Canola (aka Rapeseed)
Why do they call it a "Vedgetable Oil"?
It's not a vedgetable.
For those of us who have a sensitivity to this
HOw many people are sensitive to Canola....
the consumer suffers, you never know if you're
getting the Canola, the sunflower oil or the corn oil
because they list all three,
very frustrating, I have to real labels and even the
labels can't identify what you are eating.
I wonder how many are sensitive to this oil
I end up running to the lu after eating this then
have stomach pains, very frustrating
Do doctors even acknowledge the problem?
Why is it put in so many foods??
I wonder, even the main seed can be toxic
and this sounds odd to me even the name sounds
off, I think of my stomach's being ravaged and there's
nothing left for it to make it recover...
I wonder what can restore that
"I will survive" feeling