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Andy Kaufman Faked It

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Andy Kaufman Faked It

Postby kaufmanfakedit » Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:44 pm

Did you know it has been written that Andy Kaufman spoke with no less than 11 people about wanting to fake his death?
He spoke of faking his death as early as 1980 (4 years prior to his "real death").
He wrote a screenplay that has the main character die of lung cancer at Cedar Sinai Hospital then turn out to really be alive. Andy Kaufman "died" of lung cancer at Cedar Sinai hospital just like in the script. A database search of Andy Kaufman's Social Security Number reports it as still active.
This info was taken from Andy Kaufman Lives at http://www.andykaufmanlives.com

Kaufman Fakedit is an international non-profit matrix with the goal of letting the world know that we believe Andy Kaufman really faked his death and is worthy of legendary status. We can be found at http://www.geocities.com/kaufmanfakedit

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Postby carreyd away » Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:01 pm

Somewhere right now Andy & Elvis are hanging out together, talking trash and rockin' out
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