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Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby grinchy steve » Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:00 pm

I'm sorry, that's not how I see things. Life is a grey area. I refuse to say things like that about her mother, cause at that point we're doing exactly the same as the Carrey-haters, only from the other side. Just imagine some of the things being real -could be the case- ... Surely you must be able to see both sides of the story, apart from the fact you think it's not right to point at him for that, as I agree. But it would at least be understandable from her point of view. The conclusions and assumptions shouldn't be there till after the process.

I just can't go in blind fanboy modus on this - only referring to myself. I support him, won't judge him either, do hope he gets out of this without any suffering on any level and will be able to move on afterwards. Tragic happened, life happened. I hope all of them can find closure when it's over.
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Re: :(

Postby EvaAraujo » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:10 pm

AdaL wrote:
A hardcore Scientologist is behind this though. That is a certainty.

How can you be so certain of that?
I'm not saying you are wrong. I just don't know and I'm curious to understand how you can be so sure.
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Re: :(

Postby sianlee » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:11 pm

So what's gonna happen from here? If Jim proves positive how does that mean that he caused her death? She didn't have to take his pills. And why would she want to get back with him two years later if he was just pure evil.
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Re: :(

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:21 pm

EvaAraujo wrote:
AdaL wrote:
A hardcore Scientologist is behind this though. That is a certainty.

How can you be so certain of that?
I'm not saying you are wrong. I just don't know and I'm curious to understand how you can be so sure.

Because Mark Burton is a Scientologist. It's fact. He was brought up in the cult.

Again, you can visit Tony Ortega's site for anything you need verifying. http://tonyortega.org/category/cathriona-white/
But it's available info in several places online. Scientologists are never as secretive as they'd ideally like to be.
Last edited by AdaL on Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: :(

Postby EvaAraujo » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:27 pm

sianlee wrote:So what's gonna happen from here? If Jim proves positive how does that mean that he caused her death? She didn't have to take his pills. And why would she want to get back with him two years later if he was just pure evil.

He didn't cause anyones death.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby fluffy » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:32 pm

i agree......there's blame to be had on both sides but the ex husbands motives are different and sinister. it's a shame this can't be played out privately in the courts, trial by media can destroy careers. :(
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:33 pm

grinchy steve wrote:I'm sorry, that's not how I see things. Life is a grey area. I refuse to say things like that about her mother, cause at that point we're doing exactly the same as the Carrey-haters, only from the other side. Just imagine some of the things being real -could be the case- ... Surely you must be able to see both sides of the story, apart from the fact you think it's not right to point at him for that, as I agree. But it would at least be understandable from her point of view. The conclusions and assumptions shouldn't be there till after the process.

How are we doing the same as 'haters'? This is a vile and despicable lawsuit designed to exploit someone, blame them for another person's choice to take their life and financially profit. These are facts.
What are you imagining that could be real? There is no basis to this at all.
The accusations are ridiculous and based on texts that show nothing but a very edited portion of a difficult time in a relationship. That is all. That's all they have. No relationships are perfect and they likely did have issues but he has suffered with depression his whole life too and it's appalling that he is being subjected to this.
It's pure fantasy and lies based on nothing but a vendetta and greed.
This has been patently manufactured to cause some 'scandalous' headlines and shake him into paying them off.
Their evil lawsuit is claiming to blame him for her death and profit from the event. That is wrong. She killed herself and however difficult a relationship has been, it is horrific to blame another person for someone's choice to do that. That isn't a grey area. It's mental illness.
Her mother is disgusting for doing this. Looking to jump into this nasty, vicious, premeditated and calculated attack and make some cash from her daughter's death is just unforgiveable.
Last edited by AdaL on Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: :(

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:45 pm

sianlee wrote:So what's gonna happen from here? If Jim proves positive how does that mean that he caused her death? She didn't have to take his pills. And why would she want to get back with him two years later if he was just pure evil.

Of course it doesn't mean he caused her death and they know that. Even if he proved positive nobody could prove that she contracted anything from him. She could've got it form her real 'husband', so he would need to be tested too. And a herpes diagnosis prior to your suicide three and half years later does not explain a suicide.

And no she didn't have to steal his pills but she did. Depression and mental illness will do that and become involved in Scientology is very bad news.
There's pure evil involved in this and it's the form of her mother and 'friends'.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby grinchy steve » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:46 pm

That's your take on it. Nothing else. I respect your opinion. I believe I've said everything there is to say on the subject at this point.

@ fluffy, that's a shame indeed. About the ex husband, I do find his part in this questionable. At least, from what we know. But what do we know really? You see, that's why I'm carefull with calling names on both sides.
Last edited by grinchy steve on Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:51 pm

grinchy steve wrote:That's your take on it. Nothing else. I respect your opinion. I believe I've said everything there is to say on the subject at this point.

I just don't think you're making much sense at all, I'm afraid.
Nobody is claiming that they had the perfect relationship but the evil claims against him are attempting to pin public blame for her choice to kill herself on him.
You either agree with that or you don't.

And we do know quite a lot about the people responsible for this actually. If you haven't read up on her friends, I would suggest you do so.
This legal and public attack is classic Scientology tactics. You can't have it spelled out for you much more plainly than that and the pure fact that they are looking to pocket cash ultimately?... Come on.
Last edited by AdaL on Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby grinchy steve » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:55 pm

Same impression here.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby EvaAraujo » Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:42 pm

grinchy steve wrote:Nice text, Eva. :) As said before, I hope for the best. It's all we can do.

As for the judgment, let me explain why I have a very different experience. With the gun-thing, nobody outside the US cared, since it's not an issue elsewhere. It wasn't news at all. In fact, worldwide everyone was with Jim, 'fighting' those "gun-crazy Americans". The only hate came from the pro-gun US citizens who thought it was a big deal.

As for this case. By the time the recent events did get attention outside the US, it wasn't by the tabloids, it were the serious papers and news sites. And it wasn't build up little by little, it's the whole story at once, all details and as facts presented 'evidence' included. It's sensitive material, playing on a whole other level. People have opinions all over the world on this.

Unfortunately, I'm not under the impression majority of people are on his side at all at this point. I've never seen so much hate and ugly comments on him before, worldwide I mean. This is a global thing, the gun thing wasn't. Even the jokes are there already, like the one that's about the swollen Renée Zellweger finally being explained and things like that. His name is used in sentences calling him the next Charlie Sheen and -awful!- Bill Cosby. I just stopped reading now.

I sure hope that when Jim is cleared from all of this by court, it will get the same amount of attention and we don't get the whole "He settled!" thing. We'll see. I hope the best, that's all.

Yes. Diferent experiences. I don't see much of the negative comments outside USA regarding this lawsuit thing. But I have to honest to say that I rarely look for info about Jim outside USA.
Here in Portugal the info we get is non existent to the point of frustating.
of course that any kind of sensionalize news if normally wildy shared. Unfortunately.

We'll have to wait and see and hope. :)

I'm starting to think we should stop talking about it and concentrate on the positive stuff. I feel we're feeding it too and it's time to stop.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:21 pm

EvaAraujo wrote:
I'm starting to think we should stop talking about it and concentrate on the positive stuff. I feel we're feeding it too and it's time to stop.

I completely disagree.

It's really important that there are places that are actually talking rationally and dealing in the facts about this. Otherwise all that is left is a bunch of libellous and vicious tabloid bullshit headlines. I am aghast at some of the crap I've seen.
Lies, smears and an evil amount of calculated blackmail is what we're seeing. This isn't some random tabloid gossip - this is disguting and shouldn't be ignored.
Most people aren't even aware of the fact that Scientology is behind this or that Cathriona was one of them, including all her friends. People mostly aren't aware that there's been a targeted periodic campaign over 15 years to lure Jim in. They're also unaware of the workings of Scientology and their penchant for suing and attacking people that have wronged them.

Jesus, most people didn't even notice the difference between the text screens and operating systems on the screenshots of the texts. People are very often stupid and need to be smacked in the face with what's right in front of them. It's not feeding the lies to talk about it, it's discussing the facts and the truth.
And this isn't even about being a fan of Jim's or an admirer of his work. Every decent person with a functioning moral code knows what is happening is abhorrent and disgusting and should defend not only him but justice and decency.
Sitting by and chatting about the weather like it's not even happening? No way. That would be an terrible disservice to him and all that is decent and right.
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Re: :(

Postby sianlee » Sat Oct 15, 2016 6:59 am

Hopefully - God forbid - she wasn't in on it as well? You know to bring Jim down? How is it so that her husband and family are apart of Scientology and her not be? Did she associate with them or no?

And too late for her to get tested though, or could that be on the autopsy?
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Re: :(

Postby fluffy » Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:16 am

Cat was an established Scientologist. She got into it in Ireland and went to LA on the promise of contacts at the celebrity centre.....she had been in it long enough to have it seriously influence her....to our knowledge her father and sisters were not into Scientology.
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