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What makes Jim so unique and compelling to you as an actor ?

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What makes Jim so unique and compelling to you as an actor ?

Postby KL70 » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:07 am

What (humorously and/or seriously) makes Jim so unique and
compelling to you as both a person and actor, compared to
other (similarly aged, younger, older, or deceased) male
actors, whom you also admire ?
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Postby fluffy » Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:30 am

Well, for me there's a depth to Jim that most current actors don't have.....he really does seem to lay his soul bare in his roles, even his comedys have an element of that.
He's also the most versatile and multi talented actor around....he can act in ALL genres, he is an incredible singer and proved he is a fantastic writer and performer and one of the smartest men in Hollywood.
The fact that he's so smart and willing to take risks and try new stuff keeps him fresh unlike his Hollywood contemporaries who all seem to be stuck intheir genres.
As far as comedy actors go Jim still tops them but i do like Will Ferrell and Jack Black. His serious acting surpasses most of his peers who are quite one dimensional for me and if he'd been around 50 years ago i'm sure he'd have been elevated to Hollywood GOD aka Paul Newman status.....

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Postby Rosita » Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:18 pm

I don't have an answer for this question...it' s the same when you like/love someone and your friend come and ask you: "why you like him?" you can't reply to that, and if you can then you don't like/love this person truly.
It's the same here with Jim, I dont know really why I like his movies or why I think he's a good actor, as well as my mom can't explain why she doesn't like him, I asked her...50 times maybe? and she always replied: "because I don't like him!". There's no reason to like or not a person, you just do or not.
As well I can't compare him with other actors I also admire, because for me they are all goods, and I admire them all[/b]
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Postby BigFanJimCarrey23 » Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:03 am

#2wonderful actor makes me cry laugh so hard i some times i go in my panst lol

#3 he is a man that if you talk to him he will understand
I'm in LOVE with him and I Feel Fine
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Postby Countess2 » Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:55 am

Everyone in my family likes Jim, he's one of my favourites. But what interests and compells me about him is that he's able to be both funny AND serious. And unlike some actors who start off doing comedies and then move on to more serious roles- which btw is called Tom Hanks Syndrome which is named after Tom Hanks (who is my LEAST favourite actor)- Jim does it rather well. He's one actor who can be both funny and serious.

I have seen the Cable Guy on tv and I loved it- I also own it on DVD now as well as The Truman Show which facinates me.

I also have the Number 23 which I think is actually rather cool.

Sure people worry that Jim's career is going to end up like Robin Williams but he's only doing what he does best.
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