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Jim Carrey Heading For Breakdown

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Re: Jim Carrey Heading For Breakdown

Postby Number23 » Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:36 am

[quote="Catherine"]I think I'm heading for a breakdown quote]

I'm So Sorry Catherine!!!!! You don't deserve that, Absolutely uncalled for, I hope you feel better! Let me know if there I anything I can do to help ya out!
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Re: Jim Carrey Heading For Breakdown

Postby Catherine » Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:47 am

Number23 wrote:
Catherine wrote:I think I'm heading for a breakdown quote]

I'm So Sorry Catherine!!!!! You don't deserve that, Absolutely uncalled for, I hope you feel better! Let me know if there I anything I can do to help ya out!

I wish sometimes I wasn't so sensitive, why!! Why can your own family be like that, I just don't get it, sometimes I think I have all the answers then I get thrown off
Like this, my god I went for a drive nearly lost it, still feel sick about this number 23 thanks for caring, almost cried, wish I can blame the moon, I feel badly first cuz my nephew he know I just know it, why would he question me then see if I would lie like the rest of them
Even if I sent a letter they would read n rip it up....I tried to call back my mother answered of course she controls the whole family, so I tried to explain how I felt it was wrong to lie n that he's gonna find out and it will make him feel bad, she laughed and said he's just a kid its OK, I said no its not okay, he has feelings and when he finds out the truth its gonna hurt.. This is the way its bin with these people my whole life. They take then crush your goodness cuz there not happy themselves with their life, suffer omg I don't know what to do, I remembered in the morning before he called me, his older sister had called to wish me ...happy bday and I told her about going to the book signing meeting Jim nicely and all that, so I bet she told him that's why he was questioning me in front of my mom ...if so he's gonna feel bad tonight when he goes to sleep, I let him down cuz his mom didn't let me take him, it wasn't important to her enough to change her plans for her weekend and that'swhen iI was trying to make a mends with her during this time..what a mess...he's the kind of kid so precious everybody loves he's special says odd things for a kid his age makes u laugh just adorable one time he was having a sugar thing where he was just feeling out cuz he wanted some candy and his mom and I wew were trying to help him with that , it was too much...so he freaked out never seen that before he started to cry it got really bad said he felt like dying soon I heard that I started to cry then he was saying stuff he didn't like that his mother does embarrassing stuff and I felt that kid was me!

My mom thinks kids don't have feelings or they don't matter its too bad cause it reopens the wounds that are trying to repair its like a battle field family ..trying to face them and make mends in many ways. I just can't let go and forget it, things leave us our whole lives through good and bad but I want the truth, no matter how pretty or ugly truth . no lie can justify even small makes a difference ..what to do I like to have quick fixes but idk :cry:
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Re: Jim Carrey Heading For Breakdown

Postby fluffy » Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:17 am

awe, hugs Catherine........but you gotta take care of yourself hon, or you won't be in a position to carry out all the good stuff you do....... :(
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Re: Jim Carrey Heading For Breakdown

Postby EvaAraujo » Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:47 am

I understand how you must be feeling right now.
It's hard when our own family disappoints us. In fact, I think is sad when our own family are the first ones to bring you down. But I also believe we have to see that we are better and that sometimes we need to distance ourselves for our own self-preservation.
I adapted one of my favorite quotes and every time I get hurt or disappointed at someone, I think of it: "No one deserves your tears and the person who does... won't make you cry!" Family, friends, romantic relationships... it's a very adaptable quote... :D

I go through a few situations like that from time to time. :?

The truth is... you didn't wanna lie to the kid. And you don't need to worry cause no matter when he finds out, he will understand. Have the faith in him that the people who wanted you to lie, didn't.... Trust me. He will appreciate it!

Gonna tell ya a story... ^^ Hopefully it will give you hope that the situation will get better.

I'm a huge fan of Jim but I also follow the career of an actor from my own country, Portugal.
I became his fan around the same time I was tutoring this 9 years old girl. I was her tutor mainly in English and for a couple of years.

We were both watching the same project that actor was staring in and because of it we had a very cool theme to talk about after homework. :wink: We became friends.
When that actor did a musical of the same project (long story) I went with her to see it. She loved it.
She really wanted to met him and I even help her try to win a chance to do it and I also help her writing a fan letter to send him.

Then a few months later a chance of meeting him was open.
I took it.
She wanted to go with me but it was at night and she had school the next day so her mother didn't allowed her to go. She was sad. But the following day when she got to my house and I open the door.... she was all bubbly asking me: "Did you met him! Did you met him!"
I told her the story and she was excited! She wanted me to dress in the same clothes I was the day before cause I hug him and she wanted to hug him too! :D

Catherine... she was happy. Not disappointed or hurt, or sad, or mad at me or her mother.
Kids are very strong. If you explain what happen, with heart and truth... he will be happy for you! And in a while... he will move on.
Besides... that day was A chance, another may happen for him too. :wink:

Regarding your mom... Well, some people think like that. I don't agree cause kids deserve honesty and they think more than what people give them credit for.
My advice to you is simple. Take care of you!
I get it that sometimes it's second nature to try and fix things.
Trust me I know. I'm a "fixer" too...
But at one point we gotta think that, taking care of every one Else's problems, may blind you to your own. That's no good.

Smile girl! Everything will turn out fine. :) = )
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Re: Jim Carrey Heading For Breakdown

Postby Catherine » Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:19 pm

Great comforting words everyone! Its a nice feel I g to be able to connect with positive souls lift your spirit when your feeling down, or heading for a breakdown as this thread suggests Jim in question, nether here not there true untrue it can happen to anyone of us, and Ijust wanted to say, thanks :-).
Its nice to connect with other human beings to talk out your feelings like this, better than isolation let's say if I was shy or too embarrassed to do so,
It wouldn't be a bad idea to if a person was too shy to they can pretend there someone else, cause maybe that way they would feel more comfortable. Like for me most people I know don't know this is me. Hope that made sense. But any case thanks it all helps
Always trust the source of who you confide in and keeping it positive and truthful much as possible and when ever possible hope :-).
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Re: Jim Carrey Heading For Breakdown

Postby cotton » Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:17 pm

Ok I guess Jim still does talk to Jenny

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/beth-feld ... 98546.html

She read the book to Evan I guess
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Re: Jim Carrey Heading For Breakdown

Postby EvaAraujo » Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:44 pm

cotton wrote:Ok I guess Jim still does talk to Jenny

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/beth-feld ... 98546.html

She read the book to Evan I guess

For me this is one of the best interviews regarding the book that I have read.
And we have a clear definition of Boing! :D
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Re: Jim Carrey Heading For Breakdown

Postby Catherine » Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:04 am

I'm totally messed today feel odd for some reason anxiety started after the call last night can't shake it off feels like when your heart beats strangely off I just feel odd not myself its different. Feel out of place think if I talked to a pro today he could give me answers but made it worse more, maybe I need to learn transcendental meditation, these phyciatrist make me feel naked worse feeling disconnected I think not suicidal just feel, I don't belong here and more stuff
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Re: Jim Carrey Heading For Breakdown

Postby fluffy » Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:29 am

First of all have you checked with a medical dr? Your symptoms might indicate a problem with your thyroid. Secondly i know you're on a super healthy but also restricted diet, you might need a full blood profile to make sure everything is in balance.......it's not uncommon for vitamin and mineral imbalances to cause symptoms of anxiety and depression.....hormones will also play havoc with your moods and feelings.....well worth having a full profile done.
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Re: Jim Carrey Heading For Breakdown

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:00 am

Personally, I think we should close
this post.
If the post closes
maybe that will shut the above
comment down and stop feeding
the imagined fire.
It's up to Tommy though,
it's your shot now.
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Re: Jim Carrey Heading For Breakdown

Postby Catherine » Wed Oct 23, 2013 4:12 am

Yes I agree CJ
When we talk about what we don't want or negative thoughts, we create them invite and attract. Blood work is perfect fine I will be fine. Soon working on it thanks
Cat :-)
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Re: Jim Carrey Heading For Breakdown

Postby fluffy » Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:21 am

that's good Catherine.....i'm just thinking of you hon....... :wink:
yeah i've locked this thread....... :D
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