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Celebrating a Jim Carrey Christmas!

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Celebrating a Jim Carrey Christmas!

Postby indy-jones » Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:14 pm

Since the holidays are coming up, I thought I might ask any of you Jim fans how would you celebrate a Carrey-related holiday season. Do you just watch his two Christmas movies (The Grinch and A Christmas Carol), or just go all out with friends and family?

Me, I like to watch the movies over and over again during the duration of the holidays. With The Grinch, I usually watch the theatrical version on DVD, watch the extended TV version on ABC, and listening to the entire soundtrack on CD.
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Re: Celebrating a Jim Carrey Christmas!

Postby fluffy » Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:30 pm

no idea.....lol......i'll go with the flow and watch whatever grabs me at the time.... :D
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Re: Celebrating a Jim Carrey Christmas!

Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:33 am

First, I take out my Grinchy Christmas tree ornament
(haven't done that yet)
So I haven't started probably 12 days before Christmas

Still trying to figure out what to do for my kids this Christmas.
I have 4 children some rec'd different items hence(4)
This is what I did in 2010:
12 Days of Christmas from Mom

On the first day of Christmas my mother gave to me
A Rice Krispie Christmas Tree(Tuesday, Dec 14/2010)

The second day of Christmas my mother gave to me two Special Messages - Message from Pres. Monson and "Mary's Lullaby Song"

On the Third day of Christmas my mother gave to me
Three Family Photos (Thursday, Dec 16/2010)

On the Fourth day of Christmas my mother gave to me Four Kinds of Donuts- Two were hand delivered
Two Rec'dLater $5.00Tim Card 4 donuts(Friday, Dec 17/2010)

On the Fifth day of Chistmas my mother gave to me Five
telephone rings (1- rec'd 5,1- 3, 1-2,1-Online)(Saturday, Dec 18/2010)
Some of them picked up the phone before the rings finished

On the Sixth day of Christmas my mother gave to me six pieces of Pie(1)
Jingle Bells&Toblerone(6Kinds)(1)
(2)- Six Fruity PackagesDec19/2010

On the Seventh day of Christmas my mother gave to me
several Swans Marching with Several Pipers(Google - Annual Swan Parade - 1 minute sent google address for them to see online

On the Eigth day of Christmas my mother gave to me
Eight Reeces Peanut Butter Cups Dec21/2010

On the Ninth day of Christmas my mother gave to me
Nine ladies dancing(reduced the files in order to send)
Highland Dancing footage I took

on the Tenth day of Christmas my mother gave to me
Ten Reasons why she loves us(kids)Letter to each one Dec23/2010

On the Eleventh Day of Chrismas my mother gave to me
11 Candles shining(2)
Tie with 11 Animation characters on it(2)Dec24/2010

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas my mother gave to me
Twelve Kinds of Candy Dec25/2010

I think it was pretty successful, they didn't complain
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Re: Celebrating a Jim Carrey Christmas!

Postby JimChangedMe » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:47 am

welp, I usually watch Grinch and Christmas Carol back to back, and now i have Mr. Popper's Penguins as well! :D
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Re: Celebrating a Jim Carrey Christmas!

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:37 am

I just came back from a Church Christmas Party
All four of my grandchildren came
It was excellent to have them all together
I was able to get pictures of them with Santa
A few were wary of this Big Guy in a Red Suit
with a Big White Beard, but all in all it worked out well.

There was a skit where Santa was mistaken for a robber
and some of the kids were hitting him with pillows,
my 3 year old grandchild was horrified, the face
wiped over with fear and the child automatically
went into flight mode

I had to keep saying they
"they are just pretending and it was OK, it was just a story".
Eventually a realization came that it was a story and
this wasn't the real Santa and the kids were just

I wonder if Jim is able to get some good pics of his
grandson, I wonder
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