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Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

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Filming September 24 - November 2013

Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby chips and dip » Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:59 pm

As far as Two and a Half Men, I don't think it is as good as it was when the kid was really young in the earlier seasons, but I do think it is better than the last couple of seasons with Charlie Sheen.

Honestly, after Chelsea left there wasn't anything to root for anymore.
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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:19 am

Whaaaat!We didn't get the
writing job!
Did we ask for too much?
Was it the Car? Sorry won't necotiate on that one.

We have some great ideas people,
the fans would make a great writing team.

How can we convince them?
If we do a sing and dance would that work?
What about an idea preview...

oh well, I guess we're out of the loop...
fellow fans... don't say I didn't try...

next time lets ask for more perks.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby fluffy » Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:26 pm

lmao..........that's hilarious..... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:32 pm

I'm working now with some people who have
excellent come backs, must be the Irish heritage here,
the humour is so good, it must be rubbing off on me.

Do you notice when you around happy humourous people
it sure makes a difference in your day
especially when ya can look at the humour in
error or negative things and bring it back to positive

I enjoy being around people like that. :D :lol:
Not mean humour but funny humour
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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:29 am

I wonder what's happening on this
movie so far,
any updates on it's progress?

I wonder......
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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:44 am

This quote is taken from nickshell.com

For some reason they used this example to explain relationships

Re: Jeff Daniels

In one of the greatest comedies of all time, Dumb and Dumber, there is a scene where Harry (Jeff Daniels) explains the reason for his recent break-up. Harry tells Lloyd (Jim Carrey) that his ex claimed he never listened to her and as he puts it, “some other stuff too but I wasn’t really paying attention”. There is a reason this example is so relatable and not too much of a stretch. Often when men are spending time with women, they forget to flip the Switch. The Switch from Man Mode to Woman Mode.

I thought this thought quite interesting

An example of real relationships and taking it from
Dumb and Dumber how very interesting. :shock:

And they called Dumb and Dumber one of the "greatest comedies of
all time" wow! NOw that's a compliment..

So what's happening with the sequel to
"one of the greatest comedies of all time" I still wonder!
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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby fluffy » Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:22 am

yeah the sequel has a lot to live up to, it's going to be compared to the first film and the critics will be absolutely savage if it doesn't meet the same standard/expectations....
The pressure will be immense to pull this one off ....but if it works it will be spectacular..... :D
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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:48 pm

But you know, this could be a real amazing production
and funny..
These two characters would be living the life
that the Baby Boomers today are living and I
tell ya, we are in tumultuous times and seeing
how these two could survive through what
the BB's are surviving now can be pretty hilarious,
heart wrenching and dramatic, adventurous very
similar to what happened in the original but
different, we are in different times with the
change of technology, how would these two
deal with the new tech
Issues that we deal with everyday-
1) Change in technology almost on a daily basis, try and do
a job search almost every few weeks there's a new program to
2) How would they deal with the economic crunch-Survive on
savings that are no longer there due to shaddy investors
3) Kids are grown now, don't want to take your advice, fast as
rabbits, while we feel slower than turtles-but we get there
4)Who of the two is the leader now?
5) Their kids would be grown and on own or Still living at home
and telling parents what to do
6) Difference between kids standards and parents(traditional)
7) They may be grandparents, what would that be like for them
8) Foods are different, services different,entertainment different
9) Hospitals different,weather different, cars & transportation differnt
10)Communication & media different

I had a dumb thing happen this week, it would be so good for this
movie. I've been laughing at myself on this one for the last few days.
I even took a picture to record it for history. Interestingly, I learned
something from the experience.
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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby -->Blunt<-- » Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:49 pm

As I said, the hardest part will be to get the same style. Therefore it must be like the first one and not like many comedies are today. I would like that but I fear they would not do it if they were to make that movie. Nevertheless I would probably enjoy it, of course, as far as Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels are the main cast again.

Canadian Jayne wrote:I wonder what's happening on this
movie so far,
any updates on it's progress?

I wonder......

I asked Jim a little while ago via Twitter but - surprise - he did not answer :oops: . Although I really can ceap a secret :D .
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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby fluffy » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:04 pm

lol........we all can.......but i doubt Jim gives a crap about us mere mortals.......lol....... :D
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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby EvaAraujo » Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:52 am

fluffy wrote:lol........we all can.......but i doubt Jim gives a crap about us mere mortals.......lol....... :D

I think it's hard to reply back. I mean, can you imagine how many mentions he gets a day? For the people he does reply to, they are just lucky to say what he felt like answering at the precise moment he looks at the mentions... Lol
Pure luck.

I reply to him a couple of times and I'm gonna continue doing it...
Do I want an answer? Yes
Am I excepting one? Nope
Will I be sad/angry if I don't get one? Nope
I just wanna say something when I feel I need to and now with internet and social network like twitter, actors can have the feedback in a more direct way and us (fans) can literraly text our favorite actors what we feel like saying...
I mean, 5 years ago that was unthinkable! Send a text message to an actor? No way! But with twitter you can do it (it's different of course but still).

I feel thankful that I have the chance.
Besides I'm always surprise to find how much he's willing to share and I thank him for it.

Altough I wonder how cool it could have been if twitter existed since In Living Color...
So many cool pictures so many words that would touch our hearts. :)
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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:10 am

I feel pretty lucky,
he answered with a scrabble game
and the way he did it was so creative,
I wouldn't have thought of that
I've never sent a message by scabble by video
But he did, so he does answer
on his time, in his way
I think that's pretty good
He does what he can, when he can
That's all anyone can ask for
don't you think?
Technology has changed,
it can be for better or for worse
Almost like a communications marriage
Hmmmm :shock: Very Interesting
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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby lspearman » Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:51 am

Jim seems to be good man. For the people he does reply to yes I would say they are very lucky. I can certainly see how some girls might would think it really meant something to him if he replied to them after all how cool would that be???? But like fluffy said I doubt Jim gives a crap about us mere mortals.... :(
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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby DarkoCPA » Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:09 pm

Jim is a comedian. Comedians pull off gimmicks. Jim isn't going to take Twitter seriously just like he doesn't take anything in his life seriously. To be a comedian your not meant to take life seriously therefore Jim doesn't want to be taken seriously.

It might hurt people but thats what comedians are they avoid seriousness. People question Jim so much. But Jim isn't that unpredictable I wonder if anyone has ever thought of having a conversation with Jim even if it means just using your imagination. In order to feel a little more satisfied with your question.

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Re: Dumb and Dumber Sequel Hires Writers

Postby -->Blunt<-- » Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:41 pm

Of course he often is not serious when twittering or in other ways communicating with the world but I'm pretty sure that he takes much in his life seriously. Being a comedian is a profession and not a way of life, although the really good comedians like Jim seem to be not extremely serious in everything they do apart from work and so it's more authentic when they make a joke.

@Eva: Full ack. It's not that he only replies to those guys he wants to reply but rather to those comments of who knows how many he gets a day, that jump into his eyes and which he then values worthy for a reply. He surely often just checks the last ten or so comments that were made when he opens Twitter. I do it the same way with the lads I follow, hehe. I follow too much people and don't have the time to read everything they tweet.
And I also find it very cool that nowadays we have a change to communicate to celebrities. I also tweet when I have something to say, even if it's just a joke, and withoug expecting a reply. But there are also a few other actors who retweeted my tweets and answered to me. And since I usually don't expect something like this, it's always a very positive surprise.
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