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by DarkoCPA » Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:40 am
Ok I have a question and it is random, wierd and more you think about it the wierder it gets.
Does anyone ever have nightmares about Jim? But actually enjoys it so it isn't exactly a nightmare its like a pleasent dream but would be a nightmare to most people.
I read on here that most people when they dream of Jim its cute and adorable but I have been having nightmares recently for 3 nights in a row about Jim ripping my flesh and draining the blood out of me. Most people would hate that but I enjoy it so much I get this pleasurable feeling shooting inside my body. I usually just dream of this just once a month but the dreams are getting worse. And are coming more often.
I had that dream last night and I almost did something to myself something really dangerous becoz when your eyes are shut your not doing it Jims doing it, its your own imagination that makes you feel like its him and I felt so much joy from it.
Has anyone ever had dreams like that? Or an even better question does anyone feel joy from having nightmares of Jim? These dreams are actually effecting my lifestyle a little. I have noticed I'm craving for food more then usual and my friend is sort of getting worried. It was just the other day I almost bought every munchy you can think of in a supermarket. Munchies means snacks in my area just case you didn't know. And I didn't even realise what I'd bought until I was out of the shop.
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by JimChangedMe » Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:58 am
ive had nightmares involving Jim
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by EvaAraujo » Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:16 am
DarkoCPA wrote:Ok I have a question and it is random, wierd and more you think about it the wierder it gets.
Does anyone ever have nightmares about Jim? But actually enjoys it so it isn't exactly a nightmare its like a pleasent dream but would be a nightmare to most people.
I read on here that most people when they dream of Jim its cute and adorable but I have been having nightmares recently for 3 nights in a row about Jim ripping my flesh and draining the blood out of me. Most people would hate that but I enjoy it so much I get this pleasurable feeling shooting inside my body. I usually just dream of this just once a month but the dreams are getting worse. And are coming more often.
I had that dream last night and I almost did something to myself something really dangerous becoz when your eyes are shut your not doing it Jims doing it, its your own imagination that makes you feel like its him and I felt so much joy from it.
Has anyone ever had dreams like that? Or an even better question does anyone feel joy from having nightmares of Jim? These dreams are actually effecting my lifestyle a little. I have noticed I'm craving for food more then usual and my friend is sort of getting worried. It was just the other day I almost bought every munchy you can think of in a supermarket. Munchies means snacks in my area just case you didn't know. And I didn't even realise what I'd bought until I was out of the shop.
For me, personally, and don't get me wrong... but it is weird. Have you ever thought about seeing a psychology? I'm only suggesting it because they are dreams you have often and in a row.
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by DarkoCPA » Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:42 pm
I studied psychology at school and took it for my GSCE exams and I passed it. I have books at home about the subject but I don't think this has anything to do with psychology. I think this is more of the direction of S & M.
I was just curious if anyone on here felt the same way about Jim. Another question does anyone ever have visions of Jim when your alone being suggestive and summarising problems to make it easier to solve. I think this sort of relates to the dreams.
I know this can sound a bit confusing but I can understand why you would be becoz it shows you havn't been dealing wth the same thing.
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by JimChangedMe » Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:49 pm
DarkoCPA wrote:I studied psychology at school and took it for my GSCE exams and I passed it. I have books at home about the subject but I don't think this has anything to do with psychology. I think this is more of the direction of S & M.
I was just curious if anyone on here felt the same way about Jim. Another question does anyone ever have visions of Jim when your alone being suggestive and summarising problems to make it easier to solve. I think this sort of relates to the dreams.
I know this can sound a bit confusing but I can understand why you would be becoz it shows you havn't been dealing wth the same thing.
yes, i pretty much told everyone about this under the thread "Sanity Situation"
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by DarkoCPA » Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:45 pm
Thanks for looking into the situation. But it isn't exactly like your thread Sanity situation becoz no way am I going to say on here what Jim has been suggesting in my visions becoz first reason it will scare the living crap out of people seen as how everyones joyful and demands peace. Second reason it would actually drag my personal problems online which would be quite revealing and give away what I might do in my future. Third reason anyone could say I'm making this stuff up. I do believe that Jim is very effective and can attach himself onto certain people. And these visions have actually been happening for years I just been holding it in until now becoz I want to know if Jim has attached himself to somebody else.
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by fluffy » Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:13 pm
Hmmm.........i wouldn't say they're indicative of S&M because by their nature dreams are involantary, and whilst they might seem to imply one thing they usually mean another......for example if i dream i'm falling it doesn't mean i have craving to jump off a bridge......it's about the loss of control...... Because they have started to unsettle your psyche and invade your waking moments my advice would be to keep a diary of your dreams for a month......and then note down any correlations.....note any daily worries and events there may be a pattern between dreams and reality.....It sounds as though something is weighing heavily on your mind and your subconscious is trying to make sense of things....The fact that it's about Jim isn't the relevant part, it's how it's affecting your normality....... You talk about your problems being scary but y'know, your Dr will have heard pretty much everything before in some capacity and they are the best people to refer you for counselling. It might be that you need some Cognitive Behavioural Counselling to settle your thoughts.. So my advice would be to try a diary for a month and if needed give your Dr a call...there may be a medical rather than psychological cause...........
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by DarkoCPA » Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:17 am
hmmm i like the way you say that. Its a lot to read. But you do know that people do S & M for a living and they don't take no medication or see counselling instead they get payed tons of money.
I think you do aim to keep the website quiet about the subject even if it does involve Jim so i guess that you don't feel the same way. I have menchioned before I have kept it a secret until now and your encoraging me to keep it a secret again but does that really solve anything. The answer is no not really. Oh and I do keep a diary in fact I have many but most of them are empty becoz if I wanted to remember something about my day I would prefer it to be a photograph instead of paragraphs of my messy hand-writing.
Have you ever tried dreaming of Jim making you in pain. You never know you might actually like it. And if you do would that mean you might need councelling too.
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by fluffy » Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:57 am
LOL.......i can't go deeper into things on JCO Angel because it's a PG13 site i'm afraid........sorreee.....
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by DarkoCPA » Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:35 am
fluffy wrote:LOL.......i can't go deeper into things on JCO Angel because it's a PG13 site i'm afraid........sorreee.....
No one on here is 13. But it doesn't matter becoz you don't feel what I feel in my situation so you can't help me which means there is no point contining this with you.
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by Canadian Jayne » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:51 am
I don't have self destructive dreams, but the other day I had a comedic dream which involved my dad (He's been long gone-passed over several years ago) This was a first, I always pray for nice dreams I hate waking up from a nightmare, I'm usually crying then.
You say you like the self destructive dreams, do you have a lot of negative thought?
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by fluffy » Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:55 am
Unfortunately we don't have the means to fully vet folks ages so we have to go by the PG13 rule just in case......and it's not that we don't want to help, it's because none of us are psychiatrists, we're not qualified to delve into your issues Angel....we don't want to end up doing more harm than good..... There are specialist sites on the net though......you could see what they come up with?
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by DarkoCPA » Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:08 pm
fluffy wrote:Unfortunately we don't have the means to fully vet folks ages so we have to go by the PG13 rule just in case......and it's not that we don't want to help, it's because none of us are psychiatrists, we're not qualified to delve into your issues Angel....we don't want to end up doing more harm than good..... There are specialist sites on the net though......you could see what they come up with?
Thanks for letting me know that you don't understand. Its better off that you didn't look into it becoz there no point reading something from somebody who has no idea what there talking about. I was only curious of who knows what. It was just curiousity no more. Oh and you menchion issues. These dreams ain't issues to me I enjoy them. I was just wondering if they should be an issue. But obviously your the wrong person to ask.
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by Canadian Jayne » Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:36 pm
If you're asking us if it's an issue, perhaps subconsciously you have some self doubt as to whether it is a good thing or not, otherwise you would not have asked in a forum.
Perhaps you are worried about what other's think, you're the one who has to live with yourself and you're right we are not professionals.
Sometimes the professionals don't even know, if they did they'd prevent suicides and they wouldn't happen.
But alas,even doctors experiment on their patients sometimes and are subject to error (i wonder how they feel when they say "ooops, I shouldn't have said or done that) hopefully it isn't a decision on life and death. We are all subject to human error, sad but true.
There is only one person, the saviour, who always made the right decision, we can only try to follow His example and try to understand things as He did. And that's my sermon for the day!
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by fluffy » Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:09 pm
lol.......for the record Angel i DO have considerable professional training and experience in a psychological capacity, i also have more letters after my name than actually in my name but this site is not the appropriate place to discuss your issues..........it's just a wee Jim Carrey fan site....there are sites dedicated to helping folk like yourself... You have our support and compassion but we're not the place to come for advice.....
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