotic Christians and red-necks voted this man in again they need a grip on reality. Yes Jim Carrey said that it's sad that Bush sent us to war and that he should have spent that money to do something good, and Jim also said God see's all. But I'm sick of talking to people like you Peggy. Dont talk to me anymore. You can go ahead and act like a fool. Yes, most idiotic so called Christians pray to the virgin mary so thats not worship? Lots of preists also molest Children because they cant ever get laid. I dont know what God you guys worship but he sure as hell isnt the god of love that I believe in, he's an evil bitch.

You're a fool for replying. I could have killed myself. But instead this "fool" is arguing with you, Twigggy.

ok, one thing, I didn't go vote just to be a good Christian. I voted because i know that my vote counts on who I wanted to be president. I don't go to Church to be a good Christian. I go to church because I'm comforted.

OK, so maybe I believed all the bullshit that Bush said. I guess I regret it, but still, nowhere in that paragraph did you quote that Jim said that he hated Bush.

Oh yeah, and George Dubya isn't my god. Dubya is the president of the USA. Don't like it? Flee the country. Honestly.

My God is GOD. I didn't say that praying to the virgin mary isn't worship. It is in some religions. I, personally, don't really believe in religion. I just said that all christians don't pray to the virgin mary.

All of your words are generalizations. Maybe you'd get along on this board if you didn't generalize so much.

I don't really like priests, and yes, you're right, there are some perverted priests out there.

I'm sorry I have to be a fool in your eyes. I'm sorry that's how you see everything about me.

Also, you're only talking about the catholic religion when you say priest. in other religions they're called pastors.

Also, you did too insult me. you called me an ignorant red-neck bitch, a circle-jerk, a fool, and more. If that's not an insult, then what is? Thanks a lot!

Good, I hope you don't talk to me anymore either, Twigggy. Your words are harsh and I realize mine were too. Sorry about this whole thing. Your words just hurt me.

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Postby Twigggy » Tue Feb 01, 2005 3:57 am

I'm sorry. I'm sure your a nice young lady, and dont blame you for not wanting to sign up. I dont think your stupid I just very much disagree with you on your views on this war. Since it bugs you I wont mention GB anymore.
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Postby Twigggy » Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:49 am

Or I wont talk about you or call you names anymore. I can't say I wont ever bring Bush up cant control the news.
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Postby carreypunkrawker » Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:11 pm

thanks Twigggy. I respect that and I do respect your views. Thanks for the apology and I'm sorry we had to get into something as bad as this. All's forgiven.


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Postby jims_lost_daughter » Mon Feb 07, 2005 5:13 am

Good good good, Ill keep helping to. :wink: you know johnny depp was helping too, though it doesnt say it. http://www.ohjohnny.net/television/tsunami/tsunami.html those are pics of him. Hahaha
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