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Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Dec 16, 2021 6:04 am

Keep masks and shields
Distance 6 ft or more
Holiday together for 2 weeks
Or even plan a month together
If the variant us here
Keep bigger distancing
While out walking
I notice very few hand sanitizing still
But I understand
My hands are raw from doing that
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Dec 16, 2021 6:05 am

I think we should go back to
Dr phone visits
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sat Dec 25, 2021 1:45 am

Yup History is
Repeating itself
In some ways
Look at 1914-1918 Pandemic
And war
Troops carried infection
All over the place
Statistics show a high rate of
Infection now in militaries
I think it’s a good idea to learn
From the past and not repeat it
Everyone shd wear masks and shields
I do when I’m in enclosed areas or
Talking to someone
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sat Dec 25, 2021 1:54 am

In one of my workplaces where majority
Have the shots
I still wear and wore a shield
Especially if around little people
When u read about the past
U learn what 2 do differently 4 present
I opened my mask so I can insert filters
I’ve never used a 2 ply always 4 from
What I don’t like about shields is
Sometimes they can give u a headache
I have always wash with bubbly soap
sanitized mask with steam
Right after use
Masks I sanitize with several boiling water baths
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Jan 20, 2022 2:14 am

I’m glad that the
Isolation time is down
To five days if
Getting better
But I believe many
People do not have ready
Access to testing
Without leaving home

Testing should be easier
And less subject to error
Not an easy task to figure
That one out
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sun Jan 23, 2022 3:38 am

Right now here in Ontario
Even with certain
Symptoms we
Have to
Isolate for 5 days and
If feeling better then
Do regular activity but
If worse get tested
That’s how I understand it
5 is more tolerable than 10
That’s for sure
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Feb 02, 2022 5:08 am

I believe most
Canadians know at
least one person in their
Family circle and/or
Circle of friends
who have gotten
The Omicron variant
I believe 2 shots are a real good idea
If not allergic to it
But I also believe more preparation
Should be made to ensure those
Who have or maybe are
Sensitive to the shot
And protocol in helping those people
To get to hospital eg who pays 4 ambulance etc
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sat Feb 26, 2022 2:13 am

Immunization in my opinion
shd always be a choice
Some people just have problems
with needles or
May not trust doctors or
Scientists or anything foreign in body
But at same time isnt coffee, alcohol or drugs
Pretty bad
Some put the worst stuff in their bodies
And forget about healthy stuff but those
Things affect them individually
But when it comes to giving someone
Something they don’t want
Like getting COVID by breathing on them
That too is a consideration
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sat Feb 26, 2022 2:23 am

There are always two sides to a coin
Too me it seems to be a
Health and Safety issue all round
Those truckers who really don’t feel safe
Getting shot
Is there another way
Would they volunteer to get COVID so
Their body could create immunity
(I don’t think this is best idea)
Whether planned or not on purpose
Wud they be
Compensated regardless of how they got it
When they have to isolate?
(Could they be involved in a case study and
Get paid for it while they are off)
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sun Mar 13, 2022 6:05 am

A puffer COVID vaccine is being
Developed at
University in Hamilton Ontario
It is in Phase 1 Clinical trials
Given to those who have already
Had 2 shots
It’s tArgeted to
Three parts of the virus
It could be more
Effective in protection
Against other variants
Research was recently published
In the journal
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Jun 08, 2022 4:46 am

I think everyone will get
COVID at some time or another
They’ve had no, one, two, or three or 4 shots
So everyone shd be prepared
It cud happen to anyone

My daughter and I both
First had strep like symptoms
When we contracted it
It was st two different times
It is not nice
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:17 pm

My opinion on how
COVID and other transmissible
Illnesses have spread is
History usually repeats itself
Look at how monkey pox has spread
since it is the newest form
Here in Canada the first cases
We’re specified in Quebec
They now have the largest amount in
This is new info and may help
In identifying how COVID spread all
Over Canada
Tracking is important
Especially when it’s beginning to spread
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby fluffy » Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:58 am

Hey CJ, long time no speak......hope you and the family are well... :D
To be honest i didn't want the vaccine because i felt it was too experimental and i was concerned my immune system would go crazy......but in the end i ended up having 3 jabs AND a booster (it was just down to the timing.....everyone here got at least 3 ....)
and i also got Covid!!.....it was very mild when i got it but i suspect it would have been really nasty without the jabs......they say it takes up to 6 months to get over it completely.....i hope all at JCO managed to stay well.......we'll call those years 'the Covid years' and thank God it wasn't Ebola. :wink: :D
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:15 am

I’ve been in a
Camping mode 4 last few months
Craving fresh outdoors
Forests. Lakes
All things green
Right now I’m by the crackling fire
Sadly cars racing in
Background but eh
I’m only a few minutes from the city
I’ve been enjoying swimming with the grandkids
COVID has hit many many
Ute right re Ebola
Monkey pox doesn’t sound too good
My concern now is the
So many changes even
Compared to last year
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Re: Immunization To B or not 2 be, is that the question?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue Aug 16, 2022 3:31 am

Seeds from trees
now seem to be smaller and
scrawnier than last year
Not as much
For fruit age
Ontario not as bad as
Other places in Canada
Corn seems pretty good tho
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