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Top 5 Funniest Scenes From Dumb and Dumber

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Top 5 Funniest Scenes From Dumb and Dumber

Postby jimliker » Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:29 pm


“Big Gulps huh…Well, see ya later.”
A tribute to one of the funniest movies ever made…a masterpiece in comedy and chemistry. Proof you don’t really have to go in the toilet (although they did in one scene) with your humor to make someone LOL! Most don’t have time to sit down and watch an entire classic, so here are a select few clips that will have you remembering why Jim Carrey is funny and how Jeff Daniels surprised us all.

5. “Didn’t Even See It Coming”
Hahaha…funniest thing is he was only supposed to get the bare essentials, and comes walking back with a oversized cowboy hat. Apparently they love ths scene in Holland as well.

4. “Pepper Scene”
So funny…”Pills are good!”

3. “Where Did You Get That”
Hahahha….”I’m only human Harry”

2. “Our Pets Heads Are Falling Off”
The ending to the #5 on this list and a turning point in the movie.
Haha Lloyd whispers; “His head fell off?”(casually, like it’s a common way to go)

1. “Lloyd’s Dream Sequence”
The reason this is so funny is because this is how Lloyd imagines a perfect day in his head. Hahahaha, center of attention at the party is a fantasy for him. And he is wearing a turtleneck.

Jim Carrey in a near perfect comedic performance. And his name is Lloyd Christmas. Jeff Daniels as the more level-headed wing man with equal unintelligence. So funny!
This Farrelly Brothers’ original was full of so many funny scenes, so here are a few more that could have easily made the list…

Some Honorable Mentions:

“Snow Fight”
“Those are IOUs”
“Landed on Moon”
“I Hate Goodbyes”


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Postby chips and dip » Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:18 am

Greatest movie ever!
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Postby fluffy » Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:25 am

Absolutely............lol............there's not been anything to match it since.............lol..... :lol: :lol:
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Postby lammy » Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:53 pm

I liked the one where they are slurping a slurpy... :lol:
When the bus full of girls stop and they refuse the ride... :lol:
Am sure there are others, but yeah I agree... toilet humor is not a genious thing... :D
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Postby Jim Carrey Fan 4Lyfe » Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:43 am

lammy wrote:I liked the one where they are slurping a slurpy... :lol:
When the bus full of girls stop and they refuse the ride... :lol:
Am sure there are others, but yeah I agree... toilet humor is not a genious thing... :D

the toilet humor was just as funny as the rest of the movie (IMO) my mom didn't like it but I did.
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Postby BigFanJimCarrey23 » Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:23 am

is that a pic of Jim Carrey with his finger up? :shock:
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Postby fluffy » Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:52 am

I gotta say the cut scene in the R dvd where Jim is howling into jeffs shoulder......and when jeff talks to the bird........i was literally legless with laughter........ :lol:
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Postby Happygal » Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:12 am

Dumb & Dumber is one of my favorite movies! My best friend and I nick-named ourselves Harry and Lloyd (I'm Lloyd of course) because of this movie. We've been using these names for the past 8 years now.

It's really hard to narrow it down to just five scenes, but I can try.

1. The scene where they are getting ready for the party. Whenever Lloyd
acts like the barber slit his throat by mistake!

2. Definately the scene when Harry says that Petey's head fell off!

3. When Lloyd is in the lobby bar waiting for Mary...that undercover cop is
being so annoying.

4. When Mary, Lloyd and Harry are being held hostage. The argument
between Harry and Lloyd is hilarious!

5. The scene where Harry and Lloyd are fighting after they arive at Aspen,
and Harry tries to throw the suitcase into the pond. "Harry! Your hands
are freezing!"
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Postby Romy » Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:52 pm

I thought the scene where Lloyd 'poisons' Harry because he's jealous is fantastic, the look on Jim's face is just priceless! Like pure evil satisfaction!

It's funny because years later I met someone, still run into him frequently, who not only looks like Lloyd, but is also quite... 'intellectually challenged' AND his name is L. Christmas (won't give him the embarassment of exposing his full name but it's not Lloyd)!!
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Postby mysticwryter » Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:16 am

Ok.....I got some.

#5: "Head caught in the limo window scene"- yeah it was a small scene but it was really funny.

#4: "We landed on the moon!" Wouldn't he had figured that out already since he lived during that time; such a off-the-wall scene.

#3 "The hot pepper scene". The mustard and ketchup to cool down your mouth...it does work! I never thought of it until I tried the Steak&Shake peppers....WOW, that's hot!

#2 "The Chianti scene" Harry and Lloyd are walking down the street in Aspen and find a girl walking by while talking about showing a little class...I found that these type of people actually exist...and it makes it even funnier!

#1 "Samsonite...I was way off!" Wow..I didn't know how bad these guys were until that scene. I laughed until it hurt. My friend Shawn and I would quote that and use it as an inside joke when we were trying to figure out something so simple!!
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Re: Top 5 Funniest Scenes From Dumb and Dumber

Postby astarothstein » Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:54 am

Mine favourite one is when Jimmy Stewart grabs Katherine Hepburn, whose face and throw it through the door, Philadelphia Story, Jack Lemmon dance grew mouth Some Like It Hot..another one would be Jeff Daniels as Harry in Dumb and Dumber, taking a HUGE diahrrea after drinking some "Turbo Lax"..
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Re: Top 5 Funniest Scenes From Dumb and Dumber

Postby mysticwryter » Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:57 pm

Oooh......it was funny to a point then I started to feel bad for Harry. All he wanted to do is just stop his nervousness and then Lloyd decided to put ex-lax in his coffee. What a Jerk yet we still love Jim!!!
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