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Beauty VS Violence

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Beauty VS Violence

Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue Jul 24, 2012 2:20 pm

As I watched the recent NASA above the earth video
I could feel how important it is to preserve the
beauty this earth gives us.

Recently I've seen the opposition from even childrens video
games that promote fighting

Although sometimes defense is necessary

Agression and hurting others just for the fun of it or
for selfish unkind purposes, even anger is not, in order to end violence
we have to start with ourselves then assist to bring it forth
for others, just like a snowball gathers snow.

I believe everyone needs some kind of anger management training,
we all have to learn to control it, by saying how we feel and have
someone to bounce off those feelings to and find out how we can deal with anger in possitive ways.

As a grandma I can share with my children and grchildren the
imporance of helping those around us and each other and how
to creatively and kindly encourage a "No violence" resolution.
Perhaps the question is
"How do we deal and manage the terrorism within"
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Canadian Jayne
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Re: Beauty VS Violence

Postby fluffy » Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:19 pm

wow, food for though CJ :D it sounds as if we're from the same school of thought..... :D
and there's different types of aggression such as passive aggro.......i try to be as laid back as possible but it's easy to internalise aggression and take it out on ourselves........we need to be more forgiving of others AND ourselves.... :D
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Re: Beauty VS Violence

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:26 am

Absolutely agree,
I too verbally downsize myself often
and find I need to give myself more credit
the hard thing is I realize I am getting older
and not able to do the things that I did when I
was younger but I guess a person just have to do
the best that they can, that's all ya can do!
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Canadian Jayne
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