i see the 'E' channel has just started a new show called 'Streets of Hollyweird' which shows paps hounding celebs and stars........
Geez i was shocked at the way the paps act. Surely the programme will make it even worse for their poor prey? They really are like a pack of rude, baying hounds . I can totally understand why stars like Jim choose to keep a low profile.
I know the British paps have a bad reputation but the Hellywood ones have really stolen that crown now..........(....our press are more interested in bugging everyones phones ......lol....)
Do you think celebs would get away with using a supersoaker pump action waterpistol on them??......they could keep one in their car and surprise them all.........lol......it would hardly be assault would it??.......lol....
lol....you can almsot see Jim saying 'make my day.............punks' to the paps
any thoughts folks?...........