In trying to build a place where various people from various backgrounds in politics, beliefs, and tastes could get together and speak their minds. I came up with a message board of my own. I wanted debates. I wanted free speech, I wanted poetry and reviews of literature, theories, philosophy, politics, history, music, everything! I thought I bit off more than I could chew... I was wrong. And thus came into being.
I'm trying to push for diversity in a place where stimulating conversation abounds. Where people can express their thoughts and ideas without being scoffed at or disrespected. A place where you can get angry about current affairs or admire authors and musicians. Praise what the governments are up to or criticize them. Ultimately, this is a place to have fun. Not unlike the fun we all have here at JCO. A place where you can meet interesting people from anywhere in the world, and find that getting along isn't really all that hard even in the midst of disagreement, becasue when it all comes down to it we share a common bond... our humanity. Debate. Laugh. Joke. Write. Share. And offer insight... join our community at Verisimilitude Weekly!