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Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

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Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby EvaAraujo » Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:28 am

Hello people.
Listen, I have been answering comments on Facebook in both JCO facebook page and Jim Carrey's official facebook page.

People are being really nasty over the fact he talked about Kathy Griffin Trump joke and stood by her.
I would like for all of us to share some positivity if possible.
If you want to answer comments it's your choice but at least go there and let's promote the series so the facebook post aren't filled with idiots.

So sick of stupid people... :?

Thank you all!
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Re: Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby grinchy steve » Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:24 am

Look, I hate Trump. He's absolutely disgusting as a human being, is pushing all the wrong buttons as a president and is absolutely great in being a narcissistic lunatic. I believe the joke is peanuts compared with the stuff Trump does every single week. And I don't believe for one second his 11 year old son though it was real.

But the amount of brainwashed followers is huge. When someone does an over the top joke like this, you can expect to be bashed. You know you're in for that when you do something like this. And when you go around defending the joke, shit will be thrown at you. He's kinda doing that to himself by standing up for anti-Trump things.

Jim has the right to speak his mind and should do it if he feels the need to. But once again his timing couldn't be worse. Carreer-wise, I mean. There's always something overshadowing his projects the last couple of years. And as much as I love the man, I notice more and more hate towards him everywhere because of it.

Sometimes I wish he would choose his words and timing more carefully. And at the same time I support him in speaking his mind, not being the none opinion entertainer.

On a side note, I just can't believe how blind the Trump supporters still are ... After all that happened.
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Re: Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby Serap E. » Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:43 am

Einstein says: "Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." I totally agree with this and i witness this every day in my country. And i agree with you too Steve, the timing couldn't be worse. I've read a lot of comments on Twitter saying they won't watch the show because of this. But i don't think Jim reads the reactions or care about them. Because as he said he believes there's no limits.

I don't have a Facebook account. Maybe i would reply them if i did. But maybe you can delete the messages and block these people. This is a Trumpish solution but this is what they support.
Last edited by Serap E. on Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby AdaL » Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:39 pm

Oh, the whole world's fucked..

That's all I got. :cry:

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Re: Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby EvaAraujo » Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:41 pm

grinchy steve wrote:Look, I hate Trump. He's absolutely disgusting as a human being, is pushing all the wrong buttons as a president and is absolutely great in being a narcissistic lunatic. I believe the joke is peanuts compared with the stuff Trump does every single week. And I don't believe for one second his 11 year old son though it was real.

But the amount of brainwashed followers is huge. When someone does an over the top joke like this, you can expect to be bashed. You know you're in for that when you do something like this. And when you go around defending the joke, shit will be thrown at you. He's kinda doing that to himself by standing up for anti-Trump things.

Jim has the right to speak his mind and should do it if he feels the need to. But once again his timing couldn't be worse. Carreer-wise, I mean. There's always something overshadowing his projects the last couple of years. And as much as I love the man, I notice more and more hate towards him everywhere because of it.

Sometimes I wish he would choose his words and timing more carefully. And at the same time I support him in speaking his mind, not being the none opinion entertainer.

On a side note, I just can't believe how blind the Trump supporters still are ... After all that happened.

I agree with you. But I don't think it will shadow is career as much as it looks. Many of the people who agree with him aren't sayig anything but they will watch the show, that I'm sure. Also, there's the rest of the world...
The show is good and in my opinion him answering a question about someone else's work isn't enough to ruin that.

Stupitidy doesn't surprise me anymore and if people can't seperate things, it's their problem.
I gotta say though. Tommy has blocked some people from the JCO page. But in Jim0s official page, no one is doing that.
I wish they did!
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Re: Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby tlmarvin » Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:16 am

Sunday, June 4, 2017--6:07 pm CST

I hate all the negative Tweets about Jim. They've been really bad. Just because he said what he said that's no reason for people to continue to attack him. I support Jim and I'll always will. In some parts of Jim's interview, I don't agree with.But that will not keep me from loving him. I don't like President Trump either. But I respect him.
I have replied to a lot of those negative and hateful Tweets, some have replied some haven't. I tell these people that what Jim and Kathy said and did is in the past, so forget about it now.
I support Jim now I'm starting to support Kathy.

Terry Marvin

Dallas, Texas, USA

P.S. I'm gonna watch "I'm Dying Up Here" tonight and every Sunday.
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Re: Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby Serap E. » Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:33 am

People who agree usually seem to stay silent. Half of the Americans and most of the world agree with Jim but supportive messages aren't as much as the other ones. The same thing happened about the gun control thing. I see nothing wrong with what Jim said and i can't believe how ignorant and silly people can be.
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Re: Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby tlmarvin » Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:07 am

Sunday, June 4, 2017--7:03 pm CST

I can't believe it either. Yes, I believe I remember the the gun control thing.
There's nothing wrong with Jim defending Kathy. He's not the only celebrity that defended her, several other celebrities defended her. These people that are attacking Jim verbally are just haters.

Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas, USA)
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Re: Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue Jun 06, 2017 4:34 am

I want to say something
Who do we serve with
Negative comments?
The Master of Negativity
Figjting negativity with
Negativity does not work
We can build
Or destroy
Which is most productive?
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Re: Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby fluffy » Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:24 pm

building :wink:
There are always trolls out there who deliberately set out to be mean online, they are usually pathetic and frankly sad individuals. They should be ignored.
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Re: Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby Catherine » Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:43 am

EvaAraujo wrote:Hello people.
Listen, I have been answering comments on Facebook in both JCO facebook page and Jim Carrey's official facebook page.

People are being really nasty over the fact he talked about Kathy Griffin Trump joke and stood by her.
I would like for all of us to share some positivity if possible.
If you want to answer comments it's your choice but at least go there and let's promote the series so the facebook post aren't filled with idiots.

So sick of stupid people... :?

Thank you all!

i gree agree with you
people can be so mean i wish every bad comment get deleted
im also sick an tierd of the haters of good people like Jim and his peeps
i feel like defending him and saying listen if you got nothing good or nice to say, then dont say anything at all, why come on his twitter page or fan club site on facebook just to say natsty things, then i think about jesus christ same thing happen to him, can you emagine picking on a man so sensitive and giving and carring like that, its a form of bullying and we the lovers and fans of him are deeply affected it hurts us like he was our very own brother and rightfully so, lets step it up a small notch and gracefully have the right words to say to make them go away,,like jesus said, season our words with salt and say to the enemy get away or get behind me they have no bussiness trolling what belongs to the master of comedy
:oops: and all that jazz... we respect him so anyone comming on to anything he has personally approved of like this site should guard and protect him the best way possible all the time less we forget how sensitive at times one can be,, we are so he must be too

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Re: Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby Catherine » Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:47 am

i still have not seen dumb and dumber yet
or 23
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Re: Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:34 am

U need to see
D & D 2 on a day u dont
Want to worry about anythinf
When u want to just chill

Its sooooooo funny
Rediculously funny;)
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Re: Jim Carrey Being verbally attacked

Postby Catherine » Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:53 am

Canadian Jayne wrote:U need to see
D & D 2 on a day u dont
Want to worry about anythinf
When u want to just chill

Its sooooooo funny
Rediculously funny;)

dont i need to see d n d 1 first
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