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by TNPihl » Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:52 pm
By Nicola WestLast week Jim Carrey posted this cryptic tweet, together with a photo- I was feeling down about life'n'love. Then I met a woman named Ammachi and she gave me back my smile. Darkness can not compete with her. ;^)The background of the picture was the Californian convention for the spiritual guru Ammachi held on June 10-14 in Los Angeles where Ammachi held 2 days of a public programs and a 3 day retreat at the LAX Hilton. Thousands of people attended to hear her blessings and receive her darshan. Mātā Amṛtānandamayī Devī (born as Sudhamani Idamannel on 27 September 1953), primarily known simply as Amma ["Mother"], is a Hindu spiritual leader and guru, who is revered as a saint by her followers. She is widely respected for her humanitarian activities. She has been described as "The Hugging Saint" 
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by EvaAraujo » Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:34 pm
That is so good. I'm glad meeting her has help him. We could use more spiritual enlightenment.
I'm a guardian of the spark... I'm a God damn and proud good fan... and I love it! = )>

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by JimCrazy » Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:09 pm
Good to see Jim !! She is a well known spiritual leader in India. Jim should spread his spiritual and life experiences through a book. Hope he writes an autobiography! It has the potential to inspire many people out there.

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by Catherine » Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:41 am
I love love love this so much!!!! i AGREE, he is already like a Saint In India I know some people that say they are his deciples!!! in fact one person emailed me on twitter that he and Jesus Christ are the same to him, i know what he means. He said to me, that in India JC has many deciples,i didnt ask further on that, and this was months ago. you see people in other countries, see something special about Jim and that he is no ordinary actor, he stands out, he is like has a higher calling spiritually speaking, he is drawn to people like Ammachi, and Mother Theresa, i remember when he drew a picture of MT, and it was so precise. and less we not forget, that amazing work of feeding hungry people and teaching them how to grow rice? Better U foundation and that he mentioned on a video i seen the other day that he is facinated with Jesus Christ always has been, its all good 
if at all things seem or appear to fail, just remember that 'LOVE WINS"

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by Canadian Jayne » Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:25 am
It's true, when you're down go out and do something Be around people that lift you up He met Ammachi That's very good Sometimes we need others to help lift us up I have family/friends who I go see and stay with when I need a spiritual shot in the arm And I truly appreciate them they are like our back up I have my favorite pictures in my room of Jesus and when I wake up it help me to remember to pray The "feed my sheep" one and the "I would gather you as a hen gathereth he chicks" where he's sitting down on a mountain looking over Jerusalem

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by Catherine » Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:43 pm
Canadian Jayne wrote:It's true, when you're down go out and do something Be around people that lift you up He met Ammachi That's very good Sometimes we need others to help lift us up I have family/friends who I go see and stay with when I need a spiritual shot in the arm And I truly appreciate them they are like our back up I have my favorite pictures in my room of Jesus and when I wake up it help me to remember to pray The "feed my sheep" one and the "I would gather you as a hen gathereth he chicks" where he's sitting down on a mountain looking over Jerusalem
omg i love that!!! it reminds me of James, feeding his sheep in Haiti...and i can vision him in the future somehow, sitting on a mountain looking over Jerusalem OMG I cant belive you said that,,,wow, its like God sending messages everywhere, thank you beautiful you!!!!!! you are also amazing!! thats it
if at all things seem or appear to fail, just remember that 'LOVE WINS"

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by Canadian Jayne » Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:34 pm
I love how positive you are Catherine, thanks for being you Thanks for your brightening, enlightening words

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by Catherine » Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:21 am
Canadian Jayne wrote:I love how positive you are Catherine, thanks for being you Thanks for your brightening, enlightening words
Omg that so sweet, I was gonna say you too then I thought that's cuz were and I'm gonna say it slowly for emphasis then once again CANADIAN, I'm having a Jim caged moment , dam out correct ah a Jim Carrey, moment . Yes I am having a Jim Carrey moment if I keep this up  I'm gonna start to look like him, wait some days I think I do look like jc ,,like when I straighten, my hair its that Steve grey look. Magical ..he does look good but ay? 
if at all things seem or appear to fail, just remember that 'LOVE WINS"

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by Catherine » Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:43 pm
that is so sweet it brought tears and a smile and a feeling in my heart! thank you God thank you for sharring such beauty and love through beautiful people like her James you are truly blessed with LOVE and peace huggs and more huggs Catheirne
if at all things seem or appear to fail, just remember that 'LOVE WINS"

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