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Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby fluffy » Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:24 am

Folks, we should stop argueing amongst ourselves and agree to disagree. The important thing is we all stay open minded and supportive. (excluding Scientology, screw them :wink: ) Jim's got a great lawyer and have faith that justice will prevail...
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby grinchy steve » Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:28 am

I'm with Fluffy and Eva.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby Serap E. » Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:57 am

Does anyone know how the system works in the US? I mean how long does it take the court thing to happen and come to an end?
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby tlmarvin » Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:41 pm

Saturday, October 15, 2016--6:39 am CST

Someone could have easily edited the texts and the letter.
Jim Carrey and his legal team is not giving up.

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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby grinchy steve » Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:04 pm

@serap, that depends on many factors. But I'm sure it will be announced.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:06 pm

tlmarvin wrote:Saturday, October 15, 2016--6:39 am CST

Someone could have easily edited the texts and the letter.
Jim Carrey and his legal team is not giving up.

Terry Marvin
Dallas, Texas

The text conversations are clearly edited in terms of the fact huge chunks are blacked out and the dodginess of the messages being only a week apart but with different IOS systems (the earlier texts having the later system) and his name oddly changing from 'Jim Carrey' on her phone to 'Jim' is very sus too.
The letter is totally bizarre. If legit, why would they have it? Surely there was one copy meant for Jim and sent to him..or was there?
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby fluffy » Sat Oct 15, 2016 6:13 pm

i think the USA legal system moves a lot faster than the UK system it depends on the charges and whether it has to go to trial. Over here it's the Crown Prosecution Service which decides if a case is credible enough to take it to trial..........i've no idea how it works in the USA plus they have private prosecutions when folk don't get the result the want in the criminal court. (OJ)
Hopefully he'll know before Christmas what's going to happen.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby EvaAraujo » Sun Oct 16, 2016 3:56 am

AdaL wrote:
EvaAraujo wrote:
I'm starting to think we should stop talking about it and concentrate on the positive stuff. I feel we're feeding it too and it's time to stop.

I completely disagree.

It's really important that there are places that are actually talking rationally and dealing in the facts about this. Otherwise all that is left is a bunch of libellous and vicious tabloid bullshit headlines. I am aghast at some of the crap I've seen.
Lies, smears and an evil amount of calculated blackmail is what we're seeing. This isn't some random tabloid gossip - this is disguting and shouldn't be ignored.
Most people aren't even aware of the fact that Scientology is behind this or that Cathriona was one of them, including all her friends. People mostly aren't aware that there's been a targeted periodic campaign over 15 years to lure Jim in. They're also unaware of the workings of Scientology and their penchant for suing and attacking people that have wronged them.

Jesus, most people didn't even notice the difference between the text screens and operating systems on the screenshots of the texts. People are very often stupid and need to be smacked in the face with what's right in front of them. It's not feeding the lies to talk about it, it's discussing the facts and the truth.
And this isn't even about being a fan of Jim's or an admirer of his work. Every decent person with a functioning moral code knows what is happening is abhorrent and disgusting and should defend not only him but justice and decency.
Sitting by and chatting about the weather like it's not even happening? No way. That would be an terrible disservice to him and all that is decent and right.

Adal. I undertand that you're angry about all of this, we all are. But all this conversation will lead to is the exact same position we were before. Many things are wrong and very little can be done.
You want the whole world to know the truth and frankly so do I but the real truth is, most people don't give a damn.
I can garantee you for example that this issue with Jim is not even being talked here in Portugal. Nothing. Has Jim been on the news for this in UK magazines and tv?

The number of crap said in magazines and the media about artists has been uncountable. And yes, we wanna do something, we want to say something, and we have. We can only do what we're allow as fans to do. We need to vent and for that we have eachother, that's why we're here. We feel lie saying something.
But I do believe enough is enough. It's not doing any goood, it's not doing anything.
You think Jim would want us to discuss this or his art?

Adal, you'll drive yourself crazy because the more you discuss it, the more you will think about it and the more you think about it the more you will drive crazy with worry. It's a neverending cycle.

Fact: Jim is doing his part, working with his lawer to make sure justice is done.
Fact: Mark is trying to gain money without actually getting a job and that is what most people understand from the media.

For me the only prove is the ones showed in court to a judge and we won't see those.
Everything else, is "he said, she said" especulation.

I've been agravated by the mean things people have said about Jim (frankly other artists too) after all, we are his fans, but I've also learn you can shout all you want and people still have the option to ignore you.

I'm not saying discussing it, it's feeding the lies but me being agravated about it won't do anything either.
Think about it for a second Adal: What exactly has changed? We don't have the power to change people minds about it, even if we all got together.
I imagine you wish it did (I do), but the reality is that you will only agravate yourself and end the day frustrated.
Don't do that to yourself.

I rather focus on the positive because negative atracts negative. :D
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby EvaAraujo » Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:01 am

grinchy steve wrote:I'm with Fluffy and Eva.

Thank you Steve
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:52 am

EvaAraujo wrote:
AdaL wrote:
EvaAraujo wrote:
I'm starting to think we should stop talking about it and concentrate on the positive stuff. I feel we're feeding it too and it's time to stop.

I completely disagree.

It's really important that there are places that are actually talking rationally and dealing in the facts about this. Otherwise all that is left is a bunch of libellous and vicious tabloid bullshit headlines. I am aghast at some of the crap I've seen.
Lies, smears and an evil amount of calculated blackmail is what we're seeing. This isn't some random tabloid gossip - this is disguting and shouldn't be ignored.
Most people aren't even aware of the fact that Scientology is behind this or that Cathriona was one of them, including all her friends. People mostly aren't aware that there's been a targeted periodic campaign over 15 years to lure Jim in. They're also unaware of the workings of Scientology and their penchant for suing and attacking people that have wronged them.

Jesus, most people didn't even notice the difference between the text screens and operating systems on the screenshots of the texts. People are very often stupid and need to be smacked in the face with what's right in front of them. It's not feeding the lies to talk about it, it's discussing the facts and the truth.
And this isn't even about being a fan of Jim's or an admirer of his work. Every decent person with a functioning moral code knows what is happening is abhorrent and disgusting and should defend not only him but justice and decency.
Sitting by and chatting about the weather like it's not even happening? No way. That would be an terrible disservice to him and all that is decent and right.

Adal. I undertand that you're angry about all of this, we all are. But all this conversation will lead to is the exact same position we were before. Many things are wrong and very little can be done.
You want the whole world to know the truth and frankly so do I but the real truth is, most people don't give a damn.
I can garantee you for example that this issue with Jim is not even being talked here in Portugal. Nothing. Has Jim been on the news for this in UK magazines and tv?

The number of crap said in magazines and the media about artists has been uncountable. And yes, we wanna do something, we want to say something, and we have. We can only do what we're allow as fans to do. We need to vent and for that we have eachother, that's why we're here. We feel lie saying something.
But I do believe enough is enough. It's not doing any goood, it's not doing anything.
You think Jim would want us to discuss this or his art?

Adal, you'll drive yourself crazy because the more you discuss it, the more you will think about it and the more you think about it the more you will drive crazy with worry. It's a neverending cycle.

Fact: Jim is doing his part, working with his lawer to make sure justice is done.
Fact: Mark is trying to gain money without actually getting a job and that is what most people understand from the media.

For me the only prove is the ones showed in court to a judge and we won't see those.
Everything else, is "he said, she said" especulation.

I've been agravated by the mean things people have said about Jim (frankly other artists too) after all, we are his fans, but I've also learn you can shout all you want and people still have the option to ignore you.

I'm not saying discussing it, it's feeding the lies but me being agravated about it won't do anything either.
Think about it for a second Adal: What exactly has changed? We don't have the power to change people minds about it, even if we all got together.
I imagine you wish it did (I do), but the reality is that you will only agravate yourself and end the day frustrated.
Don't do that to yourself.

I rather focus on the positive because negative atracts negative. :D

Well, no the conversation does not leave us in the same position. I don't think it is remotely unhealthy to discuss what's going on; quite the contrary actually.
And maybe practically speaking little can actually be done, but what *can* be done is to inform each other and other people on the facts here as opposed to allowing the lies to fester and perpetuate in the way that the media is currently doing.
Think about it - google Jim Carrey and this is the only and biggest fansite. I can *bet* you that people will come here for info and to snoop around on opinions. Undoubtedly.
I have lost count of the amount of times on other sites people have posted "oh my god, I had no idea" and "Well, that shows things in a whole different light", when I've explained the back story on what's going on here re: Scientology etc.
That is INSANELY valuable. And if people come on here and find......nothing. What does that say? It just leaves people with the lies that the media are feeding everyone to satisfy their sales and generate clickbait. Earlier I actually read a headline that said "Carrey intimidating ex's family"... I mean...WTAF.
And if people don't stand up for him publicly and smack people in the face with the facts, the damage to his reputation is done and these fuckers are winning.
And yes, this has been ALL over the news in the UK.. The tabloids are creaming themselves over it.
Believe me, it IS doing good to discuss it. Nobody HAS to get involved and if you don't want to discuss it then fine, but I don't believe it's OK to suggest people should shut up about it. Far from it.
And in regards to what Jim would want.. Well, I would imagine Jim would want to not be attacked by a bunch of scheming, evil extortionists who are hell bent on exploiting tragedy and ruining him, but sadly that is what's happening. I'm sure he'd LOVE for the focus to be on his art - wouldn't we all.. but life doesn't go the way you want.
I don't know the man, but if I were in his position, I would want people speaking up for me, supporting me and telling the truth. Particularly people on my own fansite.
I'm certain he wishes that this shit wasn't happening at all .. but it is. And people who believe in decency and the truth can step up and do their bit, no matter how small.

What drives me crazy is lies, shit people and apathy and willingness to accept whatever's laid in front of them from the public. What would drive me even *crazier* is to be prevented from speaking up, saying what I feel and telling the truth.
Yes, you can shout all you want and yes of course people have the option to ignore you, but that shouldn't stop you from shouting.

We DO have the power to change minds. As I said above, I've informed SO many people I've spoken to about the truth here and they've completely changed their opinions based on FACTS. This is VERY important. HUGELY, ENORMOUSLY important. Don't underestimate it.
No, we can't make the whole nasty, vicious attack,the evil bastards and the scum lawyer fuck off into the fiery heart of the sun, but we can lessen the impact of the lies they're spreading by telling people the truth.

The negative exists right now whether we like it or not and choosing to ignore it is what attracts more of it and allows it to prosper. Fighting it with the positivity of the truth is what kills it.
And I'm not saying that this should be the only subject on the table, of course not. Discussing his art AND talking about this are not mutually exclusive but choosing to ignore this completely is a massive let-down to him.

I've posted this before and I'll post it again -
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it"
-Albert Einstein
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby fluffy » Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:42 am

That's why we've allowed the topic to be open on JCO. It's important for Jim, his family and friends to know that there are still supportive sites and fans out there......we're not a newspaper so we don't have to show both sides of the argument, we just need to be here, business as usual....
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:34 am

As I said before, most people either aren't fussed or see it plainly for what it - a grab for his money, but few people seem to be aware of the background, what her friends are like and what this is motivated by. Becoming aware of the facts cements public opinion of these grotesque people.
The press will never present a story beyond what secures them the clicks and the sales and a 'scandalous' headline about an a-lister is all it takes to do that. That's why it's vital to always counter the crap with the truth.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby fluffy » Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:04 pm

Have faith that ' Justice will prevail'....regardless.... :)
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Sun Oct 16, 2016 2:02 pm

fluffy wrote:Have faith that ' Justice will prevail'....regardless.... :)

I'll do my best!
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Re: :(

Postby fluffy » Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:11 pm


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