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Fahrenheit 9/11

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Fahrenheit 9/11

Postby Twigggy » Sat Jun 26, 2004 5:25 am

Go see it! Michael Moore is cool. He may love the mash potatoes but he seems to have a big heart......... I enjoyed Mike telling the people of congress to encourage their kids to go off to iraq<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :lol --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/laugh.gif ALT=":lol"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> If anyone else has seen it let me know what you thought about it. Everyone in the theater cheered! 4 stars. <p></p><i></i>
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I saw the interview on Jay Leno

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sat Jun 26, 2004 12:45 pm

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I saw<br>the review on Jay Leno.<br>I think Mike wants everyone to see things<br>from all angles, see the big picture.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Postby Twigggy » Sat Jun 26, 2004 2:10 pm

Did jay seem to like it? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Fahrenheit 9/11

Postby carreyd away » Sun Jun 27, 2004 7:06 am

People started camping out in front of our theater on Wednesday to get tickets for Friday. As of today (Sunday) people are still waiting in line. My friend who owns this little independent theater (that is showing the film) allowed me to sit in early Friday morning while he spliced the film together and showed it to his family and staff. I'm so glad I got the chance to see it.<br><br>I loved the way he used music to subliminally tell the story (ie: when he was talking about young George W getting out of the draft and going to college you hear the instrumental bars of Eric Clapton's "Cocaine"). The uncut raw feed footage of the press conferences and Bush's reading at the school were cringingly poignant. I hope everyone who has the chance to go see this film. <p></p><i></i>
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Sorry, it was on Conan!

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Jun 28, 2004 2:20 pm

Now that I think about it, it was on Conan.<br>I watch Leno then Conan, its late, I kinda just<br>connect the two, sorry.<br>It was concluded that it was worth going to see. <p></p><i></i>
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Postby Twigggy » Sat Jul 03, 2004 4:30 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr> loved the way he used music to subliminally tell the story (ie: when he was talking about young George W getting out of the draft and going to college you hear the instrumental bars of Eric Clapton's "Cocaine"<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/wink.gif ALT=";)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> . <br><br><br>It is kind of funny that he dodged the draft but will send troops out to die in a war that should have never happened in the first place. I also liked it when moore was asking the members of congress if they would encourage their kids to sign up. They were pissed. Like their children are more important. Plus the ending was great too. Shows how bright Georgey boy really is. But thank God America is waking up. I wanted to hug everyone in the movie theater that c<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: moore

Postby carreyd away » Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:30 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Shows how bright Georgey boy really is.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>If you really want to read some winner quotes by the US "Commander in Chief" <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.dubyaspeak.com/">check out this site</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <br><br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://p074.ezboard.com/bjcomessageboard.showUserPublicProfile?gid=carreydaway>carreyd away</A> at: 7/5/04 7:25 am<br></i>
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