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Anyone done a juice detox?

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Anyone done a juice detox?

Postby fluffy » Mon May 04, 2009 12:35 pm

I've bought a juicer and i'm looking for some tasty juice ideas..... :D
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Postby chips and dip » Mon May 04, 2009 1:17 pm

Uh... okay. :lol:
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Postby Rosita » Mon May 04, 2009 3:34 pm

Ouh! I've some juices' recipes but I'm not sure if you'll like them or not :roll:

I like carrot & melon juice (with ice in summer), banana, strawberry & peach, coconut & pineapple with mint, kiwi & apple (with honey), and tropical juice (mango, pineapple, lime, brown sugar and ice)

All of them are really tasty :wink:
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Postby fluffy » Mon May 04, 2009 8:20 pm

they sound great................i plan on juice for breakfast, a smoothie for lunch and soup for dinner with a probiotic youghurt and berries for dessert...........plus heaps of water throughout the day........ :D
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Postby Rosita » Tue May 05, 2009 1:28 pm

Do you like Gazpacho??? it's soooooooooooooo tasty! you should try to eat it, it's light and really good for summer with ice, yummy
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Postby fluffy » Tue May 05, 2009 6:10 pm

ahhhh.........Spains national soup...... :D .......sounds tasty...... :D
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Postby lammy » Tue May 05, 2009 6:39 pm

Am detoxin' myself. lol. Water every day at least 5 times a day is great also, can never drink too much water. Orange juice with a lot of ice is one of my favs. :D
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Postby Rosita » Tue May 05, 2009 7:04 pm

it's very tasty Fluffy, I'll pass you the recipe so you can do it at your home, it's also ok coz you can eat as a main meal (that is probably as you know it) or you can drink it as a juice (with ice is really refreshing) but...if you don't like vegetables, you'll hate this soup/drink :lol:

Here it's the recipe:

6 ripen tomatoes (big ones is much better)
2 green pepper
1 red pepper
1 onion's heart
1 bulb of garlic (that's optional)
1 cucumber
2 bread's slices without crust and they must be of the day before (That's the optional ingredient! if you want to take Gazpacho as a soup you've to add bread, if you want to drink eat, you must not add it at least you like dense juices lol)
Salt, olive oil (always present in Spanish food), and vinegar

1. Place the slices of bread in a bowl with water and let them to be soak.
2. Peel and cut up all the ingredients (tomatoes,peppers(remove the seeds), cucumber, onion and garlic) and place them all in a bowl mixing it.
3. Add a little bit of water (just to make easier to mix the ingredients with the mixer) and using the mixer crush all the ingredients till you get a cream, then add the bread & a trickle of vinegar and mix again.
4. Add cold water (a little)
5. Use a colander to remove pepper's peel & then you can add more water to the cream (that depends if you like it more or less dense) and place the cream into the fridge (or add ice before take it)
6. when you're going to eat it, add a trickle of olive oil and mix it with the soup using the spoon.
7. If you want, you can eat the Gazpacho with some garlish (for example in my family we normally take it as a juice, so we never add garlish) but it's really tasty if you add crush hard-boiled egg and tuna on the top of the soup, or you can add toasted bread (cut up in pieces) or pepper, onion, cucumber...as you want!
:D :D I hope you like it if you decide to prove it, it's really tasty and really healthy. :D

(I'm promoting Spanish food! :lol: )
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Postby fluffy » Tue May 05, 2009 8:07 pm

sounds tasty........can it be eaten warm too? :D
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Postby Rosita » Tue May 05, 2009 9:11 pm

:roll: we always eat it cold..coz you know here's usually hot weather, but you can take it warm it too as a soup :-)

Do you understand it more or less? coz I've some problems to translate it, and I was not sure if you will be able to read it without problem
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