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my computer crashed

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my computer crashed

Postby Cheryl Anna » Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:21 am

My computer crashed a week ago last Sunday. We took it to Best Buy on Tuesday. I told him that the crash was the result of a virus: the computer had been slow for a month and some of the programs did not work. (Excuse any typos. I can hardly see the screen-it is brighter in here than i n my room, and I am upset and shaking.) Anyway, he said that probably all it needed was a system restore.
Today, I called and they said that the problem is worse than they thought. It needs a new hard drive.
I need new glasses this month-$308.00-and then, maybe, at least $200.00b for a new hard drive. I need money. Where is the money?
I just made "Who's Who in America." What an honor, but I feel weird. Here I am-no money. I thought that all the people in a book like that were rich. I lucked out getting in that book.
I have been crying about the compter (and I do apologize to you nice people. You are so nice to listen to me>) I hope to win the lottery, I've prayed to God, I've prayed to my Grandpa. It'll work out eventually-with help from my brother, but I don't know when eve ntually is. I am using my brother's computer.
In the future-I will buy anti-virus software and get all iof the windows updates(which the guy at Best Buy stongly suggested that everyone do to close the ports in your computer where viruses enter.
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no e-mail

Postby Cheryl Anna » Thu Aug 05, 2004 8:41 pm

I can not be reached by e-mail
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my e-mail is up

Postby Cheryl Anna » Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:57 pm

I found out how to access it on my brother's computer. (I am AOL and he is MSN) That's a relief-my e-mail is on contest forms and "Who's Who in America"
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Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Aug 05, 2004 10:25 pm

Sometimes I wonder who is winning out, the computer people or the public.
I use the library's, and I'm thankful I can. So many people have had
their computers break down lately. I still have my old faithful 386.
That 's just for getting things printed out or rough copies.
Computer's always seem to cost so much.
Money seems to get many of us down.
Just do the best you can.
With four kids, oft times I had very little for us to live on.
But that made me very frugal.
What seems like a disaster now sometimes turns out to be a lesson learned or a blessing in disguise.
Chin up Cheryl
at least we can talk on the Carreyline for now.
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Postby thecablegal » Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:24 am

Hey, don't worry, everything will sort itself out!

My computer is a complete pain at times... and I have a returning virus (called Trojan Horse) which my anti-virus doesn't pick up, and I keep deleting it, but it's just come back again!!!

And I'm also in your shoes with the money issues! I've just come out of a well-paid job because of illness (stress), and I'm jobless! I can't afford anything! I need a passport and a visa for America, but everything is on standby at the moment!!!

It'll be good, and stick with us JC fans, we're always here to talk to! :)

Take care of yourself,

Luv Jen xx

(P.S. You can always download anti-virus software off the internet for FREE!!! Just do a search for AVG 6.0 Anti-Virus for Windows- I assume that is your operating system! I use it, and it destroys most viruses!)
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The end is in sight

Postby Cheryl Anna » Sat Aug 07, 2004 7:35 pm

I bought a new hard drive yesterday. I bought it at Best Buy and I got a 129GB , with $50- rebates, for the same price as an 80GB (which is what the computer had.My Mom had sent me money for my birthday-so I used that. Thank God for birthdays and mothers!
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The end is in sight

Postby Cheryl Anna » Sat Aug 07, 2004 7:35 pm

I bought a new hard drive yesterday. I bought it at Best Buy and I got a 129GB , with $50- rebates, for the same price as an 80GB (which is what the computer had.My Mom had sent me money for my birthday-so I used that. Thank God for birthdays and mothers!
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Postby thecablegal » Sun Aug 08, 2004 3:37 pm

glad to hear it! :D
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I'm using my computer, again!!

Postby Cheryl Anna » Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:15 am

The ordeal is over. The computer's back, and I lucked out to get the money. All I have to do is put my poems on the computer, and I have them on back up disk.
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I'm using my computer, again!!

Postby Cheryl Anna » Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:16 am

The ordeal is over. The computer's back, and I lucked out to get the money. All I have to do is put my poems on the computer, and I have them on back up disk.

And I have Norton Utilities now.
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