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True Crimes [Reviews]

Discuss this movie. In theaters on May 18, 2018
Filming: November 7, 2015 - December 20, 2015

Re: True Crimes [Reviews]

Postby grinchy steve » Fri May 18, 2018 9:10 am

First reactions on different fora I'm on came in ... Exactly the same arguments, every single time. Bad ratings. But ... All praising Carrey for what he's doing here, although there's little to work with.

Your thoughts on it give me a little bit of hope, Dan. ;)
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Re: True Crimes [Reviews]

Postby tlmarvin » Fri May 18, 2018 10:03 pm

Friday, May 18, 2018--3:58 pm CST

Afternoon JCO:

I just finished watching "Dark Crimes" about an 1 hour and a half ago. I thought the movie was okay. I admit, some of the scenes are pretty graphic and disturbing. But I enjoyed it.
I will buy it on Blu-ray when it's released someday. I watched the on ON DEMAND. I can rent a movie on ON DEMAND and I'll be able to keep it for about 3 days. I rented the movie around 1:22 pm CST and I'll be able to keep it until 1:12 Sunday, May 20, 2018.
I hope Jim will do more dramas. I love him in dramas.

Have a blessed afternoon and evening,

Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas, USA)
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Re: True Crimes [Reviews]

Postby Serap E. » Fri May 18, 2018 10:36 pm

grinchy steve wrote:
Ps: Very curious how we (Europe) will be able to see this ...

I changed my region to USA on iTunes and rented it. :ace: I think I'll watch it tomorrow. Maybe you can try that.
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Re: True Crimes [Reviews]

Postby 123Dan123 » Sun May 20, 2018 1:37 am

I'll have to watch it again. After my first viewing I thought a 6.5 or 7 would be a pretty fair rating. The acting was really good and the cinematography was excellent. It is slow paced though, and none of the characters were really likeable, but I think that was the point of the film. It's dark. I think you'll enjoy it Steve. Hope you can see it soon.

It wasn't at my theatre so I had to find an alternate way to watch it, but I'll be buying it on DVD to add to my Carrey collection, once it's out.
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Re: True Crimes [Reviews]

Postby grinchy steve » Sun May 20, 2018 11:21 am

@Serap, doesn't work over here. My friend tried it yesterday. iTunes tells him he's trying to cheat, lol.

@Dan, glad you enjoyed it. :) It does hurt my heart a little bit, though. Can't deny it. Seeing all people I follow on movie related sites and fora, including some true fans, absolutely hating the movie. Every single one of them. I already knew it was going to be very mixed, at least. But didn't see this coming ... This is his worst reviewed movie of all time.
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Re: True Crimes [Reviews]

Postby Serap E. » Sun May 20, 2018 1:31 pm

grinchy steve wrote:@Serap, doesn't work over here. My friend tried it yesterday. iTunes tells him he's trying to cheat, lol.

@Dan, glad you enjoyed it. :) It does hurt my heart a little bit, though. Can't deny it. Seeing all people I follow on movie related sites and fora, including some true fans, absolutely hating the movie. Every single one of them. I already knew it was going to be very mixed, at least. But didn't see this coming ... This is his worst reviewed movie of all time.

Sorry for that... I used VPN also, that might have helped me. Maybe you can try torrent.

I watched the film yesterday and definitely it doesn't deserve to be Jim's worst reviewed movie. It made me look blank to the screen about 1 minute at the end. Sometimes slow, but doesn't deserve 5.3 on IMDb.
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Re: True Crimes [Reviews]

Postby JimCrazy » Mon May 21, 2018 6:31 am

Negative reviews are pouring in :cry:
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Re: True Crimes [Reviews]

Postby grinchy steve » Tue May 22, 2018 11:01 am

It's a shame both 'The Bad Batch' (very mixed reviews) 'Dark Crimes' (very bad reviews) aren't the projects one would hope for when just thinking of his career. But as an artist and human being, I think this is what he really wanted to do and maybe needed. So I'm glad he did. He had the balls to do something else, working with interesting people. I've been hoping for years for that to happen. Sometimes the outcome isn't like expected. That's ok. You learn, accept and move on. After all, it's not all bad ... His cameo in 'The Bad Batch' was often called a show stealer and brilliantly performed. And when it comes to 'Dark Crimes', most are stating Carrey really did something else and they were impressed, hoping people would notice and put him in better serious projects from now on. We'll see ... I'm still hoping he gets to work with some great directors in the coming years.
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Re: True Crimes [Reviews]

Postby JimCrazy » Tue May 22, 2018 5:15 pm

grinchy steve wrote:It's a shame both 'The Bad Batch' (very mixed reviews) 'Dark Crimes' (very bad reviews) aren't the projects one would hope for when just thinking of his career. But as an artist and human being, I think this is what he really wanted to do and maybe needed. So I'm glad he did. He had the balls to do something else, working with interesting people. I've been hoping for years for that to happen. Sometimes the outcome isn't like expected. That's ok. You learn, accept and move on. After all, it's not all bad ... His cameo in 'The Bad Batch' was often called a show stealer and brilliantly performed. And when it comes to 'Dark Crimes', most are stating Carrey really did something else and they were impressed, hoping people would notice and put him in better serious projects from now on. We'll see ... I'm still hoping he gets to work with some great directors in the coming years.

I agree. Hope he signs his next after "Kidding". Need a solid comeback.
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Re: True Crimes [Reviews]

Postby fluffy » Sun Jun 03, 2018 5:54 pm

Obviously i've not seen it as it hasn't been released here so i'm waiting for the DVD........ ..re scenes being disturbing.......i would advise people to be aware of the age restriction but if you are old enough, go with an open mind and if you are shocked to the core remember, it's NOT REAL so it can't hurt you....... :wink:
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Re: Dark Crimes [Reviews]

Postby fluffy » Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:34 pm

Ok so i've seen the film.........twice....... :shock:
I agree it's not one of Jims better films but i really don't think that is down to Jims performance. The film is a typically pretentious Euro art house, vanity project. Add to that the dire script, atrocious lighting and poor characterisation and i'm sure Jim was glad there won't be a sequel for him. The BDSM club looked like an old Soviet mental asylum, his wife looked as though she should have been a patient, Charlotte Gainsbourg got her kit off again....she plays the same character in every film she makes...There were issues with the storyline, the accents and the flow of the film and by the end of it i was ready to down his drink too...........but apart from that i've seen a lot worse..... :wink: :lol: :lol:
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