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Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby AdaL » Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:52 pm

Catherine wrote:LAST night i did a little research on herpies, its more common than most people think. there are 4 billion people that have it

no one is going to be charged with anything. she consented to having sex so there is no crime, consent no crime no charge.

that's a private thing and why in the heck did anyone even publish it to the world.. its no body's business. just 2 people that's Jim and C...
pathetic of them to try to get money from Jim. makes me mad too

It's true. Practically everyone carries the virus in one form or another and most people don't even know they have it.
I'd point out again that there is no proof that Jim has anything at all. Just the word of a few truly evil people and some suspicious three year old texts.
And for the sake of argument, even IF he did, as you say, that's their very private business and relationship. . It happens all the time for so many reasons; embarrassment/fear of bringing it up, not realising that they can be transmitted inbetween break outs, etc and most often not even being aware you have it at all...
You're right, it is 100% an extortion attempt. There's only one reason to drag this out for the world to see and that's in the hope that he'd be embarrassed into paying them off. Thankfully, everyone can see through it and this will be over soon. I'm just very proud of his grace and dignity throughout this.
It's just such a shame that she was associating with such disgusting people.
Scientology...ain't it grand.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby fluffy » Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:25 pm

If you've had chickenpox you'll carry a variant of the herpes virus to your grave.....it gives you shingles when you're run down...
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby AdaL » Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:47 pm

Another horrifying example of Scientology's treatment of mental illness:

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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby AdaL » Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:51 pm

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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby AdaL » Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:54 pm

fluffy wrote:If you've had chickenpox you'll carry a variant of the herpes virus to your grave.....it gives you shingles when you're run down...

Yep, I had that as a kid.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby Catherine » Sun Jan 22, 2017 7:05 am

here is another thought...
in a room full of people..think about this..half of them have herpes or are carriers and don't even know it..ha
and in your own family, again, i have that i know of, an uncle who's married has herpes, he told us he got it from a drinking glass, which is true it can spread you know where if there is that scenario. i will stick to the most obvious is that
this was consentual, consent. and to accuse other wise is like saying she was raped
against her will which is ridiculously not true

to blame and put the blame on a already mentally unstable person, with proven depression is called a weasel. anything would and will have cause this beautiful soul to take her own life. seeing Jim with another woman, breakups continual, Jim flirting with another person innocently, another boyfriend treating her the opposite that Jim had during there very good relationship..going in debt far deeper than she could handle, loosing her job on the same day she had been told off by a mad rant driver while stuck in traffic and finding out her mother died god forbid, but all these scenarios could very well have been that push to take her own life..its sad, i hate depression, and hate seeing family members depressed,

no matter what you do..nothing at the end of it all, can change a person from the action they are destined to take...i'm sure that Jim is scared for life because she did this not only to her, but to him,

the worst thing ever, was her feeling unworthy of living, no matter all the good things he tried to help her with, give her everything paying for all she wanted and needed. all the charity, gets washed away and dies..at the end of it all...
i bid that Jim needs therapy to deal with the emotions left behind and perhaps he is feeling guilty that his love and kindness towards her something she never had before..
maybe he feels he wasn't good enough to prevent her from taking her life..we don't know how or what he is thinking....but its not so,its not his fault..
she was jealous, possessive and the real reason she did that, is because she could'nt handle jims outgoingness which is part of being an actor, being in the public eye, and famous. those picture of Jim just talking in a art gallery to a few ladies and smiling,
may have put insecurity and strange things in her mind and that is a condition in itself.
that is a serious condition to have, psychosis. who knows\/ she is not here to test,,but
something that can be analyzed and tapped into..as a spiritual teacher, which i am..
i can sense these things..Jim is not guilty for her behavior

this is tooooo much and can haunt you in your sleep...
and as sensitive and strong as Jim Carrey is, he is also
human. this is abuse that they are putting him through all this.
i am sure she would have not wanted him, Jim to go through this..at least i hope not

Jim Carrey is in no way guilty for the death of his girlfriend, he did not kill her
she killed herself, by her own mind heart and hand
so he should not be charge with this..absolutely crazy that were even having this conversation..all we need is faith..

one thing i have observed is
1/ Jim has no personal website
2/ Jim has a betteru website to help feed the world
3/ Jim has rolland rolls website, because he loves children and wants to give them through his book, happiness...because he knows how at times its difficult as a child
some days, some nights...bedtime stories were important to me...something i looked forward to every-night...it kinda put an ease of the abuse i was getting....

so what does that say about his character\/
that he puts others first before himself
that he is not selfish.
but rather he is a carring, true to his name. and giving individual
wow,,,that's all i have to say..

i am a good character witness to the person that he truly is, and so is him sister
he wouldn't hurt a fly
if at all things seem or appear to fail, just remember that 'LOVE WINS"
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby lspearman » Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:18 pm

I totally agree with everything you said Catherine, I don't know anything about Jim except what I've seen and read online and from that I see he's just like the rest of us, he may be famous but he has feeling and fears just like we all do and just like the rest of us he's also had hard times what ever the case may be, and I think he's just looking to find true love with someone that he can be himself with that loves him and only him and understands none of us are perfect. I've had relationships like that myself that got to the point I felt like I needed blinders on because the person I was with would get upset if I even looked to the side while riding down the road and that person would be like do I need to turn around, that person was very good to me and wanted to marry me and when I couldn't decide which diamond ring I wanted he bought them both but none of that matters if we can't be our self and we can't live our life to make someone else happy we have to be happy our self life is short and will be over before we know it, I truly believe that if a relationship of any kind is to much trouble and or heartache it's probably not meant to be because I believe that the good lord the universe or what ever you believe in wants us to be happy not stressed or worried I'm sure he appreciates your post its not fair for people to be judging what they don't understand and even if he appears to be fine in public I'm sure he probably does worry if there was something he could have done to prevent her taking her own life but no I don't think there was anything he could have done and even if they were married if that's Jim's character to laugh and joke with other girls that would have always been a problem and it drags us down when we can't be our self if we are not our true self then who are we?
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby Catherine » Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:34 pm

lspearman wrote:I totally agree with everything you said Catherine, I don't know anything about Jim except what I've seen and read online and from that I see he's just like the rest of us, he may be famous but he has feeling and fears just like we all do and just like the rest of us he's also had hard times what ever the case may be, and I think he's just looking to find true love with someone that he can be himself with that loves him and only him and understands none of us are perfect. I've had relationships like that myself that got to the point I felt like I needed blinders on because the person I was with would get upset if I even looked to the side while riding down the road and that person would be like do I need to turn around, that person was very good to me and wanted to marry me and when I couldn't decide which diamond ring I wanted he bought them both but none of that matters if we can't be our self and we can't live our life to make someone else happy we have to be happy our self life is short and will be over before we know it, I truly believe that if a relationship of any kind is to much trouble and or heartache it's probably not meant to be because I believe that the good lord the universe or what ever you believe in wants us to be happy not stressed or worried I'm sure he appreciates your post its not fair for people to be judging what they don't understand and even if he appears to be fine in public I'm sure he probably does worry if there was something he could have done to prevent her taking her own life but no I don't think there was anything he could have done and even if they were married if that's Jim's character to laugh and joke with other girls that would have always been a problem and it drags us down when we can't be our self if we are not our true self then who are we?
Much love to you all :D

omg so true
i just got out of a on and off marriage relashionship 13 years
i had to watch how i talked walked couldnt be myself
and when i was, i was told i was crazy..now that is an eye opener
we were two total opposites, i finnaly saw the light

when ever i was overly excited happy shout for joy, anything, i was put down, and he was not supportive of my dreams and goals, rather he was jealous and possesive, not healthy....instead of lifting one another up and supporting that person, sharing in there success it was the opposite, dont do this dont do that, this is bad,,bla bla..
you can never thrive in a situation like that, it actually will kill your spirit and soul, your heart and you will be no more....
and it actually affected my natrual personality. i started to stop feeling that natrual joy and becuase i knew i was comming home to someone who was never smiling never happy and always complaiing about life and his curcumstances....

so i realized i would rather be without anyone alone..than to be with someone who is bringing me down and stealing my joy.
i need that therapy and its been septemeber 23 till now...and yes i had to make sacrifices, sell my home now downsize, beucase of the income issues and all that ...
but happiness is worth far more than a pay check someone is handing you isnt it...

i dont care about the money, i had set my heart and mind straight and am determined to make it on my own with my 23 year old wonderful son who still with me ...
life can be so much more better, yes but im not putting my hopes up in anyway shape or form, im trusting the good lord, the universe, and as long as im honest, good hearted and do the right things...be kind and nice,,,which goes for everyone, which i know we all know here on this forum, that Jim is all that and a bag of naked Stacy chips and mroe...one day he will find true love,, just like in the Disney movies we used to watch when we were kids...one day he' will met the person will accept him for all the wonderful colorfull personalities that he has. one day, they will roll down the stairs and get right back up again and say...shall we do this backwards..now im crying....
we love you Jim if you ever read this, with or without the beard, we love ya..

we love that your flirty, and that you can be yourself with your public fans who love you
and we wish that you will find even if your not looking true love, honesty and sincerity..
amen..thats my wish...c im not a vegan anymore, finally eating chicken and fish..thought id add that part in...
if at all things seem or appear to fail, just remember that 'LOVE WINS"
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby lspearman » Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:53 am

I do understand Catherine, and I feel the same way, I would rather be alone than to be with someone like that myself. I have to say I have been very blessed to have some wonderful people in my life. I don't get my hopes up, none of knows what the future holds all we really have is today. I'm not interested in a serious relationship right now, I just got out of one, I have to figure out what do I really want really really? But I do have 2 great guys that are awesome and seem to be on the same page as myself one I've known my whole life and I love his family dearly and they love me back and I have another great friend that his dad has a 300 acre farm that he would like to take over and asked him would that be a good business decision, he has warehouses that he rents to fortune 500 companies and lives on the lake he's never had children of his own and lives a simple but a good life and he's very active around his plantation he has 4 very large 100 ft long gardens and is prepared for what ever might come and I like that, he loves all water sports and so do I, he wants to buy and RV and just travel from coast to coast the only thing is he's ready like right now and I'm not, back to the farm I asked him if it would be a good business decision and he said that if he did take it over he would donate all the food to the less fortunate and to me that speaks volume. My point is my friend don't ever give up because we don't know what may be just around the corner, money don't make people happy, people do. Just keep doing what you feel is the right thing and I'm sure the good lord will bring someone special in your life as for Jim if he's as good of a person as I think he is I hope and pray he does find true love, I hope we all do life is short I truly believe that their is someone for everyone but we can't be afraid we just kinda have to learn to go with the flow what ever that may be. And as far as eating I eat anything in site and my favorite that I eat at night is one raw sugar cookie the dough I love that, I think the only thing I can think of that I don't like is beets its a wonder I'm not as big as a barn thank god I have lost about 10 lbs and hope to lose a few more and will my friend opened a new night club and has invited me to the grand opening tonight decisions decisions . Have a good night my friend chat later.. :D
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby fluffy » Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:22 am

It's all blowing over now like the end of a storm, just as the sun comes out and the birds start to come out of the darkness
(from what i've read) Cat had her own issues before she even met Jim, the tragedy is that her suicide didn't just affect her, it caused everyone who loved her unbelievable torture. They, including Jim didn't deserve that but it shows what a selfish act suicide is....she should have gone home to her family but i fear there were other , sinister forces at hand pulling her strings.....the truth is i doubt even her family will ever know.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby lspearman » Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:11 am

Hopefully it will blow over soon. I think its sad when people try to take adantage of anyone that's tried to be good to someone from what I've heard Jim was very good to her. I also understand that we all have ups and downs and sometimes we just need a little space to get ourselves back together some more than others. I don't know much about someone else pulling her strings but if that was the case I don't understand that, that would make me think did she really care about him or maybe someone wanted her to get close to him for a reason and maybe when she did she fell in love with him and the it was all too much, its very sad that she couldn't for what ever reason go back to her family even if not to stay just for a while but like you say none of them may never really know what was going on really in her mind but I don't think that Jim could have done anything any different to stop her if it was too much for him he had every right to move on life and love is suppose to be a good fun happy thing, its not always a bed of roses but when 2 people really love each other they work it out it shouldn't be something that drags us down for what ever reason I wish him luck I'm sure he will be fine Sweet Dreams Fluffy..:(
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby AdaL » Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:13 pm

fluffy wrote:It's all blowing over now like the end of a storm, just as the sun comes out and the birds start to come out of the darkness
(from what i've read) Cat had her own issues before she even met Jim, the tragedy is that her suicide didn't just affect her, it caused everyone who loved her unbelievable torture. They, including Jim didn't deserve that but it shows what a selfish act suicide is....she should have gone home to her family but i fear there were other , sinister forces at hand pulling her strings.....the truth is i doubt even her family will ever know.

Well, the tabloid-baiting smear campaign is running out of steam but the vile cash-grab itself is yet to be over, sadly.
It will be, but due to a twisted judicial system and insanely litigious culture in the USA, no matter how ludicrous the basis is, it has to dragged out painfully before that can happen.
And WHEN it finally gets dismissed/kicked out officially and these monsters are set back to whatever hellish dimension they broke in from, Jim will be able to turn something so horrible into something positive in the sense that he has dealt with such an awful time and tough challenge with grace, dignity and courage. He'll emerge stronger than ever.

The sinister forces pulling her strings are a 100% certainty. There's no autonomy or independent thought for a Scientologist - same as any other creepy cult.
And those are the very same sinister forces that are now dragging her memory, correspondence and communications into the world view for a chance at scoring some cash and attacking the man she loved. And for someone with mental heath issues, Scientology is the most dangerous avenue to travel down.
It all speaks for itself, unfortunately.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby fluffy » Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:21 pm

i highly recommend Leah Remini's series 'Troublemaker-the aftermath'......it's got Emmy written all over it... :D it's a fantastic piece of documentary film-making.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby cotton » Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:47 pm

And just when things start to quiet down along comes Brigid again. she claims the judge was predjudice to her and her attorney and she wants a new one. Sorry I have a hard time posting links using my iPod but the story can be found in google alerts.

Gee Brigid maybe he wasn't predjudice maybe he just knows a money grabbing bitch when he sees one.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

Postby AdaL » Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:09 pm

cotton wrote:And just when things start to quiet down along comes Brigid again. she claims the judge was predjudice to her and her attorney and she wants a new one. Sorry I have a hard time posting links using my iPod but the story can be found in google alerts.

Gee Brigid maybe he wasn't predjudice maybe he just knows a money grabbing bitch when he sees one.

Yeah, I saw that yesterday.

I'm aghast at just how evil and twisted this trio really are.
They're clearly getting desperate and throwing all the accusations they can at anyone they can. A prejudiced judge? Fuck me..
This will go away and very soon but not before these people are faced with the truth that the whole world has been aware of the truth since the beginning -
They are grotesque and evil, predatory blackmailers trying to monetise the suicide of a woman they claimed to care about by attempting to humiliate the man she loved into paying them and dragging every most private and personal detail of their relationship into the public view and contorting it to suit their lies and desired narrative and completely disrespecting and tainting her memory in the process.

Good luck to them having to live with that for their rest of their lives.
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