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Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

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Re: :(

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:09 am

sianlee wrote: Why not just publish it already you know?

Jesus, no.
He should in no way shape or form be bullied or blackmailed by these scumbags. Let them proceed with their bullshit 'lawsuit'. They're not getting any money either way.
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Re: :(

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:16 am

EvaAraujo wrote:
AdaL wrote:
EvaAraujo wrote:
I don't give a f*** about scientologist and frankly if that's the reason this is happen it's just a detail that doesn't matter anymore.
The fact that is happening is enough for me.

The fact that this is a Scientology thing can't really be ignored though. You're dealing with a certain kind of person and a certain prescribed set of rules and objectives.
You'd have to be a batshit scientologist to think that you could get anywhere but mocked with this ludicrous attempt at a shakedown.

And there is not a chance that this will affect his career. Most people aren't interested and the ones that are have the basic amount of gumption required to see it for what it is.
When this is over, all the fuckwits who have been absorbing and believing it will have looong since moved on to the next round of celebrity gossip and forgotten all about it.

None of these things make me less angry, however. I could snap a femur like a wishbone right now.

I know it can't be ignore. The only issue for me is that I don't like acusing anyone without evidence. From what we are told about this scientology crap thing, it could be true they are behind it.
I admit that I'm not aware of much about scientology, or the articles and people who have talked about it, no matter if in a positive or negative way. To be honest I only hear about it when she died because she was part of it. I don't know if that guy is or not cause frankly I didn't read anywhere in the articles about this lawsuit thing that he was. Maybe I missed it out.
Anyway, for me, it doesn't matter because clearly the credibility of scientology has been damage through the last years and again, in court, is that Mark guy who's suing Jim.

A hardcore Scientologist is behind this though. That is a certainty.
So therefore, Scientology is involved. Scientologists don't do anything without Scientology.

As I say, they are a different beast. Emphasis very much on the beast.
You are not dealing with your average human being, you are dealing with a vicious cult hive mentality that prescribes its own rules.
I'll repost their 'fair game' policy for anyone who didn't see it the first time -

"One of their common tactics is actually also tying people up in courts and milking away all their money. If someone is labeled "Fair Game", everyone is empowered to harass and generally try to ruin their lives by any means possible. They have DROVES of lawyers whos jobs are to bring up legal case after legal case against Scientologist-enemies (known as Suppressed Persons) just to wear them down.
"Scientology's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, said all opposition came from what he called "Suppressive Persons" (SPs)— which scientologists claim are "anti-social people who want to destroy anything that benefits humanity."[3] In written policies dating from the mid-1950s, Hubbard told his followers to take a hard line against perceived opponents. In 1955 he wrote, "The purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage rather than to win. The law can be used easily to harass, and enough harassment on somebody who is simply on the thin edge anyway, well knowing that he is not authorized, will generally be sufficient to cause his professional decease. If possible, of course, ruin him utterly".[7]"

The involvement of Scientology is not incidental and cannot be ignored here.
Last edited by AdaL on Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: :(

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:04 am

America, you need to do something about your batshit legal system.
If someone walked into a solicitor's office in this country and proposed this suit, they'd be laughed out the door before they had a chance to get their coat off.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby grinchy steve » Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:22 pm

Nice text, Eva. :) As said before, I hope for the best. It's all we can do.

As for the judgment, let me explain why I have a very different experience. With the gun-thing, nobody outside the US cared, since it's not an issue elsewhere. It wasn't news at all. In fact, worldwide everyone was with Jim, 'fighting' those "gun-crazy Americans". The only hate came from the pro-gun US citizens who thought it was a big deal.

As for this case. By the time the recent events did get attention outside the US, it wasn't by the tabloids, it were the serious papers and news sites. And it wasn't build up little by little, it's the whole story at once, all details and as facts presented 'evidence' included. It's sensitive material, playing on a whole other level. People have opinions all over the world on this.

Unfortunately, I'm not under the impression majority of people are on his side at all at this point. I've never seen so much hate and ugly comments on him before, worldwide I mean. This is a global thing, the gun thing wasn't. Even the jokes are there already, like the one that's about the swollen Renée Zellweger finally being explained and things like that. His name is used in sentences calling him the next Charlie Sheen and -awful!- Bill Cosby. I just stopped reading now.

I sure hope that when Jim is cleared from all of this by court, it will get the same amount of attention and we don't get the whole "He settled!" thing. We'll see. I hope the best, that's all.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:39 pm

I don't know where you're looking for these comments but I think you should stop looking there. You say it's 'worldwide', well ..yeah because that's the nature of the web but I can tell you categorically right now that I have extensively looked across all the news sites and largely they're populated by sane people who think this is an abhorrent cash grab.
Of course there's going to be a lot of crazy trolls who'll talk shit and there's quite clearly a lot of Scientologists insulting him.. yes it is that obvious who they are. But generally, it's fine.
I mean ... comparing him to Cosby and sheen ... that's flat out insane. People like that are irrelevant, barmy and very much in the minority.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby grinchy steve » Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:20 pm

Where? Everywhere. Again, we have a different experience. ;)

Ps: 'Worldwide' is only used in the context of comparison wit the gun-thing. And even lots of haters agree with the fact he can't be held responsible for the suicide. But the hate is because of the STDS, the lies, the letter, the text messages and the dirt digging detectives. Although nobody even knows what's true or not.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:34 pm

grinchy steve wrote:Where? Everywhere. Again, we have a different experience. ;)

Ps: 'Worldwide' is only used in the context of comparison wit the gun-thing. And even lots of haters agree with the fact he can't be held responsible for the suicide. But the hate is because of the STDS, the lies, the letter, the text messages and the dirt digging detectives. Although nobody even knows what's true or not.

Nobody knows what the truth and motivations are re: alleged stds. These things happen in the adult world.. all the time. Sexually active adults are at risk and there's no shame in them. It's a private matter.
As for the letter that very few people seem to possess the intelligence to question where it originated from - who knows? It's totally one sided, if it as at all legit. Why would nobody question what's in it and accept it without context?
The texts are edited and cobbled together to suit a narrative and all they present is a couple arguing. That's it. There's no violence, threats or evil in them and again no context whatsoever.
As for the detectives.. well good for them. So the money grabbing slandering shits can rake around Jim's life but they don't like it thrown back? I will say that you don't really need to dig to expose them people as scum. Their actions have already achieved that.
And if people are condemning them blaming him for her suicide but having the cheek to pass judgement on private problems in a relationship I think they've got a bit of cognitive disosonance going on.
The whole point of this grotesque lawsuit and his privacy violation is the batshit claim that he IS responsible for her suicide.
So everything else is incidental. We've all had harsh words and break ups.. should we be judged and flogged by the general public for them? Obviously not.

That obviously isn't directed at you, more the people you are referring to, but my point is - these snooping, gormless gossip hounds are irrelevant.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby grinchy steve » Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:58 pm

I get what you mean. I understand. But again, I'm not choosing sides. Meaning I won't state anything of the "evidence" thrown around being real or not. Cause I don't know. I hope the best for everyone involved. As it sure isn't a case of black and white.
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Re: :(

Postby fluffy » Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:20 pm

There are some great books which blow the lid on Scientology...to be honest i could write them all down but it's easier to direct you to Amazon. Perhaps the best one is 'Fair Game: the incredible untold story of Scientology by Steve Cannane....it shows just how immoral and banal the foundations are. Then there is Jon Atak's book -Scientolgy: the cult of greed....it's more about modern Scientology and illustrates our fears. John Sweeny's book, The Church of fear: inside the weird world of Scientology is great for lookjng at it though the eyes of an outsider.....then you have Lawrence Wrights book , Tony ortegas book and not forgetting the book by Ron Miscavage, David Miscavages own father which really puts the boot in.......i've read them all and there's heaps more, too many to name here but do check out Amazon......The 2 best films are 'Going Clear' and the john Sweeney BBC documentary, available on You Tube......you'll see that all the negative press is well founded . They do like to call everyone who diagrees with them an SP or bigot but the facts and testimonies speak for themselves..........it only got religious status as a tax dodge and to get governments off their back.....it's all in the public domain and there are whole quotes by LRH to support this so no-one is making anything up.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby fluffy » Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:38 pm

Y'know, i don't really give a sh*t whether he did all that stuff or not. He's an actor, not a politician, he doesn't have to live by any puritanical code of honour...I love his work, he'll never know me, nor i him but what i don't want to see is his career destroyed by opportunists looking to gain financially. He may very well be a bit of a moody git but if it was so bad why didn't she leave him then?.....The point is he may be a movie star but he's still a human being with flaws and issues but that doesn't make him inherently bad.....Cat has to take responsibility for herself (even in death)....the concern is that this has been blown out of proportion for sinister reasons. In the UK this would never stand, hence why the mother is going through the US court.
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Re: :(

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:00 pm

This is the effect a Scientologist had on a calm, measured, austere BBC journalist ..

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Re: :(

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:17 pm

And for anyone who still hasn't visited Tony Ortega's site - PLEASE do. It really will open your eyes. And I'll just leave this here, which I think is particularly relevant in light of people still questioning the connection between Scientology and this revolting campaign.

http://tonyortega.org/2015/10/06/scient ... rmer-exec/

It's quite clear that someone was was spying on Jim and informing them of his meds back in 2000, so it's not out of the realms of possibility it was still happening...

"We asked Claire if, based on Scientology’s efforts to bring Jim Carrey in more than a decade ago, the church might have considered using Cathriona White to make another attempt at landing him.

“Honestly, I wouldn’t put anything past them in that regards,” she says. “We know that they’re getting desperate, and one of the few things they can do is get some more celebrities in. That’s always been one of their massive hooks to get people in. They tried it in the past, and they would do it again,” she says.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby Serap E. » Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:30 pm

I don't have full knowledge about the gun thing since i had deleted my twitter account back then but he experienced similar things on the summer of 2015 when he tweeted about vaccines. Many nasty comments from low people. And if they have a chance and see him in the street i'm sure they would go "hey Jim i love you, let's take a selfie". They're like the people at the end of The Truman Show. When the show ends they get the remote and switch over. The same kind of people are commenting and i agree with Eva, i think he's staying away from social media. I stopped reading dailymail since the the text thing started and i'm happy.

And Ricky Gervais, he was so awful last year, i laughed about 1 or 2 times. He'd better not host it again.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:19 pm

grinchy steve wrote:I get what you mean. I understand. But again, I'm not choosing sides. Meaning I won't state anything of the "evidence" thrown around being real or not. Cause I don't know. I hope the best for everyone involved. As it sure isn't a case of black and white.

Well it's a case of black and white in that he is being accused of causing suicide by some horrendous people looking to claim his money and that is wrong and disgusting.
There's no grey area there.
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Re: :(

Postby AdaL » Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:36 pm

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