Jim Carrey discussion on non-movie related topics or topics which doesn't fit anywhere else...
by tlmarvin » Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:31 pm
Monday, March 14, 2016--4:26 pm CST
Hey JCO:
I found a recent picture of Dr. Jim Carrey. He shaved off his beard, and it looks like he's letting his hair grow out. You can fine the pictures on Daily Mail.
Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas)

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by AdaL » Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:14 pm
Aggh, The Daily Mail.. *hisses and brandishes crucifix* No offence to you, OP, it's just that paper. Evil stuff.

- The Majestic
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by tlmarvin » Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:16 am
Monday, March 14, 2016--6:22 pm CST
I'm sorry yall didn't like the post. I guess I shouldn't of told yall where I found the article and pictures. Sorry.
Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas, USA)

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by AdaL » Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:26 am
tlmarvin wrote:I'm sorry you didn't like the post.
Noooo!! Honestly, my friend, it is not your post that I don't like! It is genuinely that 'newspaper' - it just has such a reputation in the UK. Vile, vile right wing hatred. And the pics of Jim, I know exactly what they've been doing - they've been waiting for this moment..hoping to grab a picture of him as soon as they could for the sole purpose of making some crass and disrespectful reference to the loss he suffered last year. As if it wasn't bad enough that they treated such an awful thing as entertainment by splashing lies and intrusive and harrowing funeral pictures all over the papers they still are looking to profit by including it in their headlines of him. Just awful. Awful, awful. But of course you should post whatever you like and there's nothing wrong with that. I have to say as much as I hate unauthorised pics, after not seeing him for so long, it's nice to see him looking brighter and happier again.

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by tlmarvin » Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:39 am
Monday, March 14, 2016--11:36 pm CST
Thank you very much. I will admit I didn't' when posted pictures of the funeral. That should've been private.
Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas, USA)

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by AdaL » Tue Mar 15, 2016 6:15 pm
They certainly should've been private. I think it violates every code of morality and decency to treat a funeral like a red carpet event and take pictures of devastated and grieving people. I never sought out those photos, but sadly they appeared everywhere and each time I saw them I couldn't scroll away fast enough and it made me so upset that they even existed. How sickening to have no respect, either for a human being who's passed or their loved ones. In my naivety, I really believed that the media would back off from such a tragic event, but no. A part of my faith in humanity died forever after that and very few people seemed remotely bothered; I couldn't believe others weren't as outraged as me and that's without the disgustingly intrusive and abhorrent articles written about it too.  Of course, this is all being dragged into the media again because he dared to have dinnner with a female. God, I wouldn't be famous for anything in the world. Just awful.

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by tlmarvin » Wed Mar 16, 2016 12:51 pm
Wednesday, March 16, 2016--6:48 am CST
Morning JCO:
The lady that Dr. Jim Carrey was with last weekend, is "just a friend" not his new girlfriend.
Terry (Dallas, Texas, USA)

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by fluffy » Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:07 am
aggh, The Daily Mail.. *hisses and brandishes crucifix*
........LMAO.....it's Britains biggest daily newspaper so it's become fashionable to dislike it but believe me it deserves it's HUGE circulation and it's numerous awards for good journalism. Do yourself a favour Ada and read it for 1 whole week and compare it to the blinkered broadsheets...... 

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by AdaL » Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:00 pm
fluffy wrote:aggh, The Daily Mail.. *hisses and brandishes crucifix*
........LMAO.....it's Britains biggest daily newspaper so it's become fashionable to dislike it but believe me it deserves it's HUGE circulation and it's numerous awards for good journalism. Do yourself a favour Ada and read it for 1 whole week and compare it to the blinkered broadsheets...... 
Well, no, The Sun is Britian's biggest newspaper, which is even more humiliating to the UK. The Mail (and The Sun) has a huge circulation because people are morons and are influenced by their right-wing agenda. Good journalism? Really? All I see is intense hatred for women, all ethnic minorities, gay people, the disabled, poor people, basically anyone who isn't a pearl-clutching, middle class, white Tory. It consistently ignores the problems with he have in this country which are perpetrated by the rich and instead invent headlines which intend to futher compound hatred in society; the endless statistics '234,00 billion Romanians coming to the UK to steal YOUR JOBS!!!' etc, etc. They never cite their sources because they don't have any and their readers don't care as it just suits their fascist views to believe it anyway. I realise that most papers have their agenda and the broadsheets are no excpetion to that but the Mail is one of the most toxic.The fact that I'm particularly focusing on this one doesn't mean that I believe it to be the only bad newspaper, but in this instance it was the one that chose to print intrusive and unauthorised 'exclusive' pictures of a person living their private life in order to continue to expolit their grief and tragedy for clickbait and sensationalism (and don't get me started on some of the sickening things they said about him last year). They openly championed the nazis in the 30s and their attitudes have changed very little (if at all) since. People don't dislike it because it's fashionable to do so, they dislike it because it's toxic and vile.

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by fluffy » Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:25 pm
i beg your pardon, you are quite right  , the Sun beats the DM circulation by around 200,000. I didn't realise the DM is different in Scotland  , we have our own DM which i can only assume differs considerably in that it's primarily concerned with Scotland....To be honest i'm totally sickened by ALL the news, it's just so scary. I need a break from misery so i've been immersing myself in the books of Vernon Coleman. They're good clean humour.....i think we all need some serious laughs, if only Jim could save us all with chuckles...  ps, i only actually get the Mail on Sunday but i see it won the popular journalism award at the British press awards 2015 so at least they are doing something right.... 

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by AdaL » Tue Mar 22, 2016 2:19 am
fluffy wrote:i beg your pardon, you are quite right  , the Sun beats the DM circulation by around 200,000. I didn't realise the DM is different in Scotland  , we have our own DM which i can only assume differs considerably in that it's primarily concerned with Scotland....To be honest i'm totally sickened by ALL the news, it's just so scary. I need a break from misery so i've been immersing myself in the books of Vernon Coleman. They're good clean humour.....i think we all need some serious laughs, if only Jim could save us all with chuckles...  ps, i only actually get the Mail on Sunday but i see it won the popular journalism award at the British press awards 2015 so at least they are doing something right.... 
aah, I didn't realise that Scotland got a different DM... I hope you got a better deal than we did! Yup, all the news is depressing and awful; books are a very good place to escape to. And the sanctuary of Jim's unabounding joy too, of course. I miss him - thank God for DVDs. He also needs to tweet more - the motherf**king tease.. 

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by fluffy » Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:48 pm
yeah, i didn't realise it until i noticed it's actually called the Scottish Daily Mail......that was the giveaway..  ....i think we have the same pictures and cartoons but the paper is full of Scottish stuff, news and sports etc and the columnists and writers are exclusive to the SDM..........re Jim being a tease....lmao, tell us about it...lol......it's either a feast or a famine when he tweets........lol

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